3..caliper Loggging

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Formation Evaluation (PE 210)

Caliper Logging

Dr Bijaya K Behera
School of Petroleum Technology
Caliper Log : Two Arm

Caliper Log
The mechanical caliper
measures variations in
borehole diameter with
depth (Fig. 1).
Measurements made by
two articulated arms
pushed against borehole
Arms linked to the cursor
of a variable resistance
(Fig. 2).
Lateral movement of the
arms is translated into
movements of the cursor
along the resistance, and
hence variations in
electrical output.
Variations in output are
translated into diameter
variations after simple
calibration. 3
Caliper Log

Schematic caliper tool showing the conversion of a mechanical

movement to an electrical signal using a variable resistance.
Caliper Log
Log presentations
The caliper log is printed
out simply as a continuous
value of hole diameter with
Curve is traditionally a
dashed line plotted in track 1.
Horizontal scale may be
inches of diameter or, in the
differential caliper, expressed
as increase or decrease in
hole diameter about a zero
defined by the bit size.

Presentation of the caliper log: (1), in ordinary format;

(2), in differential format. BS = bit size 5
Caliper Log: Interpretation
Increase in borehole diameter:

Two arm caliper log records mechanical response of formations to drilling.

Hole with same diameter as bit is called on gauge (Fig. 4).
On gauge holes are the target for all drilling and essentially indicate good drilling
Holes with much larger diameter than the bit are ‘caved’ or ‘washout/ breakout’.
That is, during deepening of the hole, the borehole walls cave in, are broken by the
turning drill pipe, or are eroded away by the circulating borehole mud.
Washout: Typically of unconsolidated limestone/dolomite due to solution activity.
Breakout: Typical of shales, especially when in stresses condition.
Caving can therefore have a general lithological significance (Fig. 1).
Caving is also typical of certain specific lithologies such as coals or even organic
shales (Fig. 4).
Caliper Log: Interpretation

On gauge

Consistent caving, indicated on the caliper log, over the same,

organic rich, stratigraphic level in three different wells. 7
Caliper Log: Interpretation
Decrease in borehole diameter:

Calipers may show a hole diameter smaller than the bit size.
If log has smooth profile mud-cake build-up is indicated (Fig. 5a).
This is an extremely useful indicator of permeability.
Only permeable beds allow mud cake to form.
Limits of mud cake indicate clearly limits of potential reservoir.
Mud cake thickness can be estimated from the caliper by dividing the decrease in
hole size by two (the caliper giving the hole diameter) i.e.

bit size (diam.) – caliper reading (diam.)

= mud cake thickness

Thickness may vary between tools.

Caliper of a density tool is applied harder to the formation than that of
a micro-log, the former probably causes a groove in the mud cake
and therefore gives a thinner log-derived mud cake thickness.

Caliper Log: Interpretation

Hole size diminution seen on the simple caliper. (A) Mud-cake build-up opposite
porous and permeable sandstones. (B) Tight spots in a shale sequence caused by
hole sloughing due to swelling clays. 9
Caliper Log: Interpretation
Decrease in borehole diameter (Continued):

Boreholes with a smaller diameter than the bit size but rugose are probably
sloughed (Fig. 5b).

The zones of small holes will be the ‘tight spots’ encountered during drilling or

It is at these points that tools stick or the bit gets stuck while being pulled out of the

A frequent cause of tight spots is abundant smectite (montmorillonite) in the clay

mineral mixture.

Smectite is a swelling clay which takes water from the drilling mud, expands, breaks
from the formation and sloughs or collapses into the hole.

Caliper Log: Interpretation
Decrease in borehole diameter (Continued):

One extremely important use is in the quality of logs in general: When caving is
serious the quality of log reading is impaired.
In some tools e.g. micro logs, caliper is registered because tool sensors are pad
Lack of pad contact with the formation: a problem in rugose holes, with pad-mounted
tools, is quickly seen by using the caliper.
In other tools e.g. formation density caliper reading is used for an automatic hole size
and mud-cake thickness correction / compensation.
Caving will demand inordinately large corrections to many logs and the log values
will be of little use.
It is therefore essential to look at the caliper before using any logs (Fig. 6).
However, simply attaching caliper to open hole tools such as micro logs and formation
density will generally be pessimistic in terms of hole conditions, because in oval holes
a simple caliper will naturally open to the maximum diameter of the borehole (Fig. 7).
Log measurements recorded will be made across the larger diameter, hole condition 11
itself is not as bad as may first appear.
Caliper Log: Interpretation

