Scope of MR: Product Research
Scope of MR: Product Research
Scope of MR: Product Research
1. Product research: -
Design, development and testing of new products as well as the
improvement of the existing one,
Analysis of Consumer durables and technical products; after sales
Packaging – powerful promotional tool, suitable market segment
2. Sales research: -
It is concerned with all the selling activities of the firm,
It includes examining the sales outlet territories in terms of sale
Effectiveness of sales force & identifying their performance
3. Customer Research: -
It studies the buying behavior of the customers
Sociological, economic & psychological factors that influence the
decision of the customers
It provides customer’s opinion, attitude & suggestions for their &
competitor’s brand.
4. Pricing Research: -
One of the major factors that affects the success of the firm.
Price depends on the no. of factors i.e nature of demand, extent of
competition, technological development etc
In case of new product development the firm may undertake test
marketing. In different locations providing products at varying
In case of established product the firm would like to know how
much sensitive customers are to price change .
In case of decline in the cost of production the firm is in dilemma
whether to reduce the price or provide a better quality.
5. Advertising Research: -
Media Research: - T.V., Newspaper, Magazines, Radio. Here the
main problem is to choose the right media
E.g in case of rural areas the reach of newspaper is the most but the
main problem over there is illiteracy
Copy Testing: - final film has to be tested before it is released by the
firm as an advertisement.
Due to the liberalization of the economy, more and more firms are
allocating larger budget in advertisements.
Threats to MR
Excessive interviewing: - it annoys the respondent too much that
they stop entertaining from the next time.
Lack of consideration & abuse of respondents: - the respondent
don't pay much attention to the researcher’s question as a result they
end up giving wrong answers and also sometimes the researcher is
not welcomed properly by the respondent.
Use of MR as sales ploy: - a major threat to the research process,
most of the respondents misunderstand the researcher for a
salesperson, they think this as another mode of selling things, so this
hampers the research a lot.
1.Identify the problem
Primary Data
Internal External
Internal sources
1. Accounting Records: -Sales invoice, customer data , items ordered,
quantities ordered, disc allowed etc.
2. Sales force reports: -
3. Miscellaneous reports: -any study done earlier on marketing problems
of the company, special audit etc.
4. Internal experts: -experts working in the company like product
managers, marketing research managers PR personnels are good
source of data.
External sources
1. Government Publications: -
Regular publications such as census data, RBI bulletin, journals
like Agriculture situation in India, the Indian labor year book etc.
2. Non-Government Publications: -
One major source of information is National Council of Applied
Economic Research (NCAER) which is a premier research institute
in applied economics in India.
Research Design
Research Design is the plan, structure, and strategy of investigation
conceived so as to obtain answers to research questions and to
control variance.
The definition consists of three important terms-plan, structure and
The plan is an outline of the researcher scheme on which he has to
Structure is the more specific outline &
Strategy shows how the research will be carried out.
“A Research Design is the arrangement of conditions for collection
and analysis of data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the
research purpose.”
keeping the above definition in mind one may split the over all
research design into the following parts;
a) The sampling design which deals with the method of selecting items to
be observed for the given study,
b) The observational design which relates to the conditions under which
the observations are to be made,
c) The statistical design which concerns with the question of how many
items are to be observed & how the information & data are to be
d) The operational design which deals with the techniques by which the
procedures specified in the sampling, statistical & observational
designs can be carried out.
Need for research design
It facilitates the smooth sailing of the various research operations,
thereby making research as efficient as possible yielding maximal
information with minimal expenditure of effort, time & money.
It is needed for advance planning of the methods to be adopted for
collecting the relevant data & the techniques to be used in their
analysis, checking the availability of staff, time & money.
The design helps the researcher to organize his ideas in a form
whereby it will be possible for him to look for flaws and
Therefore preparation of the research design should be done with
great care as any error in it may upset the entire project.
Features of a good design
A good design is economical, flexible, appropriate and efficient.
Generally the design which minimizes bias and maximizes the
reliability of the data collected and analysed is considered a good
A good design is supposed to yield maximal information & provide
an opportunity for considering many research problems.
The question of a good research design is related to the purpose or
objective of the research problem and also with the nature of the
problem to be studied.
So one single design cannot serve the purpose of all types of
research problems.
An appropriate research design involves the following factors;
The means of obtaining information,
The availability & skills of the researcher & his staff, if any
The objective of the problem to be studied,
The nature of the problem,
The availability of time & money for the research work.
Types of research design
1. Exploratory Research: -
It generally focuses on the discovery of new ideas.
An exploratory research is generally based on the secondary data
that are readily available. It does not have a formal and rigid design
as the researcher may have to change his focus or direction,
depending on the availability of new ideas and relationship among
E.g in a business where sales have been declining for past few
months, the possible explanation could be deterioration in the
quality of the product, increased competition, inadequate or
ineffective advertisement , In such cases the research is mostly
carried out to find out the cause.
The following three methods in the context of research design for
such studies are talked about:
Survey of the concerning literature: - it is the most simple &
fruitful method of formulating precisely the research problem or
developing hypothesis. Hypothesis stated by earlier workers may
be reviewed & their usefulness be evaluated as a basis for further
Experience Survey: - the survey of people who have had practical
experience with the problem to be studied. for such a survey people
who are competent and can contribute new ideas may be carefully
selected as respondents to ensure a representation of different types
of experience.
Analysis of insight-stimulating examples: - this method consists
of the intensive study of selected instances of the phenomenon in
which one is interested. for this purpose the existing records, if any
may be examined, the unstructured interviewing may take place, or
some other approach may be adopted. E.g. the reactions of
individuals from different social strata.
2. Descriptive Research: -
Descriptive studies are well-structured and rigid in nature.
They are factual and very simple, the objective of the study is to
answer the ‘who, what, when, where, and how’ of the subject under
investigation. E.g when the researcher is interested in knowing the
proportion of people in a given population who have behaved in a
particular manner, making projections of a certain thing.
It can be divided into two broad categories;
A) Cross-sectional studies: - it is concerned with a sample of
elements from a given population. It deals in with households,
dealers, retail stores etc. it is of two types: -
• Field studies: - life situations like communities, schools, factories
They ex-post-facto (after the fact or action) inquiries that find inter-
relations among variables in a real setting.
• Survey research:- it has a wide scope i.e. detailed information can be
obtained from a large sample of a large population.
B) Longitudinal studies: - they are based on panel data & panel
methods. A panel is a sample of respondents who are interviewed and
then reinterviewed from time to time. Panel data relate to the
repeated measurements of the same variables at regular intervals say
weekly, monthly or quarterly.
3. Causal Designs: - it investigates the cause & effect relationship
between two or more variables. Suppose a manufacturer has sold his
product at two points of time t1 & t2 the sale in t2 time is much
higher than in the previous year. During that particular year the firm
the firm has launched an ad also for the product now the
manufacturer is interested in knowing whether the ad has caused
increase in sales in the year t2.
Comparison b/w exploratory &
descriptive research
Research Type of Study
Design Exploratory/ Formulative Descriptive/Diagnostic
Probability Non-Probability
sampling sampling
Random convenience
Multistage snowball
1. Probability sampling
RS: - this is the method according to which each & every member
of a given population is given equal chance for getting selected in
the sample. Here the element of chance is distributed equally and
there fore there is no prejudice or partiality, hence this method is
popularly used in all economic, social & political surveys.
S.S: - it is based on well defined procedure or system . This method
consist of selecting any one of the numbers at random & thereafter
selecting other members, according to the application of a
systematic procedure.
e.g if out of 40 different roll no.s one of the no. is selected at
random & if that happens to be 12 then according to the system the
other no.s will be 12, 24, 36, 48, 20, 32 etc.
ST.S: - according to this method a given heterogeneous population is
divided into a no of homogenous classes or divisions or strata's from
each division, or starta a no. of members are selected at random. This
no. is in proportion to the size of the stratum. Advantage of this
method is that each division is propotionally & properly represented in
the entire sample.
M.S: - this method is based on a samplic procedure i.e. conducted at
random, through a no. of stages. At each stage the representative
sample of items is obtained. Hence a very large population is
efficiently represented by a sample.
C.S: - a cluster stands for a group of persons or things if 100 MBA
students are to be selected from 5 institutes A,B,C,D,E then each
institute as a cluster of students
suppose there are 200 students in each cluster & then the sample
would be 20+20+20+20+20=100. cluster sampling provides
effectively representative members without bias or prejudice.
2. Non-Probability sampling
P.S/J.S: - the organizers of the inquiry purposively chose the
particular units of the universe for constituting a sample on the basis
that the small mass that they select out of a huge one will be typical
or representative of the whole.
The judgement of the organizer plays an important part ion the
sampling design. In this design personal element has a great chance
of entering into the selection of the sample.. Thus there is always
the danger of getting bias results, but the investigators are impartial,
work without bias and have the necessary experience so as to take
sound judgement.
Q.S: - it refers to the method of selecting a fixed no. of members
from a certain population. For instance if a particular organization
lady candidates are given 30% quota from all the jobs in that
organization then the members are selected according to that 30%
reservation. Suppose there are 150 jobs in a particular office then
30% of these could be 45. there are two methods in fulfilling
requirements of quota members random selection or in the order of
C.S:- it refers to the method of selecting sample as per the
convenience of the researcher. This type of sampling is also called
accidental sampling as the respondents in the sample are included
on the account of their availability on the spot of survey.
SN.S:- in this type of sampling the additional units are obtained on
the basis of information given by initial sample units. These units
may provide other names to the researcher.
E.g: a market research agency may use telephone to contact some
persons and ask them the names of the individuals who in their
opinion are appropriate respondents for the concerned study.