Fundamentals of Business Statistics - Hypothesis

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Fundamentals of Business Statistics

Hypothesis Testing
Sampling Distribution-A Conceptual Framework

• The probability distribution of all the possible values a sample

statistic can take is called sampling distribution, of the statistic. The
key word here “sample statistic”.

• Sample mean and sample proportion based on a random sample are

examples of sample statistic(s).
Concept of Standard Error

• The standard deviation of the sample statistic called the Standard Error of
the statistic.

• The standard deviation of the distribution of the sample means is called the
standard error of the mean.

• Likewise, the standard deviation of the distribution of the sample

proportions is called the standard error of the proportion.
Sampling Distribution of Mean-Normal Population

• If X1, X2, X3,…….,Xn are n independent random samples drawn

from a Normal Population with Mean = µ and Standard
Deviation = σ, then the sampling distribution of the mean of
X1, X2, X3,…….,Xn follows a Normal Distribution with Mean = µ ,
and Standard Deviation =

is the Standard Error of the sample mean.

Central limit theorem

• The distinguishing and unique feature of the central limit

theorem that irrespective of the shape of the distribution
original distribution, the sampling mean will approach a normal
distribution as the size of the sample increases and becomes
Hypothesis - Basics
What is a statistical hypothesis?

• A statistical hypothesis is a statement about a population

parameter. It may or may not be True. The manger has to
ascertain the truth of the hypothesis.
Null and Alternative hypothesis

• A Null Hypothesis is status quo. It is so formulated that its

rejection leads to the desired conclusion which is Alternative

• Researchers and Decision makers generally want to prove the

Alternative Hypothesis.
Type I error and Type II error
Launching a Product Line into a New Market Area
• Karen, product manager for a line of apparel, wants to
introduce the product line into a new market area.
• Survey of a random sample of 400 households in that market
showed a mean income per household of $30,000. Standard
deviation for the sample of 400 households is $8,000.
• Karen strongly believes the product line will be adequately
profitable only in markets where the mean household income
is greater than $29,000. Should Karen introduce the product
line into the new market?
Karen’s criterion for decision making

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Karen’s Hypothesis

• Karen’s decision making is equivalent to either accepting or

rejecting the hypothesis:-
– The population mean household income in the new market area is
greater than $29,000

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One-Tailed Hypothesis test

• The term one tailed signifies that all values that would cause
Karen to reject H0, are in just one tail of the sampling

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Test statistic

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Identifying the Critical sample mean value –
Sampling distribution

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Karen’s decision rule

• Since the computed Z value falls in the rejection region which

is same as saying computed modulus Z value exceeds the Z
critical, reject the null hypothesis and introduce the product
line into the new market area.

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Hypothesis Testing-Inline Question
A retailer is weighing strawberries to sell as 250g punnets. A customer has
complained that strawberries he had bought previously weighed under
250g.The retailer decides to check the weight of 36 punnets. He finds that
the average weight is 248.5g. With standard deviation 4.8g. In using a
significance test to judge whether he is selling under-weight punnets,
which of the following conclusions is correct?

a) At 5% level he is selling underweight

b) At 5% level he is not selling under weight
c) At 5% level the test is inconclusive
d) A significance test is inappropriate in this case
Hypothesis Formulation Exercises
State the Null and Alternative Hypothesis for the following:
a) Is the average waiting time for the customers of Smart Supermarket at
the checkouts greater than 15 minutes?
b) Is the proportion of households owning Colour TVs in Chennai less than
c) Is the average expenditure per household on eating out significantly
higher in Bangalore than in Calcutta?
d) Two random sample surveys, conducted with two months gap between
the two, assessed public opinions on the outcome. The question that was
posed was “If the general election was going to take place tomorrow,
would you cast your vote for or against the ruling party?”
t- Test application –one sample

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Independent t-test: two sample

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Paired t Test

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Chi-Square Application

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Test of Proportion-One Sample
Salesforce ExactTarget Marketing Cloud conducted a study of U.S.
consumers that included 205 tablet owners. The study found that 134
tablet owners use their tablet while watching TV at least once per day.
(Source: “New Mobile Tracking & Survey Data: 2014 Mobile Behavior
Report,” bit.Iy/1odMZ3D.) The authors of the report imply that the
survey proves that more than half of all tablet owners use their tablet
while watching TV at least once per day.

Use the p-value approach to hypothesis testing and a 0.05 level of

significance to try to prove that more than half of all tablet owners use
their tablet while watching TV at least once per day.

Problem 9.71 from the Textbook adapted for Classroom

Discussion(Chapter 9-page 327)

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