Group 4
Group 4
Group 4
Presented by
Group 4
Amandeep Singh Chawala
Dushyant Sharma
Intekhab Aslam
Pallavi Bothra
Pranav Rampal
Varun Bajaj
Data snapshot
beer_brewerid review_time review_overall review_text review_aroma review_appearance review_profilename beer_style review_palate review_taste beer_name beer_abv beer_beerid
140783 17981 1301176680 3 A soft pour into my Lost Abbey Teku 3 glass produces an almost English
five finger thick, lightly
4 Gueuzedude Ale head that leaves
browned, 3.5 a fair amount3.5ofBolita on theDouble
lacingBrown glass. The
sides ofNut 46368
Ale beer9is a dark, conce
84325 140 1194833634 4.5 HombreWing
3.5 nice little bubbles,brightNose:
5 2007Eyes: Pours frothy, dark orange, Americansome
very little of anything, 4.5 another night5and
IPA hops ...I will smell again Sierra Nevada Celebration
updateTongue: Ale of light
A fine balance 1904
6.8sweet caramel
135323 5318 1289727085 4.5 -black as can be with a straight up4.5thin brown head. not much 4 juhl31 Americantime
on the retention aspect-big chocolate,
Double Stoutthen4.5some good coffee
1st wiff.
/ Imperial 5 Infamous come in-a veryNAgood, bittersweet63521
and roastW/notes choco
86688 140 1288122242 with a mammoth tan head
3.5 Poured into a pint glass. The beer3.5is transparent nut brown4 Bendurgin American Ale of soapy lace.3.5
that leaves 3.5 and
The aroma is nutty Nevada
Sierragrainy withTumbler malts, hints
toastedAutumn Ale and60420
of caramel
Brown just a
445966 590 1310181648 4 12 oz bottle into a stangeA - Pours4 a hazy yellow-orange with 4 mooselvlt of off white foam. Minimal lacingS4.5
a huge pillowy headHefeweizen Dancing
- Banana, cloves, 4yeast, Man-Wheat
wheatT 37586
Right along the lines of the7.2nose. Its actual
473320 392 1193633294 4 light tan head. Good
4 Pours a light copper color with a fluffy stickage and decent lacing.
4 crookedhalo Aromas
American Amber Ale malt and4mild hops with3.5some
are of/ Red Ale
Househoneysuckle-like Lighter bodied
floral attributes. 4.5 w
338367 16353 1287721706 4.5 appearance - straw yellow, foamy4head, good retention and 4 djbreezy Blonde Ale- hop forward,4.5
hops and yeasttaste
lacingsmell - cascade American Fresh Hopbacked
hop characteristics
earthy and fresh,4.5nwGoldilocks 62806
GoldenbyAlea bready4.2bodymouthfee
707231 1471 1240372433 4.5 Got this one in a BIF and I'm going rayjaybeer but I'm familiarAmerican
4.5in blind; never heard3.5of this name of the brewery.A black
with theStout 4 beer with a4.5deepDarkbrown Tres Blueberry
Horseaverage Stout time
head. Expected.Big 7.5 blueberry6227ar
356581 1177 1295228598 4.5 From a growler given to be by a4.5 good fingers of light tan
killer trader brewnic. A-4.5twooglmcdgl head that
American IPAholds nicely for a bit then 4.5 Masala
4.5 settles leaving sticky lace
tons of Mama Ale on top. Deep
Palea skin
Indiaand 6368
5.9 copper orange
1294635 1422 1302569529 3 Beer 30 Light has a thick, egg-shell golden appearance with
2.5 RonaldTheriot
2.5 colored head and a clear, Lagerbubbles streaming up and little
Lightsome aroma
3 lacing left.2.5TheBeer is strange, to say the least, with 4a green sour
30 Light ap
Looking at the dataset, the 'review_overall'
input must be the most accurate metric to rank
the beers. While there are other features that
Three Most judge facets of the beers' quality, the user takes
these all into consideration when choosing the
famous picks overall score.
512 lt 1 6
Which brewery 84/09 Double Alt 1 9.8
produces the Altbier AlTerior Motive 1 6.3
strongest beers Alaskan Amber 8 5.3
Rapscallion Premier 1 7
The top breweries by
average ABV are
revealed. Plotting the
results to compare the
highest ABV breweries
with the rest:
Visualizing the data
shows that most
breweries brew around
6-8% ABV.
If you typically enjoy a beer due to its aroma and appearance,
which beer style should you try?
Beer_style Review_appearance, Size Agg_mean