Slab Bridge Design

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The key takeaways are that slab bridges are commonly used bridge types that have wide superstructures compared to their height and can distribute loading over a broad area. The main types are timber, stone, steel, and reinforced concrete slab bridges.

The main types of slab bridges according to material are timber, stone, steel, and reinforced concrete slab bridges.

The main types of slab bridges according to structure are slab bridges and beam-slab (slab girder) bridges.

Slab Bridge

Mariel Villaluna
Jonelyn Lumapag
SLAB BRIDGE is probably the most common
bridge type. It is mainly used in crossings and
over waterways and also as an underpass for
walkways. Slab bridge has two fundamental
features compared to other bridge types:
 First its superstructure is substantially wide
compared to the height of the slab.

 Secondly by reason of the former, slab bridges can

divide loading to a very broad area.
Parts of
Types of

Slab Bridge
(according to materials used)
Types of SLAB BRIDGE (material)

 Timber slab bridges

Timber SLAB
1 or 3 spans with a maximum span length of about 25 feet


 Timber bridges can be constructed in virtually any weather conditions.

 Do not require special equipment for installation, and can normally be
constructed without highly skilled labor.
 Present a natural and aesthetically pleasing appearance in natural


 The use of timber bridges are limited to low-volume roads

 Not the most economical solution
Types of SLAB BRIDGE (material)

 Stone slab bridges

Types of SLAB BRIDGE (material)

 Steel slab bridges

Steel SLAB
 Usually the best choice for spans over 145 ft.
 Can be curved or cut to any geometry
 Lighter than concrete superstructures

 Expensive
 Painting is unreliable
 Weathering steel stains supports and rusts under
continuous moisture or salt exposure
Types of This is a stonebeam bridge.
A slab of stone is laid across a stream. (material)

 RCC slab bridges

 Reinforced concrete has a high compressive strength
compared to other building materials.
 Due to the provided reinforcement, reinforced concrete can
also withstand a good amount tensile stress.
 Fire and weather resistance of reinforced concrete is fair.
 The reinforced concrete building system is more durable
than any other building system.
 Reinforced concrete, as a fluid material, in the beginning,
can be economically molded into a nearly limitless range of
 The maintenance cost of reinforced concrete is very low.
 In structures like footings, dams, piers etc. reinforced
concrete is the most economical construction material.
 It acts like a rigid member with minimum deflection.
 As reinforced concrete can be molded to any shape
required, it is widely used in precast structural components.
It yields rigid members with minimum apparent deflection.
 Compared to the use of steel in structure, reinforced
concrete requires less skilled labor for the erection of the
 The tensile strength of reinforced concrete is about one-
tenth of its compressive strength.
 The main steps of using reinforced concrete are mixing,
casting, and curing. All of this affects the final strength.
 The cost of the forms used for casting RC is relatively
 For multi-storied building the RCC column section for is
larger than steel section as the compressive strength is
lower in the case of RCC.
 Shrinkage causes crack development and strength loss.
Types of

Slab Bridge
(according to structure)
Types of SLAB BRIDGE (structure)

 Slab bridges:

Structure comprises a slab, supported

at it ends. Usually made of
concrete(with reinforced),also
possible in laminated timber.

Types of SLAB BRIDGE (structure)

 Beam-slab bridges(Slab girder


Structure comprises one or more

beams. Commonly used for simple
bridges with a span of up to 200

SLAB BRIDGE Design is a two-phase process:

 The first phase involves determining the design loads and

their effects in terms of moment and shear forces

 The second phase involves selecting members that have

sufficient strength to resist the effects of the intended loads
on the bridge. Before considering the design process
complete, the failure modes (lateral buckling, excessive
deflection, end bearing, and so forth) as well as moment and
shear must be checked
Loads that concerned SLAB BRIDGES
Live Loads:

Truck Loading
 AASHTO specify two types of truck loadings(HS and H). Highways which may
carry heavy truck traffic the minimum live load shall be HS15-44.

Other Roadway Loading

 Bridge may be required to carry electric railways, railroad freight cars, military
vehicles, or other extra ordinary vehicles.
Sidewalk Loading
 Sidewalk floors, stringers, and their immediate supports.
Impact Load
 Live load stresses due to truck loading are increased by vibration and sudden
application of the load.
SLAB BRIDGE Design Analysis
 The analytical method only applies to slab bridges with the main
reinforcement running parallel to the direction of traffic. The slab
acts as a one-way slab in the direction of traffic .
 Area above the neutral axis acts in compression, the reinforcing
steel in the bottom of the slab carries all of the tension and the
concrete carries no tension
 Only the moment capacity is determined for the slab since shear
generally will not control in thin, reinforced-concrete members
 Only a one-foot-wide strip of slab at the midspan should be
 The longer the slab is in proportion to its width the more the slab is
similar to a beam. In long span slab bridges the slab can be
calculated as a beam and only in details the influence of the slab
can be taken into account.
To be

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