Poor hole conditions and caving creating zones of poor data quality where log
readings do not represent real formation values. The automatic density correction
derived from the caliper is sufficient to compensate for the large caves at around
700 m. The density and sonic logs suggest a formation change at 690 m, but the
interval is homogenous from top to bottom, being poorly consolidated clay / shales.
Caliper Log: Interpretation

Comparison between the simple caliper of the formation density tool and the
two-arm caliper of the dipmeter tool in an oval hole. The simple caliper normally
extends to the long axis in an oval hole. 13
Caliper Log : Four Arm

Caliper Log
Geometrical data from four-arm, dual-caliper tools such as the dipmeter are
presented in various formats e.g. (Fig. 8).
The two hole diameters measured by the two calipers are combined with the
directional elements of tool orientation (pad 1 azimuth), hole deviation and
azimuth of the deviation.
Calipers of the example (Fig. 8) show the geometry tool turning slowly as it
moves upwards in a persistently oval hole with a small diameter of approx. 9”
and a large diameter of approx. 11”.
Larger diameter is oriented nearly north to south as indicated by pad 1 azimuth
over the depth 0-15 m (calipers 1-3 in larger diameter).
At depth 30 m, calipers 2-4 show the larger radius (approx. 11”), calipers 1-3 the
smaller (approx. 9”).
Rotation of tool indicated by persistent change in pad 1 azimuth and explains
the caliper cross-over at depth 17 m (where both calipers show the same
diameter but the hole is still oval).
Above this, calipers 1-3 follow the larger diameter (approx. 11”),
while calipers 2-4 follow the smaller (approx. 9”). 15
Caliper Log

Borehole geometry log presentation.

Caliper Log: Interpretation
A great deal more information can be gained from dual caliper tools than from the
simple caliper tool.
Dual caliper information is generally taken from the four-arm dipmeter tool.
Using just a single caliper borehole shape cannot be interpreted.
Data from a four arm caliper however enables the shape of a hole to be
much better defined .
A hole can be seen to be ‘on gauge’ and round Fig. 9a) or oval and
‘washed out’ (Fig. 9c) or enlarged by a ‘key seat’ (Fig. 9b).
Washouts develop from general drilling wear especially in shaly zones and
dipping beds.
Keyseats are asymmetric oval holes formed by wear against the drill string
at points where the borehole inclination changes (doglegs) (Fig. 9b)
Both washouts and keyseats are general drilling phenomena, however sometimes
washout is due to solution cavity effect.
Breakouts form as a result of interaction of stresses induced by drilling and the
existing stress regime of the country rock. 17
Caliper Log: Interpretation

Diagrammatic representation of
types of borehole shape and profile
as identified on the two-arm caliper.
a. Round, in-gauge hole.
b. Key seat hole enlargement at a
c. Washout hole enlargement due
to general drilling wear/solution caving.
d. Breakout, showing characteristic
oval hole with abrupt vertical limits.

Caliper Log: Interpretation

Caliper Log: Interpretation
Small brittle fractures (spalling) occur in the borehole around a rotating bit which, if
there is unequal horizontal stress in the formation, form in a preferential direction,
that of minimum horizontal stress, Shmin (Fig. 11, a).

This is the cause of breakouts, and they indicate present day stress-field
orientation. They are independent of lithology, dip and existing fracture or joints.

On a local scale breakout studies have an importance for field development (Fig. 12).

Natural and artificial fractures are most likely to be oriented in the maximum
horizontal stress direction Shmax (i.e. normal to breakouts) (Fig. 11 b). Fracture
connection between wells during field production is then more likely in this

It is also possible that horizontal drilling will be more stable in the Shmax (maximum
horizontal stress) direction.

Caliper Log: Interpretation

Horizontal stress field relationship to borehole shape. a. Breakout formation

due to spalling during drilling, in the direction of minimum horizontal stress
(Shmin ). b. Hole enlargement along drilling induced extensional fractures
oriented in the direction of maximum horizontal stress (Shmax).

Caliper Log: Interpretation

Consistently oriented breakouts identified from dipmeter caliper data in

an offshore field, indicating the present day, horizontal stress field. Depth
of analysed interval from 2.5 to 3.5 km. Shmin = minimum horizontal
stress, Shmax = maximum horizontal stress. 22

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