1040-3040 M Scheme
1040-3040 M Scheme
1040-3040 M Scheme
Client Server
Operations (<get-
config>, <edit-
RPC or Notification
(SSH, TLS, Console)
YANG defined
• Transport layer
– Provides end to end connectivity and ensure
reliable transfer of messages
• RPC layer
– Provides mechanism for encoding of RPC calls and
– Uses XML encoded RPCs for framing request and
response messages
– Works by sending a HTTP request to a server
implementing the protocol
– The client is typically a software wanting to call a
single method of a remote system
– Multiple input parameters can be passed to the
remote method, one return value is returned
– The parameter types allow nesting of parameters into
maps and lists, thus larger structures can be
– Therefore, XML-RPC can be used to transport objects
or structures both as input and as output parameters
Operations Layer - retrieve and edit configuration data from
network devices
Commonly used NETCONF RPC methods
Operation Description
connect Connect to a NETCONF server
get Retrieve the running configuration and state information
get-config Retrieve all or a portion of a configuration data store
edit-config Loads all or part of a specified configuration data-store with a complete
source configuration
copy-config Create or replace an entire target configuration data store with a
complete source configuration
delete-config Delete the contents of a configuration database
lock Lock a configuration data-store for exclusive edits by a client
unlock Release the lock on a configuration data-store
get-scheme This operation is used to retrieve a schema from the NETCONF server
commit Commit the candidate configuration as the device’s new current
close-session Gracefully terminate a NETCONF session
kill-session Forcefully terminate a NETCONF session
• Content layer
– Consists of configuration and state data which is
XML encoded
– The schema of the configuration and state data is
defined in a data modeling language called YANG
• Provides a clear separation of configuration
data and state data
– E.g., Get-config retreives the configuration data
only whereas the get operation retrieves the
configuration data and static data
• Configuration data resides within a NETCONF
configuration data store on the server
• NETCONF server resides on the network
• Management application plays the role of a NETCONF client
• Hence the terms management system and the client are
used interchangeably
• The client establishes a NETCONF session with the server to
manage a network device
• Hence the terms server and device are used
• i.e, the entity that manages is the client and the entity that
is managed is the server
• In SNMP also, network manager plays the role of client and
the management agent running in the devices to be
managed plays the role of server
• Once a session is established the client and
server exchange hello messages which contain
information on their capabilities
• Client then sends multiple requests to the
server for retrieving or editing the
configuration data
• Allows the management client to discover the
capabilities of the server (on the device)
• Defines one or more configuration data stores
• A configuration store contains all the
configuration information to bring the device
from its initial state to the operational state
• By default a <running> configuration store is
• Additional configuration data stores such as
<startup> and <candidate> can be defined in
the network capabilities
• A connection oriented protocol
• NETCONF connection persists between
protocol operations
• For authentication, data integrity and
confidentiality NETCONF depends on the
transport protocol e.g., SSH, BEEP etc
• Yet Another Next Generation
• Data modeling language for NETCONF
• Developed by NETMOD working group of IETF
• Can be used to model both configuration data
as well as state data manipulated by NETCONF
• Used to define the format of event
notifications emitted by network elements
• Abstract Syntax Notation
– Describes rules and structures for representing, encoding,
and decoding data intelecommunications and computer
– A set of rules for encoding documents in a format which is
both human-readable and machine-readable
– A special-purpose programming language designed for
managing data held in a relational database management
system (RDBMS), or for stream processing in a relational
data stream management system (RDSMS)
• Used to model configuration and state data
manipulated by NETCONF protocol
• A YANG module defines a hierarchy of data that can be
used for NETCONF based operations
• Data includes configuration, state data, Remote
Procedure Calls (RPCs), and notifications
• This allows a complete description of all data sent
between a NETCONF client and server
• YANG models the hierarchical organization of data as a
tree in which each node has a name, and either a value
or a set of child nodes
• YANG structures data models into modules
and sub modules
• YANG modules define the data exchanged
between the NETCONF client and server
• A module can import data from other external
modules, and include data from sub modules
• A module contains a number of leaf nodes
which are organized into a hierarchical tree
• The leaf nodes are specified using the leaf or
leaf-list constructs
• Leaf nodes are organized using ‘container’ or
‘list’ constructs
• Constraints can be defined on the data nodes
– Allowed values
• Can model both configuration data and state
data using the ‘config’ statement
YANG Node Types
Management System
Authentication Server
Data Model Configuration
, Authorization
Manager Validator
and Auditing
SSH Client
IoT Device
• Netopeer-server
– A NETCONF protocol server that runs on the
managed device
– Provides an environment for configuring the
device using NETCONF RPC operations
– Also provides an environment for retrieving the
state data from the device
• Netopeer-agent
– The NETCONF protocol agent running as a SSH/TLS
– Accepts incoming NETCONF connection and
passes the NETCONF RPC operation received from
the NETCONF client to the Netopeer-server
• Netopeer-cli
– A NETCONF client that provides a command line
interface for interfacing with the Netopeer-server
– Used by the operator from the management
station to send NETCONF RPC operations for
configuring the device and retrieving the state
• Netopeer-manager
– Allows managing the YANG and Libnetconf
Transaction API modules on the Netopeer-server
– Used to load or remove modules from the server
• Netopeer-configurator
– Used to configure the Netopeer-server
1. Create a YANG model of the system that defines the configuration and state data
of the system
2. Compile the YANG model with the ‘Inctool’ which comes with Libnetconf
(Libnetconf provides a mechanism of reflecting the changes in the configuration
file in the actual device. The Inctool generates a TransAPI module (callbacks C
file). Whenever a change is made in the configuration file using the NETCONF
operations, the corresponding callback function is called. The callback functions
contain the code for making the changes on the device)
3. Fill in the IoT device management code in the TransAPI module (callbacks C file).
This file includes configuration callbacks, RPC callbacks and state data callbacks
4. Build the callbacks C file to generate the library file (.so)
5. Load the YANG module (containing the data definitions) and the TransAPI module
(.so binary) into the Netopeer server using the Netopeer manager tool
6. The operator can now connect from the management system to the Netopeer
server using the Netopeer CLI
7. Operator can issue NETCONF commands from the Netopeer CLI. Commands can
be used to change the configuration data, get operational data or execute an RPC
on the IoT device