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Literature Study Nift Chennai

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Lite ra ture S tudy - NIFT, Che nna i

National Institute of Fashion

Technology, Chennai

 Location Taramani, Chennai

 Architect Sanjay Mohe

 Consultants SEMAC Pvt. Ltd.

 Contractors J.M.C. Projects Pvt. Ltd.

 Site Area 18996 sq m

 Built–up Area 14000 sq m overlook another space or hear another

conversation without being seen oneself.
 Project Cost 11.6 Crores

About NIFT, Chennai Location

The NIFT site is located on old
Before entering the campus of NIFT, one is
Mahabalipuram road.
given a colorful opening of planes apparent
The Site is triangular flanked by roads on
in the front façade. The structure builds up a
two sides and elevated railway line on the
more playful character for a school that
third. The elevated railway line intersects
indulges in fashion. Being a masonry
the old Mahabalipuram road at a
building, it offers a layered experience—
very sharp angle, which is a unique aspect
textured and surprising. Walking through
of the site and has been carried through to
the building reveals a complex arrangement
the built form.
of corridors, staircases and walkways. The
public areas are varied and surprising and a
look at the floor plans cannot describe the
About this time in his career, there is an
complex overlay of spaces. The building
apparent shift in Mohe’s approach towards
has a variety of spaces, spaces that the
generative ideas for design. The design
students value greatly as they offer them the
moves away from a static, monochromatic
buffer for different activities. There is a
architecture that dominates his earlier
quiet voyeurism to the way one can
projects. The generative idea for the design
Lite ra ture S tudy - NIFT, Che nna i

Post Graduate Diploma

1. Garment Manufacturing Technology
emerges from a surprisingly unusualsource 2. Knit Wear Design Technology
— a triangular cousin of the Rubik’s cube 3. Fashion Design Information Technology
that one of his associates had brought into
the office one morning. The colorful Fashion Design Department
triangles of the toy rendered a vibrant The Fashion Design Department is situated
composition of peaks and niches that on the first floor. It comprises of-
inspired Mohe towards the playful design of
 1 faculty room
the roadside façade at NIFT, Chennai.
 1 Conference room
These triangular pockets are devised as
 1 construction lab
wind catchers. They also act as a buffer
 1 pattern making lab
from the harsh Chennai sun and the noise
 1 audiovisual room
from the busy road.
 1 art room
 1 classroom
Construction lab consists of ironing table
(1.05 x .65 x .8m)
Working table (1.2 x 1.2 x 1m)
Sewing machines (1 x .55x.76m)
Button stitching machine
Pattern making lab consists of working
table (1.5 x 1.2x .8m)
Sewing machines
Fusing machine (1.5 x 1.2 x 1.2m)
Art room consists of working table (.75 x .6
The Courses Offered are-
x .75m)
Under Graduate Diploma
1. Fashion Designing
2. Accessory Designing
Garment Manufacturing Technology
Lite ra ture S tudy - NIFT, Che nna i

The Garment Manufacturing Technology The Knit wear Design and Technology
Department is situated on the second floor department is situated on the ground floor.
It consists of- It comprises of-

 2 class room  1 Faculty room

 1 pattern-making lab  1 construction lab
 1 construction lab  1 pattern-making lab
 1 audiovisual room  2 knitting lab
 1 faculty room  1 classroom

Class room consists of chairs with the Knitting lab consists of knitting looms and 1
facility for writing and overhead projector computerized machine.
with screen.
Construction lab consists of Sewing Department of Information
machine (1.25 x .6x.76) Technology
Ironing table (1.5x 1.x .75) Fashion design Information Technology
Button stitching machine department is situated on first floor.
Pattern making lab consists of working
It comprises of-
table (1.2 x 1.25 x .8m)
 1 faculty room
Ironing table and storage units
 2 oration rooms
 1

Knitwear Design and Technology construction lab

Lite ra ture S tudy - NIFT, Che nna i

Accessory Design Department

The Accessory Design department is
situated in ground floor.
It consist of-
 1 faculty room
 2 accessory design lab
 1 classroom

The hostel is two-storied building only for
women. Each room caters for two people.
The hostel has common toilet facility,
which are situated in units in either sides
i.e., towards the end of the each floor. The
hostel has two blocks i.e., east block and
west block. There is a connecting bridge to
the hostel and the academic block on the
first floor.
Lite ra ture S tudy - NIFT, Che nna i

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