Üretim 8.2-MRP Structure
Üretim 8.2-MRP Structure
Üretim 8.2-MRP Structure
Example 2
The Firm in Example 1 produces all
items in Product A.
Using Lead times and MPS, we
construct the Gross Material
Requirements Plan as follows:
Example 2
Example 2
So far we assumed there is no
Inventory on hand.
If there is inventory on hand for a
Parent item, The requirements for the
parent item and all its components will
Example 3
Given the
following on-hand
inventory, We
construct a Net
Example 3
Net Requirements plan includes
1) Gross Requirements, 2) On hand
inventory, 3) Net requirements, 4)
Planned Order Receipt, and 5) Planned
Order Release for each item.
Example 3
We now begin with A and work
backward through the components:
Example 3
A: We need 80 units of B at week 7
because we need 40 units of A at this
week, and one unit of A requires 2 units
of B. Therefore 2 times 40 = 80.
Example 3
Example 3
Scheduled receipts are empty because
it is the products that we get from
In this example, we assume that we do
not buy any of the parts.
Example 3
Example 3
Example 3
Example 3
Example 3
This example considered only product A.
Normally, there is demand for many products.
Scheduled program of each product
contributes to the Master Schedule AND
ultimately to the Net Material Requirements
Plan (which includes all components for all
Lets combine several products into a
single plan.
Assume that product B is used in
making products of A and S.
It is also sold directly to the market.
Now we will prepare a Gross
Requirements Plan for B,
by combining the master schedules of
A,S, and B
Master schedules for A, S, and B are as
Now we will combine all three schedules AND
create Gross Requirements for B:
At period 1: we sell 10 units of B directly,
therefore we should produce 10 units B.
At period 2: we sell 10 units of B directly.
Plus, We also need 40 units of B for
producing A at period 6. Because lead time
for A is 4 periods.
At period 3: we need 40 units of B
because we will use them to produce 40
units of S at period 9.
Gross Requirements for B is as follows:
Period 1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8
Gross Req. 10 50 40 50 20
In this example, we calculated only the
gross requirements for B.
However, Remember that: