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Electrical Apparatus
General Ratings Information and Catalog Guide
For Single-Phase and Three-Phase Reclosers 280-05
Automatic circuit reclosers are rec-
ognized by electric utilities through-
out the world as an essential
device for achieving their prime
goal: providing maximum continuity
of electric service to their cus-
tomers simply and economically.
Reclosers sense and interrupt fault
currents and automatically restore
service after momentary outage.
The automatic circuit recloser is
essentially a self-contained device
with the necessary intelligence to
sense overcurrents to time and
interrupt fault currents, and to reen-
ergize the line by reclosing auto-
matically. If a fault is permanent,
the recloser locks open after a pre- Figure 1. Figure 2.
set number of operations (usually Typical Kyle single-phase, hydrauli- Typical Kyle three-phase, electroni-
three or four), isolating the faulted cally controlled recloser. cally controlled W-group recloser.
section from the main part of the
system. and reclose function, virtually elimi- SINGLE-PHASE
nates prolonged outages on distri- RECLOSERS
TEMPORARY FAULTS bution systems due to temporary
faults or transient overcurrent con- Single-phase reclosers, as shown
Extensive studies of overhead dis- ditions. in Figure 1, are used to protect sin-
tribution systems have established gle-phase lines such as branches
that approximately 80 to 95 percent RECLOSER or taps of a three-phase feeder.
of all system faults are temporary in They can also be used on three-
nature and, at most, last from only CLASSIFYING
FEATURES phase circuits where the load is
a few cycles to a few seconds. predominantly single phase. Thus,
Typical causes of these temporary Major classifying features of auto- when a permanent phase-to-
faults are: matic circuit reclosers are: ground fault occurs, one phase can
be locked-out while service is main-
1. Windblown conductors touch- 1. Single-phase or three-phase. tained to the remaining two-thirds
ing one another. 2. Control: hydraulic or electronic. of the system.
2. Lightning surges flashing over 3. Interrupters: oil or vacuum.
an insulator. THREE-PHASE
4. Insulation: oil or air. RECLOSERS
3. Birds, reptiles or small animals
bridging between an energized Tables on pages 6 thru 11 contain Three-phase reclosers, as shown in
line and a grounded surface. a detailed listing of reclosers cur- Figure 2 and Figure 3, are used
rently manufactured by Cooper where lockout of all three phases is
4. Tree branches touching ener- Power Systems Kyle Distribution
gized lines. required for any permanent fault.
Switchgear. They are also used to prevent sin-
5. Switching surges that flash over gle-phasing of three-phase loads
on insulator. RECLOSERS: SINGLE- such as large three-phase motors.
Based on statistics and observa- PHASE OR THREE- Three-phase reclosers have two
tions, the need for a trip-and- PHASE modes of operation.
reclose function was readily Both single- and three-phase 1. Single-phase trip and three-
recognized; that is, if the line could reclosers are available to satisfy phase lockout. The single-
be tripped open momentarily, a application requirements. phase trip, three-phase lockout
subsequent reclosure very likely mode consists of three, single-
would be successful because, by phase reclosers mounted in a
then, the cause of the fault would single tank with mechanical
be gone. Thus, the automatic cir- interconnection for lockout only.
cuit recloser, in providing this trip- Each phase operates indepen-

August 1994 • Supersedes 1/90 • ©1994 Cooper Power Systems, Inc. 1

Printed in USA
General Ratings Information and Catalog Guide For Single-Phase and Three-Phase Reclosers

Recloser Ratings Summary (See Tables 2-5 for more detailed ratings data)
Max. Cont. Interrupting
Voltage Current Rating
Rating Rating (sym amps at Interrupting Recloser
(kV) (amps) max. voltage) Medium Control Type
50 1250 Oil Hydraulic H
100 2000 * Oil Hydraulic 4H
200 2000 * Vacuum Hydraulic V4H
2.4 - 14.4 280 4000 * Oil Hydraulic L
280 6000 * Vacuum Hydraulic V4L
560 10000 * Oil Hydraulic D
400 8000 * Vacuum Electronic VXE15
100 2500 Oil Hydraulic E
24.9 280 4000 Oil Hydraulic 4E
280 6000 Vacuum Hydraulic V4E
400 8000 Vacuum Electronic VXE27
24.9 - 34.5 560 8000 Oil Hydraulic DV
100 2000 * Oil Hydraulic 6H
200 2000 * Oil Hydraulic V6H
560 10000 * Oil Hydraulic W
560 ** 10000 * Oil Electronic WE
Figure 3.
Kyle Type VSA20A vacuum, three- 560 12000 Vacuum Hydraulic VW
phase, air-insulated, electronically 2.4 - 14.4 560 12000 Vacuum Electronic PWE ***
controlled recloser. 560 ** 12000 Vacuum Electronic VWE
600 12000 Vacuum Electronic VSA12B
800 12000 Vacuum Electronic VSA12
dently for overcurrent tripping 800 16000 Vacuum Electronic VSA16
and reclosing. If any phase 800 20000 Vacuum Electronic VSA20
operates to lockout condition 1200 20000 Vacuum Electronic VSA20A
(due to a permanent fault), the 560 8000 Oil Hydraulic WV27
mechanical linkage trips open 560 ** 8000 Oil Electronic WVE27
the other two phases and locks 24.9 560 12000 Vacuum Hydraulic VWV27
them open. Thus, extended sin- 560 ** 12000 Vacuum Electronic VWVE27
gle-phase energization of three- 560 12000 Vacuum Electronic PWVE ***
phase loads is prevented. This 560 8000 Oil Hydraulic WV38X
type operation is provided for 560 ** 8000 Oil Electronic WVE38X
smaller recloser types. 34.5 560 12000 Vacuum Hydraulic VWV38X
2. Three-phase trip and three- 560 12000 Vacuum Electronic VWVE38X
phase lock-out. Larger 560 ** 12000 Vacuum Electronic VSO12
reclosers use the three-phase 560 ** 16000 Vacuum Electronic VSO16
trip with three-phase lockout
operating mode. For any fault * Interrupting rating will be higher at lower voltage as shown in expanded tables.
—single-phase-to-ground, ** Continuous current rating can be extended to 800 amps with an accessory.
phase-to-phase, or three- *** For padmounted installation.
phase—all contacts open simul-
taneously for each trip
operation. The three phases,
mechanically linked together for
tripping and recloslng, are
operated by a common mecha-


Kyle electronic recloser controls
are used with three-phase
reclosers. Compared with the
hydraulic control, they are more
flexible, more easily adjusted and
programmed, and more accurate.
Pump and The electronic control is housed in
lockout piston a cabinet separate from the
recloser and conveniently permits
Series Trip changes to timing, phase and
Solenoid ground trip current levels, and
sequences of recloser operations,
without de-energizing or untanking
Vacuum the recloser. A wide range of
accessories is available to modify
the basic operation, solving many
application problems. Figure 6.
Kyle Form 3A recloser control.
Figure 4. Current Sensing
Untanked view of Type V4L recloser. control operating parameters
Line current is sensed by special
sensing current transformers in the including; minimum trip levels,
CONTROLS: recloser. The recloser and control time-current curve selection, and
are connected by a multi-conduc- sequences of recloser operation,
HYDRAULIC OR are keyboard programmable.
tor control cable that carries sens-
ELECTRONIC ing transformer secondary currents The control, shown in Figure 5, pro-
The intelligence that enables a to the control and the necessary vides a wide range of features
recloser to sense overcurrents, trip and reclose signals from the including; supervisory operation,
select timing operation, time the control to the recloser. event recorder, recloser duty moni-
tripping and reclosing functions, tor, demand metering, and load
and finally lockout is provided by its Form 4C profile monitor.
control. There are two basic types Microprocessor-Based
The control has the capability for
of control schemes used: an inte- Control full-duplex (two-way) digital com-
gral hydraulic control or an elec-
tronic control located in a separate Kyle offers two electronic controls, munications to provide real time
cabinet. that can be used in conjunction data acquisition and control. A 24
with any of Kyle’s broad line of Vdc sealed lead-acid battery pro-
HYDRAULIC CONTROL electronically controlled reclosers. vides backup power to the control,
assuring adequate operating
Hydraulic recloser control (refer to The Form 4C Type ME control power under all fault conditions.
Figure 4) is used in all single-phase incorporates microprocessor tech-
nology to provide versatility and For complete descriptive and
reclosers, except Types VXE15 and ordering information on the Form
VXE27, and in some three-phase ease of operation. All standard
4C control, refer to Catalog Section
reclosers. It is built as an integral 280-77.
part of the recloser. With this type
of control, an overcurrent is sensed Form 3A Type ME
by a trip coil that is connected in Control
series with the line.
When the overcurrent flows through The Form 3A Type ME control,
the coil, a plunger is drawn into the shown in Figure 6, is a static con-
coil to trip open the recloser con- trol device. Its automatic control
tacts. Timing and sequencing are functions are performed by solid-
accomplished by pumping oil state electronic components.
through separate hydraulic cham- Precise, discrete values for the
bers or ducts. operating parameters are provided
by plug-in components.
For smaller reclosers, the reclosing
energy is provided by springs that A 24 Vdc nickel-cadmium battery
are charged by the series trip-coil supplies the control, assuring ade-
plunger during overcurrent opera- quate operating power under all
tion. fault conditions. Complete descrip-
tive and ordering information on the
Larger reclosers are closed from a Form 3A Type ME control can be
separate closing solenoid that is found in Catalog Section 280-75.
energized by line potential from the Figure 5.
source side of the recloser. Kyle Form 4C recloser control.

General Ratings Information and Catalog Guide For Single-Phase and Three-Phase Reclosers

production of very high quality twice the expected load current

interrupters that provide long and is used.
trouble-free operating life.
4. Minimum-fault current within the
Depending on type, a vacuum zone to be protected. Minimum
recloser may use either oil or air as fault current that might occur at
the basic insulating medium. the end of the line section must
be checked to confirm that the
RECLOSER recloser will sense and interrupt
APPLICATION this current.
Reclosers can be used anywhere 5. Coordination with other protec-
on a distribution system where tive devices on both the source
recloser ratings are adequate for and the load sides of the
system requirements. Logical loca- recloser.
tions for reclosers are: Coordination With Other
1. In substations as the primary Devices
feeder protective device.
After the first four application fac-
2. On distribution lines at a dis- tors have been satisfied, coordina-
Figure 7. tance from a substation, to sec- tion of the recloser with both the
Kyle vacuum interrupter. tionalize long feeders and thus source and the load side devices
prevent outages of the entire must be determined. Proper selec-
feeder when a permanent fault tion of time delays and sequences
INTERRUPTING occurs near the end of the
MEDIUM: OIL OR is vital to assure that any momen-
feeder. tary interruption or longer-term out-
VACUUM 3. On important taps of main feed- age due to faults is restricted to the
Reclosers use either oil or vacuum ers to protect the main feeder smallest possible section of the
as the interrupting medium. from interruptions and outages system.
due to faults on the taps. Generally, recloser timing and
Oil Interrupters sequences are selected to coordi-
Application Criteria nate with the source-side devices.
Reclosers using oil for current inter-
ruption use the same oil for basic To properly apply automatic circuit After the size and sequence of the
insulation. Most reclosers with reclosers, five major factors must required recloser has been deter-
hydraulic control (except the W- be considered: mined, the protective equipment
group reclosers) also use the same farther down the line is selected to
1. System voltage. System voltage coordinate with it as shown in
oil for timing and counting func- will be known. The recloser
tions. Figure 8.
must have a voltage rating
Vacuum Interrupters equal to—or greater than—sys- Dual Timing
tem voltage.
Vacuum interrupters provide fast, Automatic circuit reclosers have
low-energy arc interruption with 2. Maximum fault current available dual-timing capabilities; that is, the
long contact and interrupter life, at the recloser location. first fault-current interruptions (one
low mechanical stress and maxi- Maximum fault current will be or more) are performed in accor-
mum operating safety. With arc known or can be calculated. dance with a fast or instantaneous
interruption taking place in a vac- The recloser interrupting must timing characteristic (no intentional
uum, contact and interrupter life far be equal to—or greater than— time delay) and the remaining inter-
exceeds other interrupting media. the maximum available fault ruptions are performed in accor-
current at the recloser location. dance with a pre-determined time
Kyle vacuum interrupters (shown in delay.
Figure 7) are designed with a metal 3. Maximum load current. The
and ceramic housing for maximum recloser continuous current rat- The first operations are as fast as
strength and long-term vacuum ing must be equal to—or possible in order to clear temporary
integrity. The high-alumina ceramic greater than—anticipated cir- faults before any line damage can
has more than five times the cuit load. For series-coil-type occur. If the fault is permanent, the
strength of glass and permits a reclosers, the coil size can be time-delay operation allows the
higher processing temperature to selected to match the present down-line device— either another
develop maximum purity of the load current, the anticipated recloser or a fuse—to clear first.
assembly and is impervious even future load current, or the sub-
to helium penetration to sustain the station transformer capacity.
vacuum level. Minimum-trip current is nomi-
nally twice the coil continuous-
With nearly 30 years of experience, current rating.
Kyle is a world leader in the design
and manufacture of vacuum inter- For electronically controlled
rupters for use in distribution reclosers, minimum-trip current
switchgear. A state-of-the-art vac- must be greater than any antici-
uum interrupter clean room manu- pated peak load. Generally, a
facturing facility ensures the trip-current value of at least


