Final Course Outline-MSO-DCP 2017

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Post-Graduate Diploma in Management-Dual Country Program


Area: Marketing

Course Title – Marketing Strategy & Organisation

Course Faculty: Dr Harvinder Singh

Chamber consultation hours: 3.00-5.00 PM every Wednesday
Or with prior appointment

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Course Syllabus – PGDM Dual Country Program

Course Title: Marketing Strategy &

Instructor: Dr Harvinder Singh
Office : chamber 31 Telephone : 052 644 2519
E-mail Office Hours: 9.00 – 18.00
Classroom: Hall III/IV/V Timing:
Credits: 2 Term/Year: I

I. Course Description

A firm’s proficiency in creating, capturing, and sustaining value greatly impacts its ability
to achieve desirable financial outcomes. As a firm’s value generation activity directly
impacts top-line revenues, it is essential that managers understand the process of
developing and managing marketing strategy. Marketing Strategy and Organization
introduces you to the essentials of marketing (key concepts, methods of analysis,
strategies and tactics) critical to managing profitable customer relationships in today’s
dynamic and connected environment. The overarching objective is to provide participants
with not only an introduction to marketing strategy, but also an opportunity to apply that
understanding. To that end, a framework for examining contemporary marketing
practices is presented. The framework can be used as a tool to systematically evaluate
the factors that can influence an organization’s marketing strategy, and guide managers in
developing marketing strategy that yields a competitive advantage.

II. Course Objectives

The course is designed to achieve the following objectives:

(a) Orientating participants towards need and significance of marketing as a key business

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(b) Familiarizing the participants with important concepts and terms in the marketing
(c) Enabling them to analyze the marketing opportunities.
(d) Training them to take business decisions to encash the identified opportunities.

III. Course Learning Outcomes

After completion of this course, students will be able to:

(a) Demonstrate high level of cross-cultural understanding among students.

(b) Demonstrate ethical orientation while taking business decisions (Outcome 2.2).

(c) Understand need of business to comply with regulatory requirements.

(d) Develop ability to skill forward thinking through innovation while taking marketing

(e) Demonstrate informed capabilities relating to marketing domain through application of

conceptual knowledge with applied orientation in both local and global context.

IV. Textbook and Other Major References

 Marketing (6th edition), Grewal & Levy, McGraw Hill Education.

Other Reference Books

 Marketing Management
Kotler & Keller
Pearson Education Global Edition
 Managing Marketing
Noel Capon and Siddharth Shekhar Singh,
Wiley India.
Charles W Lamb, Joseph E hair, Dheeraj Sharma, Carl McDaniel

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Cengage Learning
 Principles of Contemporary Marketing
David L Kurtz
Cengage Learning

In addition to above mentioned journals, please keep track of other journals, websites, published
articles and papers on Marketing theory and practice.

V. Pedagogy

An array of pedagogical methods is utilized, including: case studies, in-class

presentations, lecture-demonstrations & team projects.

VI. Course Evaluation

Students will be evaluated on the basis of case analysis, project, quizzes, class participation, and
end-term exam. The weightage given to each of these units is listed below:
 Class Participation 20%
 Situation Analysis (AACSB) 10%
 Group Project 20%
 Quizzes: 10%
 End Term Exam 40%

Specific Assessment Method Weightage learning outcome to be assessed (b)

Group Assessment Methods
Group Project (Submission & 20%
Individual Assessment Methods
Class Participation 20%
Situation Analysis 10% √
Surprise Quiz 10%
End-term Exam 40% √
*AACSB AOL sub goal 2.2 (Demonstrate ethical orientation while taking business decisions) to
be assessed in the course. Assessment will happens after session number 14.

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VII. Course Delivery Plan

Sessions Topic / Content Self-study required Pedagogical

1 Core Marketing Concepts: Chapters 1 of the text Lecture,
Introduction the marketing and book class
overview of core marketing Article: A Generic concept discussion
concepts of Marketing
2 Marketing in the new millennium: Chapter 3 & 4 of the text Lecture,
Marketing and society, using book class
contemporary tools for marketing discussion

3 Analyzing marketing environment: Chapters 5 of Text Book Lecture,

Understanding the immediate class
environment and macro discussion
environment influencing marketing
4 Developing marketing strategies Chapter 2 of the text-book Lecture,
and marketing plan: class
Overview of basic frameworks used discussion
in strategic planning and market
5 Consumer Behavior Chapters 6 of Text Book. Lecture,
Understanding: factors influencing Article: Understanding the class
consumer behavior & consumer Arab Consumer discussion
behavior framework as applied in
6 Consumer Behavior application Case Study: Louis Vuitton Case
in Japan discussion
7 Business to business marketing: Chapters 7 of Text Book. Lecture,
Decision-making in business-to- class
business marketing situations. discussion
8 Application of Business to business Case Study: British Case
marketing Columbia Box Limited discussion
9 Marketing Research: Collecting Chapters 10 of Text Book Lecture,
and synthesizing information for class
marketing decision-making discussion

10 Marketing Research applied in Case Study: Zenith: Case

business context Marketing research for discussion
High Definition Television
11 Identifying market segments: An Chapter 9 of Text Book Lecture,
overview of segmentation and class

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targeting process in consumer and discussion
business markets
12 Applying segmentation process in Case Study: The Fashion Case
practice Channel discussion
13 Positioning: Positioning the Chapter 9 of Text Book Lecture,
products and services using class
perceptual mapping discussion

14 Application of Brand Positioning Case Study: Crescent Pure Case

15 Competitive analysis: Framework Article: The five Lecture,
and strategies for responding competitive forces that class
appropriately to competition shape strategy discussion

16 Competitive Analysis application Case Study: Easy Jet: The Case

web’s favourite airline discussion
17 Marketing Organization: Designing Article: How strategy Lecture,
structure of marketing department shapes structure class
in an organization. Case Study: Marico discussion
Industries Limited: and case
Central Sales Organization discussion
18 Project Presentation Class
19 Project Presentation Class
20 Project Presentation Class

VIII. Rules for late submissions of assignments in this course

Late submissions will attract penalties

IX. Assessment Rubrics

Assessment rubrics will be provided later.

X. Plagiarism Policies

Plagiarism is considered a serious academic offense leading to serious academic

sanctions. IMT uses Blackboard to detect Plagiarism. Plagiarism is the use of someone

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else’s ideas, words, projects, artwork, phrasing, sentence structure or other work without
properly acknowledging the ownership (source) of the property (item). It takes many
forms and includes the following:

 Using someone else’s words without putting these words in quotation marks.
 Using unique, original ideas, phrases, sentences, paragraphs, etc. from a single source
or a variety of sources such as a text, journal, web page, electronic source, design,
artwork etc. in one’s work without citing (all) the source(s).

For a student found plagiarizing, the punishment can be a failing grade in the assignment
without the right to redo the assignment up to a failing grade in the course.

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