Iec61439 Importance

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The key takeaways are that the new IEC 61439 standard provides a more structured framework for low voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies with general requirements and product specific parts. It also distinguishes responsibilities between original equipment manufacturers and assembly manufacturers.

The objectives of the new IEC 61439 standard are to provide a structured framework similar to IEC 60947, define switchgear assemblies as a 'black box' interface, and distinguish responsibilities between original and assembly manufacturers. It also replaces the TTA and PTTA classifications with a design verification approach.

The structure of the new IEC 61439 standard is organized with a general part (IEC 61439-1) and product specific parts (IEC 61439-2 to 61439-7) which define requirements for detailed product types more precisely.

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IEC 61439
(Edition 2, September 2014)

Importance of the new standard of low-voltage switchgear and

controlgear assemblies
for planer, panel builder and end users

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Agenda of the presentation

1. Overview IEC 61439 / EN 61439

2. Divided responsibility
3. Structure of IEC 61439 / EN 61439-1
4. Changes test/verification
5. Planning of a PSC acc. to IEC / EN 61439-1 and -2
6. Documentation of a PSC

PSC = Power switchgear and controlgear assembly

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1. Overview IEC 61439 / EN 61439
Why a new standard?

In general: Safety requirements of electrical equipment are set today as general

rules in the regulation of EN /IEC to observe the protection objectives for people
and panels and this rules are continuously updated.

Appearing first in the year 1993, the EN 60439 regulated the different types of
switchgears to one standard and classified them as TTA (type-tested switchgear
assemblies) or PTTA (partially type-tested switchgear assemblies).
This classification TTA vs. PTTA led to a permanent discussion about the
requirements to launch a switchgear as TTA or PTTA..

Now the new standard has a general part (EN 61439-1) and product specific parts
(EN 61439-2,…,-6) which define the requirements of the detailed products more

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IEC 61439 / EN 61439

Structured like the switchgear standard IEC 60947 into a general part (general
standard) and product parts (switchgear and controlgear assemblies
standard) which are clearly assigned to the application.
Defining the switchgear and controlgear assemblies as a “black box” with its
interfaces by accepting current and future products of switchgears and power
distribution boards. (connection to the power supply, installation- and
environmental conditions, circuits and consumers, operation and maintenance)

Distinction between original manufacturer and assembly manufacturer

TTA and PTTA are skipped and are replaced by design verification.

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IEC 61439 / EN 61439
New structure of standard

DIN EN 61439-1 (former DIN EN 60439-1) : General rules

DIN EN 61439-2 (former also DIN EN 60439-1) : Switchgear and controlgear assemblies
DIN EN 61439-3 (will replace DIN EN 60439-3) : Low current distribution boards
DIN EN 61439-4 (will replace DIN EN 60439-4) : Distribution boards for construction sites
DIN EN 61439-5 (will replace DIN EN 60439-5) : Cable distribution boards
DIN EN 61439-6 (will replace DIN EN 60439-2) : Busbar trunking systems
DIN EN 61439-7 (new) : Switchgear for special locations
IEC/TR 61439-0 (no former standard) : Specifiers guide

The local version of IEC 60439 may be used till 01.11.2014!

(On IEC level IEC 60439-1 is already replaced by IEC 61439-1, -2).

National appendix (NA) may distinguish from the original IEC 61439-1,…,7 and overwrite them.

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IEC 61439 / EN 61439
Application area
The IEC 61439 / EN 61439 is valid for every kind of
low voltage Switchgear and controlgear assemblies

Metering boards,
Sub distribution
boards Control panels High Current Low current
with wall mounted up to distribution systems distribution boards
Bayed combinations Main distribution boards
with several enclosures

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IEC 61439-1 / EN 61439-1
Type tests are replaced by design verifications

Design verification (3.9.1)

„Verification made on a sample of an assembly or on parts of assemblies to show that the
design meets the requirements of the relevant assembly standard“

Design verification may comprise one or more equivalent and alternative methods
consisting of:
 Testing (mechanical, electrical and thermal tests)
 Assessment (physical measurement, calculation temperature rise only for PSC InA ≤ 1.600 Amp;
to show that the assembly fulfill the requirements of the standard)
 Comparison (structured comparison referencing on base of a tested solution)

Note: Verification tests are equivalent to type tests. (only some small deviations between
old and new standard).

