Final Eco
Final Eco
Final Eco
Situation Post Independence
Classification of Industries:
Defense and strategic industries to be the exclusive monopoly of
For the basic and key industries all new industries were to be set up
by state while the old units to be run by the private entrepreneurs
Rest of the industries to remain with private ownership but subject
to overall regulation and control by government
Role of cottage and small scale industries
Policy towards foreign capital
The importance to the economy of securing a continuous increase in
Its equitable distribution
First Five Year Plan(1951-55)
Total budget: 206.8 billion
One of the objectives was to bring about industrial development taking into
account industrial resolution of year 1948, with a targeted growth rate of 7% and
GDP target growth of 2.1% per year.
GDP 3.6% per year
Improvement in
civil aviation
manufacture of fertilizers
electrical equipment
Industrial production growth rate 7.3% per year
Industrial (Development & Regulation) Act,
To give concrete shape to its industrial policy
Made licensing compulsory for new industries and
for expansion of existing industrial units.
Cornering of licensing
Unbalanced regional growth
Growth of large industrial houses
Disadvantages of First Five Year Plan
Development of only a few industries
Private industry had not much developed
Plan/Period Target Actual
First Plan(1951-1956) 7% 7.3%
Annual Plan(1967-1968) - 2%
Steel – 3613
Petroleum – 4300
Coal – 2870
Fertilizers – 2367
Heavy Engineering – 704
Iron ore - 223 7
Non-ferrous metals – 1262
Petrochemicals – 962
Paper and newsprint – 340
Cement – 421
Drugs & pharmaceuticals - 145
Textiles - 102
Electronics - 165