Theory Transcultural
Theory Transcultural
Theory Transcultural
Istianna N
Basic Concepts
Date Contribution
1954 Leininger noticed and studied the cultural differences in
the perception of care
1965 Leininger earned a doctorate in cultural anthropology
[Univ. of Washington]
1965- Leininger offered first courses and telelectures offered in
1969 Transcultural Nursing [Univ. of Colorado School of Nsg]
Est. 1st PhD nurse-scientist program combining anthro-
pology and nursing[Univ. of Colorado School of Nsg]
1973 !st Academic Dept. in Transcultural Nursing est’d [Univ.
of Washington, School of Nsg]
1974 Transcultural Nursing Society(TNS) est’d as the official
organization of transcultural nursing.
1978 First advanced degree programs [Master’s & Doctoral]
est’d [Univ. of Utah School of Nursing]
1988 Transcultural Nursing Society(TNS)—initiated
certification examinations: Certified Transcultural
1989 Journal of Transcultural Nursing (JTN)—1st published
as official publication of the TNS; Leininger is
founding editor. The goal of the JTN is to disseminate
transcultural ideas, theories, research findings, and/or
practice experiences.
Updated 8/2005
There is a
new model
available on
her website
Geiger and Davidhizer Model
Joyce Newman Geiger and Ruth
Davidhizer were inspired to develop a
culturally competent assessment tool by
their nursing students at Bethel College in
Mishawaka, IN. Dr. Davidhizer just passed
away in 2007.
The Transcultural Assessment Model was
developed and researched in 1990.
The Giger and Davidhizar’s Transcultural
Assessment Model
Model shows:
The client, a unique cultural being, in the
center. It is important to remember that the
client is culturally unique and as such is a product
of past experiences, cultural beliefs and cultural
norms. Cultural expressions vary but it is that
which give an individual a unique identity.
1. Culture –
represents non-physical traits,
such as values, attitudes, beliefs,
customs shared by a group of
people and passed from generation
to the next. Culture is also the sum
f beliefs, practices, habits, likes
dislikes, norms, customs and
rituals learned from the family
during the ears of socialization.
2. Ethnicity –
is a sense of identification associated
with a cultural group’s common social
and cultural heritage. Ethnicity is
indicative of the following
characteristics a group may share in
some combination:
i. Common geographic origin
ii. Migratory status
iii. Race
iv. Language and dialect
v. Religious faith or faiths
2. Ethnicity – cont…
vi. Ties that transcend kinship,
neighborhood, and community boundaries
vii. Shared traditions, values, and symbols
viii. Literature, folklore, and music
ix. Food preferences
x. Settlement and employment patterns
xi. Special interest with regard to politics
in the homeland and in the United States
xii. Institutions that specifically serve and
maintain the group
Religion –
“the belief in a divine or superhuman
power or powers to be obeyed and
worshipped as the creator(s) and ruler (s)
of the universe; and a system of beliefs,
practices and ethical values.
It is not possible to isolate the aspects of
culture religion, and ethnicity that shape a
person’s worldview. Each is a part of the
other, and all three are united within the
person. Therefore, when religion is
discussed, culture and ethnicity must
The Six Cultural Organizing Phenomena
Culturally diverse nursing must take into
account six cultural phenomena that vary
but are evident in all cultural groups and
affect health care. These have been
identified by Giger & Davidhizar, 1999,
and Engebertson & Headley(2000), as:
(1)environmental control,
(2)biological variations,
(3)social organization
(5)space, and
(6)time orientation.
to the ability of members of a particular
group to plan activities that control
nature or direct environmental factors.
Plays an extremely important role in the
way patients respond to health-related
experiences, including the ways in which
they define health and illness and seek
and use health care resources and social
Examples of environmental control
systems: complex traditional health and
illness beliefs, the practice of folk medicine,
the use of traditional healers, etc.
2. BIOLOGICAL VARIATIONS – The several ways in
which people from one cultural group differ biologically
(i.e., physically and genetically) from other cultural groups
constitute their biological variations. These are:
refers to the ways in which groups determine rules of
acceptable behavior and role of individual members.
Family unit (nuclear, single parent, extended, blended)
Children learn their cultural responses to life events from
the family and its ethnoreligious group through
Gender – gender roles vary according to cultural
patriarchal structure – husband/father is the dominant
person (Latino, Hispanic and traditional Muslim families
matriarchal structure – the wife is responsible for child
care and household maintenance whereas the father’s role
is to support and protect the family members.
Lifestyle – alternative lifestyles. Example: homosexual
couples and communal groups
Social organization also prescribes behavior
for such significant events as birth, death,
child rearing, and illness.
The area around a person’s body, surrounding
environment, and objects within that
environment; affects people’s behaviors and
attitudes toward the space around themselves.
Territoriality refers to the behavior and
attitude people exhibit about an area they have
claimed and defend or react emotionally when
others encroach on it.
Social distance – extends from 4 to 12 feet.
This is reserved for impersonal business
transactions. Perceptual information is much
less detailed.
In Summary