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IEC 61439-1 / EN 61439-1 : design verification
table D.1 – List of necessary verifications (1)

Design verification acc. to IEC 61439-1 / EN 61439-1

No. items to be proofed Chapter possible verification method
Verification by Verification by Verification by
test comparison assessment
1 Verification of strength of materials and parts : 10.2
Verification of resistance to corrosion 10.2.2 YES NO NO
Verification of properties of insulating materials 10.2.3
Verification of thermal stability of enclosures YES NO NO
Verification of resistance of insulating materials
to abnormal heat and fire due to internal electric YES NO YES
Verification of resistance to ultra-violet (UV) 10.2.4
Verification of Lifting 10.2.5 YES NO NO
Verification of mechanical impact 10.2.6 YES NO NO
Verification of marking 10.2.7 YES NO NO
2 Verification of protection of assemblies 10.3 YES NO YES
3 Verification of clearances 10.4 YES NO NO
4 Verification of creepage distances 10.4 YES NO NO

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IEC 61439-1 / EN 61439-1 : design verification
table D.1 – List of necessary verifications (2)
Design verification acc. to IEC 61439-1 / EN 61439-1
No. items to be proofed Chapter possible verification method
Verification by Verification by Verification by
test comparison assessment
5 Verification of protection against electric shock 10.5
and integrity of protective circuits:
Verification of effective earth continuity between 10.5.2
the exposed conductive parts of the assembly YES NO NO
and the protective circuit
Verification of short-circuit withstand strength of 10.5.3
the protective circuit
6 Verification of incorporation of switching devices 10.6
and components
7 Verification of internal electrical circuits and 10.7
8 Verification of terminals for external conductors 10.8 NO NO YES
9 Verification of dielectric properties 10.9
Verification of power frequency withstand voltage 10.9.2
Verification of impulse withstand voltage 10.9.3 YES NO YES
10 Verification of temperature rise 10.10 YES YES YES
11 Verification of short-circuit withstand strength 10.11 YES YES YES
12 Verification of electromagnetic compatibility 10.12
13 Verification of mechanical operation 10.13 YES NO NO

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IEC 61439-1 / EN 61439-1 : design verification
table D.1 – List of necessary verifications (1)
The IEC 61439-1 standard gives general rules for switchboards

Safety Meeting IEC 61439-1 requirements means :

 a minimum level of safety for people and equipment
 to include the low-voltage switchgear and controlgear
Reliability Availability assemblies for the power distribution and control
 precise requirements for
 - service conditions (temperature...)
Maintenability construction réquipements (IP, IK, forms,...)
 précise test procédures

IEC 61439-1: one worldwide standard for all the

professionals of switchboards.

Conformity to IEC 61439 provides an insurance on switchboard realization quality

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IEC 61439-1 / EN 61439-1 : design verification
table D.1 – List of necessary verifications (1)
The benefits from IEC 61439-1
IEC 61439-1 provides minimum requirements and test procedures for safe and
reliable installation allowing a high availability of the electrical energy

 the certainty to prescribe a switchboard which
ensures the level of safety required by the user
Panel-builder / Installer:
 confidence in products and swichboards systems,
following the standard
 increase efficiency, easy to show conformity

 products tested in real configurations
 detailed instructions for fautless construction.

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IEC 61439-1 / EN 61439-1
Design verification

Design verification - General (10.1)

 The tests shall be performed on a representative sample of an assembly in a clean
and new condition.
 Where tests have been conducted in accordance with the IEC 60439 series and the test
results fulfill the requirements of the relevant part of IEC 61439, the verification of these
requirements need not be repeated.
 Tests on individual devices to their respective product standards are not an
alternative to the design verifications in this standard for the assembly.
 The number of assemblies or parts thereof used for verification and the order in which
the verification is carried out shall be at the discretion of the original manufacturer.
 The used datas, calculations and made comparisons for the verification of
assemblies shall be recorded in a verification report.

