Industrial Policies - India
Industrial Policies - India
Industrial Policies - India
Improvement in living standards and working
conditions for the mass of the people.
Reduction in income and wealth disparities
Prevention of private monopolies and
concentration of economic power in different
fields in the hands of small numbers of
Industrial Policy Resolution 1956
Categorization of industries:
Emphasis on
producing inputs needed by a large number of
smaller units and making adequate marketing
upgrading the technology of small units.
Promoting the development of a system of
linkages between nucleus large plants and the
satellite ancillaries
Industrial Policy 1977
Emphasis on:
the development of small scale industries, the
investment limit in the case of tiny units was enhanced
to Rs.2 lakh, of a small scale units to Rs.20 lakh and of
ancillaries to Rs.25 lakh.
building buffer stocks of essential raw materials for the
Small Scale Industries for operation through the Small
Industries Development Corporations in the States
and the National Small Industries Corporation in
the Centre.
Industrial Policy 1977
Emphasis on:
Industrial processes and technologies involving
optimum utilization of energy or the exploitation of
alternative sources of energy for giving special
assistance, including finance on concessional terms.
The Industrial Policy Statement 1980
Substantial changes:
Only six industries require compulsory licensing
Only three industries reserved for the public sector
Relation of restriction on FDI: FDI up to 100 % under
automatic route for most manufacturing activities in
Special Economic Zones; FDI ceiling in pvt banking
sector up to 74%; oil exploration (100%); natural gas
and LNG pipelines (100%); telecom (74%)
Small Scale industries sector: reduced # of items
reserved from 821 (1991) to 506 (2005)
Lessons from India: