Materi 1. Dasar Mesin CNC, Jenis Mesin CNC

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Computer Numerical Control

By: Kriswanto, S.Pd., M.T.

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Computer Numerical Control “CNC”


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• Numerical control is a method of automatically
operating a manufacturing machine based on a
code of letters, numbers, and special
• The numerical data required to produce a part
is provided to a machine in the form of a
program, called part program or CNC program.
• The program is translated into the appropriate
electrical signals for input to motors that run
the machine.

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Numerical Control - History

• The concept is credited to John Parson (1947). Using

punched cards he was able to control the position of a
machine in an attempt to machine helicopter blade.
• US Air Force teamed up with MIT to develop a
programmable milling machine (1949).
• In 1952, a three-axis Cincinnati Hydrotel milling machine
was demonstrated. The term Numerical Control (NC)
originated. The machine had an electromechanical controller
and used punched cards.
• A new class of machines called machining centers and
turning centers that could perform multiple machining
processes was developed.
• Modern NC machine has a computer on board, Computer
Numerical Control (CNC). They can run unattended at over
20,000 rpm (spindler speed) with a feed rate of over 600
ipm and an accuracy of .0001

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Advantages of CNC

- Easier to program;
- Easy storage of existing programs;
- Easy to change a program
- Avoids human errors
- NC machines are safer to operate
- Complex geometry is produced as cheaply as simple ones
- Usually generates closer tolerances than manual machines

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Computer Numerical Control (CNC)
A CNC machine is an NC machine with the added feature of
an on-board computer.

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Hardware Configuration of NC Machine
Machine Control Unit (MCU)
the brain of the NC machine.
The Data Processing Unit (DPU)
reads the part program.
The Control Loop Unit (CLU)
controls the machine tool operation.

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HAAS CNC Machines

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CNC Machines
Machining Centers, equipped with automatic tool changers,
are capable of changing 90 or more tools. Can perform
milling, drilling, tapping, boring… on many faces.

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CNC Machines
Turning Centers are capable of executing many different types
of lathe cutting operations simultaneously on a rotating part.

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CNC Controllers
The NC controller is the brain of the NC system, it controls all
functions of the machine.
• Motion control deals with the tool position,
orientation and speed.
• Auxiliary control deals with spindle rpm, tool
change, fixture clamping and coolant.

Many different types of controllers are available in the

market (GE, Fanuc, Allen-Bradley, Okuma, Bendix, …).

There are two basic types of control systems:

point-to-point and continuous path.
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Point-to-Point Tool Movements
Point-to-point control systems cause the tool to move to a
point on the part and execute an operation at that point only.
The tool is not in continuous contact with the part while it is
Drilling, reaming, punching, boring and tapping are examples
of point-to-point operations.

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Continuous-Path Tool Movements
Continuous-path controllers cause the tool to maintain
continuous contact with the part as the tool cuts a contour shape.
These operations include milling along any lines at any angle,
milling arcs and lathe turning.

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Loop Systems for Controlling Tool Movement
Open Loop System
Uses stepping motor to create movement. Motors rotate a fixed
amount for each pulse received from the MCU. The motor sends a
signal back indicating that the movement is completed. No feedback
to check how close the actual machine movement comes to the exact
movement programmed.

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Loop Systems for Controlling Tool Movement
Closed Loop System
AC, DC, and hydraulic servo-motors are used. The speed of these
motors are variable and controlled by the amount of current or fluid.
The motors are connect to the spindle and the table. A position sensor
continuously monitors the movement and sends back a single to
Comparator to make adjustments.

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Flow of Computer-Aided
CNC Processing
• Develop or obtain the 3D geometric model of the part,
using CAD.
• Decide which machining operations and cutter-path
directions are required (computer assisted).
• Choose the tooling required (computer assisted).
• Run CAM software to generate the CNC part program.
• Verify and edit program.
• Download the part program to the appropriate
• Verify the program on the actual machine and edit if
• Run the program and produce the part.

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Basic Concept of Part Programming
Part programming contains geometric data about the part
and motion information to move the cutting tool with
respect to the work piece.
Basically, the machine receives instructions as a sequence
of blocks containing commands to set machine parameters;
speed, feed and other relevant information.
A block is equivalent to a line of codes in a part program.
N135 G01 X1.0 Y1.0 Z0.125 T01 F5.0

Coordinates Special function

Block number
G-code Tool number
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Basic Concept of Part Programming
Preparatory command (G code)
The G codes prepare the MCU for a given operation, typically
involving a cutter motion.
G00 rapid motion, point-to-point positioning
G01 linear interpolation (generating a sloped or straight cut)
G06 parabolic interpolation (produces a segment of a parabola)
G17 XY plane selection
G20 circular interpolation
G28 automatic return to reference point
G33 thread cutting
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Basic Concept of Part Programming
Miscellaneous commands (M code)
M00 program stop
M03 start spindle rotation (cw)
M06 tool change
M07 turn coolant on
Feed commands (F code)
Used to specify the cutter feed rates in inch per minute.
Speed commands (S code)
Used to specify the spindle speed in rpm.
Tool commands (T code)
Specifies which tool to be used, machines with
automatic tool changer.Mechanical Engineering Department 22
CNC Machine Axes of Motion
The coordinate system used for the tool path must be identical to the
coordinate system used by the CNC machine. The standards for machine
axes are established according to the industry standard report EIA RS-267A.

Right hand rule


CNC machines milling machines can perform

simultaneous linear motion along the three
axis and are called three-axes machines.
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CNC Machine Axes of Motion

Coordinate system for a Lathe

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CNC Machine Axes of Motion
More complex CNC machines have the capability of executing
additional rotary motions (4th and 5th axes).

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CNC Machine Axes of Motion


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CNC Machine Tool Positioning Modes
Within a given machine axes coordinate system, CNC can be
programmed to locate tool positions in the following modes;
incremental, absolute, or mixed.

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Example of a part program
N001 G91 (incremental)
N002 G71 (metric)

Loading tool Rapid motion

Tool change

N003 G00 X0.0 Y0.0 Z40.0 T01 M06

Start spindle
Positioning tool at P1 Start coolant
N004 G01 X75.0 Y0.0 Z-40.0 F350 M03 M08

Linear interpolation

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Example of a part program
Moving tool from P1 to P3 through P2
N005 G01 X110
N006 G01 Y70.0
Moving tool from P3 to P4 along a straight line
and from P4 to P5 clockwise along circular arc.
N007 G01 X-40.86
N008 G02 X-28.28 Y0.0 I-14.14 J-5.0

Tool dia.=10 mm

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Example of a part program
X and Y specify the end point of the arc (P5) with respect to the
start point (P4).
I and J specify the center of the arc with respect to the start point.


N008 G02 X-28.28 Y0.0 I-14.14 J-5.0

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Computer-Assisted Part Programming
Automatically Programmed Tools (ATP) language is the most
comprehensive and widely used program. The language is based
on common words and easy to use mathematical notations
• Identify the part geometry, cutter motions, speeds,
feeds, and cutter parameter.
• Code the above information using ATP.
• Compile to produce the list of cutter movements and
machine control information (Cutter Location data file,
• Use post-processor to generate machine control data
for a particular machine. This is the same as NC blocks.

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Part Programming from CAD Database
“Integrated CAD/CAM Systems”
• In an integrated CAD/CAM system, the geometry
and tool motions are derived automatically from
the CAD database by the NC program (Pro/E,
Unigraphics, ….)
• No need for manual programming or using APT

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Integrated CAD/CAM System
• CAD and Cam (Computer Aided Manufacturing) together
create a link between product design and manufacturing.
• The CAD system is used to develop a geometric model of
the part which is then used by the CAM system to generate
part programs for CNC machine tools.
• Both CAD and CAM functions may be performed either by
the same system or separate systems in different rooms or
even countries.
• Extending the connection between CAD and CAM to its
logical limits within a company yields the concept of the
computer-integrated enterprise (CIE). In CIE all aspects of
the enterprise is computer aided, from management and
sales to product design and manufacturing.
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• CAD/CAM systems allow for rapid development and
modifying of designs and documentation.
• The 3D geometric model produced becomes a common
element for engineering analysis (FEA), machining
process planning (including CNC part programming,
documentation (including engineering drawings), quality
control, and so on.
• The coupling of CAD and CAM considerably shortens
the time needed to bring a new product to market.
• Increased productivity is generally the justification for
using CAD/CAM system.

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Product Data Management System (PDM)
Product development cycle includes activities not only
in design and manufacturing but also in analysis,
quality assurance, packaging, shipping, and
Software systems called product data management
(PDM) are available to smooth data flow among all
these activities.
Some available software; SDRC’s Metaphase,
Unigraphics’s IMAN, Computer Vision’s Optegra.
(web-enabled software).

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Electrical Discharge Machine - EDM
Die-sinking EDM systems, the electrode (cutting tool) and workpiece are
held by the machine tool. The power supply controls the electrical
discharges and movement of the electrode in relation to the workpiece.
During operation the workpiece is submerged in a bath of dielectric fluid
(electrically nonconducting). (Die-Sinking EDM is also called Sinker,
Ram-Type, Conventional, Plunge or Vertical EDM)

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EDM – Die-Sinking (Plunge)
• During normal operation the electrode never touches the
workpiece, but is separated by a small spark gap.
• The electrode (plunger) can be a complex shape, and can be
moved in X, Y, and Z axes, as well as rotated, enabling more
complex shapes with accuracy better than one mil.
• The spark discharges are pulsed on and off at a high frequency
cycle and can repeat 250,000 times per second. Each discharge
melts or vaporizes a small area of the workpiece surface.
• The amount of material removed from the workpiece
with each pulse is directly proportional to the energy
it contains.
• Plunge EDM is best used in tool
and die manufacturing, or creating
extremely accurate molds for
injection-molding plastic parts.
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• The dielectric fluid performs the following functions:
 It acts as an insulator until sufficiently high potential is
reached .
 Acts as a coolant medium and reduces the extremely high
temp. in the arc gap.
 More importantly, the dielectric fluid is pumped through
the arc gap to flush away the eroded particles between the
workpiece and the electrode which is critical to high metal
removal rates and good machining conditions.
• A relatively soft graphite or
metallic electrode can easily
machine hardened tool steels
or tungsten carbide. One of
the many attractive benefits
of using the EDM process.Mechanical Engineering Department 38
The EDM process can be used on any material that is an
electrical conductor
The EDM process does not involve mechanical energy,
therefore, materials with high hardness and strength can
easily be machined.
Applications include producing die cavity for large
components, deep small holes, complicated internal
Dimensional accuracy of ± 0.0005 in is achievable.
Minimum wall thickness: .01 inch, over 5 inch span

Feature to feature positioning: .001

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Wire EDM
Wire EDM machines utilize a very thin wire (.0008 to .012 in.)
as an electrode. The wire is stretched between diamond guides
and carbide that conduct current to the wire and cuts the part like
a band saw. Material is removed by the erosion caused by a spark
that moves horizontally with the wire.

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EDM Examples

Intricately detailed automobile part

7075-T6 aluminum back plate latch, EDM
cost is less than half the milling cost.

These simple, flat shapes, used in food

processing, which usually would be stamped,
were wire EDMed instead because they required
a superior quality edge.
Mechanical Engineering Department 41
EDM Examples
To manufacture titanium
earring shapes wire EDM
proved the most cost
effective when compared
to stamping and laser

Turbine blades

Small gear (with insect

for scale) shows a
capability of EDM

Small parts made using EDM

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CNC Machines
Laser Machining and Cutting
The machine utilizes an intense beam of focused laser light to cut the part.
Material under the beam experiences a rapid rise in temp. and is vaporized.
Laser cuts with a minimum
. of distortion, no mechanical cutting forces.

Gas is blown into the cut to clear away molten metals,

or other materials in the cutting zone. In some cases,
the gas jet can be chosen to react chemically with the
workpiece to produce heat and accelerate the cutting
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Mechanical 43
Laser machining and Cutting
• The first ever ‘gas-assisted’ laser cuts were done in1967.
• Sheet metal cutting has since become, by far, the
dominant industrial use of lasers in materials
processing. Approximately 12 000 industrial laser
cutting systems have been installed world-wide, with
a total market value of some 4.5 billion US dollars.
Over 60% of this equipment is installed in Japan.
• Today, laser cutting is used extensively for producing
profiled flat plate and sheet, for diverse applications in the
engineering industry sectors.
• Metals, ceramics, polymers and natural materials such as
wood and rubber can all be cut using CO2 lasers.

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Laser machining and Cutting

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Laser machining and Cutting

• Excellent control of the laser beam with a stable motion

system achieves an extreme edge quality. Laser-cut parts
have a condition of nearly zero edge deformation, or roll-off
• It is also faster than conventional tool-making techniques.

• Laser cutting has higher accuracy rates over other

methods using heat generation, as well as water jet

• There is quicker turnaround for parts regardless of the

complexity, because changes of the design of parts can be
easily accommodated. Laser cutting also reduces wastage.

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Laser machining and Cutting
• The material being cut gets very hot, so in narrow
areas, thermal expansion may be a problem.
• Distortion can be caused by oxygen, which is sometimes
used as an assist gas, because it puts stress into the cut
edge of some materials; this is typically a problem in
dense patterns of holes.
• Lasers also require high energy, making them costly to run.
• Lasers are not very effective on metals such as
aluminum and copper alloys due to their ability to
reflect light as well as absorb and conduct heat. Neither
are lasers appropriate to use on crystal, glass and other
transparent materials.
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Laser machining and Cutting

Laser drilling hole Laser welding in automobile


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