Figure 9 shows a typical recloser To coordinate a recloser with a be more delayed than the fuse-link
operating sequence to lockout for a downline fuse, the fuse link size clearing time, allowing the fuse to
permanent fault. should be selected to coordinate clear permanent faults without trip-
with the recloser fast and time- ping the recloser.
Recloser-to-recloser coordination is delay curves.
achieved primarily by selecting dif-
ferent coil sizes or trip values with A recloser operating on its fast
further coordination possible by dif- curve should clear a temporary
ferent time delays or sequences. fault before the fuse link can be
damaged. When on its time-delay
curve, a recloser operation should

A 3φ 3φ


A 3φ 3φ B
69 - 14.4 KV C D

1φ TAP.
*1φ reclosers may be substituted
if system considerations permit
1φ lockout.

Figure 8.
Typical line diagram of distribution circuit showing application of reclosers.




Figure 9.
Recloser operating sequence when a permanent fault occurs.

General Ratings Information and Catalog Guide For Single-Phase and Three-Phase Reclosers

Single-Phase, Hydraulically Controlled Reclosers

` Max. For Detailed Description

Cont. Trip-Coil Features, Ordering Information
Nominal Current Inter- Rating Min.Trip See Catalog Section
Recloser Voltage BIL Rating rupting (cont. Rating Interrupting Rating
Type (kV) (kV) (amps) Medium amps) (amps) (rms sym amps) Recloser Mountings
At 2.4 thru 14.4kV
5 10 125
10 20 250
H 2.4 - 14.4 95 50 Oil 15 30 375 280-10 280-85
25 50 625
35 70 875
50 100 1250
At 4.8 kV At 8.32 kV At 14.4 kV
5 10 200 200 200
10 20 400 400 400
15 30 600 600 600
4H 2.4 - 14.4 110 100 Oil 25 50 1000 1000 1000 280-10 280-85
35 70 1400 1400 1400
50 100 2000 2000 2000
70 140 2800 2500 2000
100 200 3000 2500 2000
5 10 200 200 200
10 20 400 400 400
15 30 600 600 600
V4H 2.4 - 14.4 110 200 Vacuum 25 50 1000 1000 1000 280-10 280-85
35 70 1400 1400 1400
50 100 2000 2000 2000
70 140 2800 2500 2000
100 200 3000 2500 2000
25 50 1500 1500 1500
35 70 2100 2100 2100
50 100 3000 3000 3000
L 2.4 - 14.4 110 280 Oil 70 140 4200 4200 4000 280-10 280-85
100 200 6000 5000 4000
140 280 6000 5000 4000
200 400 6000 5000 4000
280 560 6000 5000 4000
At 2.4 thru 14.4 kV
25 50 1500
35 70 2100
50 100 3000
V4L 2.4 - 14.4 110 280 Vacuum 70 140 4200 280-10 and 280-85
100 200 6000 Bulletin 89007
140 280 6000
200 400 6000
280 560 6000
100 200 6000 6000 6000
140 280 8400 8400 8400
160 320 9600 9600 9600
185 370 11100 10000 10000
225 450 12000 10000 10000
D 2.4 -14.4 110 560 Oil 280 560 12000 10000 10000 280-20 280-85
400 800 12000 10000 10000
400 X 560 * 12000 10000 10000
560 1120 12000 10000 10000
560 X 750 * 12000 10000 10000

*Trip rating is 140% of X coil ratings, all other are 200%. (continued)


TABLE 2 (Continued)
Single-Phase, Hydraulically Controlled Reclosers

` Max. For Detailed Description

Cont. Trip-Coil Features, Ordering Information
Nominal Current Inter- Rating Min.Trip See Catalog Section
Recloser Voltage BIL Rating rupting (cont. Rating Interrupting Rating
Type (kV) (kV) (amps) Medium amps) (amps) (rms sym amps) Recloser Mountings
At 24.9 kV
5 10 300
10 20 600
15 30 900
25 50 1500
E 24.9 150 100 Oil 35 70 2100 280-10 280-85
50 100 2500
70 140 2500
100 200 2500
50 100 3000
70 140 4000
4E 24.9 150 280 Oil 100 200 4000 280-10 280-85
140 280 4000
200 400 4000
280 560 4000
15 30 900
25 50 1500
35 70 2100
50 100 3000
V4E 24.9 150 280 Vacuum 70 140 4200 280-10 and 280-85
100 200 6000 Bulletin 91036
140 280 6000
200 400 6000
280 560 6000
At 24.9 thru 34.5 kV
100 200 6000
140 280 8000
160 320 8000
185 370 8000
DV 24.9-34.5 150 560 Oil 225 450 8000 280-20 280-85
280 560 8000
400 800 8000
400 X 560 * 8000
560 1120 8000
560 X 750 * 8000
*Trip rating is 140% of X coil ratings, all other are 200%.

Single-Phase, Electronically Controlled Reclosers

` Max. For Detailed Description

Cont. Features, Ordering Information
Nominal Current Inter- Min.Trip See Catalog Section
Recloser Voltage BIL Rating rupting Rating Interrupting Rating
Type (kV) (kV) (amps) Medium (amps) (rms sym amps) Electronic
Recloser Control Mountings
At 2.4 thru 14.4 kV
VXE15 2.4 - 14.4 110 400 Vacuum thru 8000 Bulletin Bulletin 280-85
1280 92034 92034
At 24.9 kV
VXE27 24.9 150 400 Vacuum thru 8000 Bulletin Bulletin 280-85
1280 92034 92034

General Ratings Information and Catalog Guide For Single-Phase and Three-Phase Reclosers

Three-Phase, Hydraulically Controlled Reclosers

` Max. For Detailed Description

Cont. Trip-Coil Features, Ordering Information
Nominal Current Inter- Rating Min.Trip See Catalog Section
Recloser Voltage BIL Rating rupting (cont. Rating Interrupting Rating
Type (kV) (kV) (amps) Medium amps) (amps) (rms sym amps) Recloser Mountings
At 4.8 kV At 8.32 kV At 14.4 kV
5 10 200 200 200
10 20 400 400 400
15 30 600 600 600
6H* 2.4 - 14.4 110 100 Oil 25 50 1000 1000 1000 280-10 280-85
35 70 1400 1400 1400
50 100 2000 2000 2000
70 140 2800 2500 2000
100 200 3000 2500 2000
5 10 200 200 200
10 20 400 400 400
15 30 600 600 600
25 50 1000 1000 1000
V6H* 2.4 - 14.4 110 200 Vacuum 35 70 1400 1400 1400 280-10 280-85
50 100 2000 2000 2000
70 140 2800 2500 2000
100 200 3000 2500 2000
140 280 3000 2500 2000
200 400 3000 2500 2000
100 200 6000 6000 6000
140 280 8400 8400 8400
160 320 9600 9600 9600
185 370 11100 10000 10000
225 450 12000 10000 10000
W 2.4 -14.4 110 560 Oil 280 560 12000 10000 10000 280-30 280-85
400 800 12000 10000 10000
400 X 560 ** 12000 10000 10000
560 1120 12000 10000 10000
560 X 750 ** 12000 10000 10000
50 100 3000
70 140 4200
100 200 6000
140 280 8400
160 320 9600
VW 2.4 -14.4 110 560 Vacuum 185 370 11100 280-30 280-85
225 450 12000
280 560 12000
400 800 12000
400 X 560 ** 12000
560 1120 12000
560 X 750 ** 12000
At 24.9 kV
100 200 6000
140 280 8000
160 320 8000
185 370 8000
WV27 24.9 150 560 Oil 225 450 8000 280-30 280-85
280 560 8000
400 800 8000
400 X 560 ** 8000
560 1120 8000
560 X 750 ** 8000

* Phases trip individually on overcurrent, but trip and lock out all three phases at the final step in sequence. Other (continued)
reclosers operate all three phases simultaneously under all conditions.
** Trip rating is 140% of X coil ratings, all other are 200%.


TABLE 4 (Continued)
Three-Phase, Hydraulically Controlled Reclosers

` Max. For Detailed Description

Cont. Trip-Coil Features, Ordering Information
Nominal Current Inter- Rating Min.Trip See Catalog Section
Recloser Voltage BIL Rating rupting (cont. Rating Interrupting Rating
Type (kV) (kV) (amps) Medium amps) (amps) (rms sym amps) Recloser Mountings
At 34.5 kV
50 100 3000
70 140 4200
100 200 6000
140 280 8400
160 320 9600
VWV38X 34.5 150 560 Vacuum 185 370 11100 280-30 280-85
225 450 12000
280 560 12000
400 800 12000
400 X 560 * 12000
560 1120 12000
560 X 750 * 12000
100 200 6000
140 280 8000
160 320 8000
185 370 8000
WV38X 34.5 150 560 Oil 225 450 8000 280-30 280-85
280 560 8000
400 800 8000
400 X 560 * 8000
560 1120 8000
560 X 750 * 8000
*Trip rating is 140% of X coil ratings, all other are 200%.

Three-Phase, Electronically Controlled Reclosers

` Max. For Detailed Description

Cont. Features, Ordering Information
Nominal Current Inter- Min.Trip See Catalog Section
Recloser Voltage BIL Rating rupting Rating Interrupting Rating
Type (kV) (kV) (amps) Medium (amps) (rms sym amps) Electronic
Recloser Control Mountings
At 4.8 kV At 8.32 kV At 14.4 kV
280 280-77
WE 2.4 - 14.4 110 560 * Oil 400 12000 10000 10000 280-40 or 280-85
560 280-75
At 2.4 thru 14.4 kV
200 280-77
PWE** 2.4 - 14.4 95 560 Vacuum 280 12000 285-71 or Not
400 280-75 Applicable
200 280-77
VWE 2.4 - 14.4 110 560 * Vacuum 280 12000 280-40 or 280-85
400 280-75

* Continuous current rating can be extended to 800 amps with an accessory. (continued)
**For padmounted installation.

General Ratings Information and Catalog Guide For Single-Phase and Three-Phase Reclosers

TABLE 5 (Continued)
Three-Phase, Electronically Controlled Reclosers

` Max. For Detailed Description

Cont. Features, Ordering Information
Nominal Current Inter- Min.Trip See Catalog Section
Recloser Voltage BIL Rating rupting Rating Interrupting Rating
Type (kV) (kV) (amps) Medium (amps) (rms sym amps) Electronic
Reclosers Control Mountings
At 2.4 thru 14.4 kV
280 280-77
VSA12B 2.4 - 14.4 110 600 Vacuum 400 12000 280-45 or 280-85
560 280-75
280 280-77
VSA12 2.4 - 14.4 110 800 Vacuum 400 12000 280-45 or 280-85
560 280-75
280 280-77
VSA16 2.4 - 14.4 110 800 Vacuum 400 16000 280-45 or 280-85
560 280-75
280 280-77
VSA20 2.4 - 14.4 110 800 Vacuum 400 20000 280-45 or 280-85
560 280-75
280 280-77
VSA20A 2.4 - 14.4 110 1200 Vacuum 400 20000 280-45 or 280-85
560 280-75
At 24.9 kV
200 280-77
PWVE* 24.9 125 560 Vacuum 280 12000 285-71 or Not
400 280-75 Applicable
280 280-77
WVE27 24.9 150 560 ** Oil 400 8000 280-40 or 280-85
560 280-75

* For padmounted installation.

**Continuous current rating can be extended to 800 amps with an accessory.


TABLE 5 (Continued)
Three-Phase, Electronically Controlled Reclosers

` Max. For Detailed Description

Cont. Features, Ordering Information
Nominal Current Inter- Min.Trip See Catalog Section
Recloser Voltage BIL Rating rupting Rating Interrupting Rating
Type (kV) (kV) (amps) Medium (amps) (rms sym amps) Electronic
Reclosers Control Mountings
At 24.9 kV
200 280-77
VWVE27 24.9 125 560 ** Vacuum 280 12000 280-40 or 280-85
400 280-75
At 34.5 kV
200 280-77
WVE38X 34.5 150 560 * Oil 280 8000 280-40 or 280-85
400 280-75
200 280-77
VWVE38X 34.5 150 560 * Vacuum 280 12000 280-40 or 280-85
400 280-75
200 280-77
VSO12 34.5 150 560 * Vacuum 280 12000 280-57 or 280-85
400 280-75
200 280-77
VSO16 34.5 150 560 * Vacuum 280 16000 280-57 or 280-85
400 280-75

* Continuous current rating can be extended to 800 amps with an accessory.

General Ratings Information and Catalog Guide For Single-Phase and Three-Phase Reclosers

Kyle® is a registered trademark of Cooper Industries, Inc. P.O. Box 1640, Waukesha, WI 53187


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