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IEC 61439-1 / EN 61439-1
routine test is replaced by routine verification

Routine verification (3.9.5)

„verification of each assembly performed during and/or after manufacture to
confirm whether it complies with the requirements of the relevant assembly

Note: The routine verification is very close to the former routine test and has to be done at
every manufactured assembly.

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IEC 61439-2 / EN 61439-2
Power switchgear and controlgear assemblies

Power switchgear and controlgear assembly (PSC-assembly) (3.1.101):

„low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assembly used to distribute and control
energy for all types of loads, intended for industrial, commercial and similar
applications where operation by ordinary persons is not intended“

Note: Ordinary persons my have access to the place of installation, but they shall not have a
possibility to operate at the panel.

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2. Responsibility in a short view
design verification original
testing comparison assessment (f.e. Rittal)

assembly / original system

Definition of the interface parameter for the

User (end customer, owner)
manufacturer of the customer assembly

assembly / customer system

like original system like original system

without deviations with deviations

design verification of the design verification of the

manufacturer of the
original manufacturer original manufacturer customer assembly (panel
+ supplement for the
deviation builder, system integrator)

routine verification

assembly ready for use

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Responsibility of the original manufacturer

The original Manufacturer is responsible for:

 The Definition of the single verification by testing,
calculation or following of construction rules
 The documentation of the design verification, e.g.
test reports, reports of calculation, creation of
design rule documentation
 The definition of calculation and design rules as well
as a reference system for test.
 The Creation of a planning guideline, a assembly
instruction and test recommendations

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Responsibility of the manufacturer of a PSC assembly

The manufacturer of a PSC assembly is responsible

for :
 The planning and dimensioning of the PSC
assembly acc. to the specified operation datas
 The conformity for the customer acc. to the relevant
standard (declaration of conformity)
 Following the requirements of the original
manufacturer for the design verification
 The marking and documentation of the PSC
 The realisation of the routine verification

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Responsibility of planer / end user

The planer / end user is responsible for:

Integration of wording and new standard in to the
tender specifications: Power Switchgear and
controlgear assembly (PSC) acc. to IEC 61439-1/-2
or DIN EN 61439 part 1 and part 2
Description of the PSC acc. to the black box model
and determination of the interface parameters of the
PSC e.g.
 Connection to power supply, type of
supply net
 Circuits and consumers
 Installation and ambient conditions
 Operation and maintenance

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Planning of a PSC acc. to IEC 61439-1/-2 or EN 61439-1/-2
b) Dimensioning of switching or operating devices

Dimensioning acc. to data of the Ri4Power System:

Example of a moulded case circuit breaker (MCCB):
Rittal has created a documentation with the possible
operation currents Inc for the different operation
conditions of a device.

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Planning of a PSC acc. to IEC 61439-1/-2 or EN 61439-1/-2
b) Dimensioning of switching or operating devices

Dimensioning according to datas of the Ri4Power System :

Example of a moulded case circuit breaker

These datas are integrated in the

configuration software Rittal
Power Engineering 6.0.

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Planning of a PSC acc. to IEC 61439-1/-2 or EN 61439-1/-2
b) Dimensioning of switching or operating devices

Dimensioning according to data of the Ri4Power System:

These data are contend of the
design verification and in this
documentation included.

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Planning of a PSC acc. to IEC 61439-1/-2 or EN 61439-1/-2
c) Design verification for PSC with the Ri4Power-system

Configuration with Rittal Power Engineering V6.0:

Configuration Output

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Planning of a PSC acc. to IEC 61439-1/-2 or EN 61439-1/-2
d) Design verification for control boards (e.g. TS8 + Riline busbar system)

Configuration with Rittal Power Engineering V6.0 and Therm:

Configuration Output

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6. Documentation of a PSC

Contend of a documentation for a PSC acc. to IEC 61439-2 / EN 61439-2:

A) Design verification (this is a common document)
B) Routine verification (this can be
different from one PSC to another)
C) Common usual documents
 Wiring diagram
 List of material
 Mechanical diagram
 Etc.

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Design verification (chapter 10, IEC 61439-1 / EN 61439-1)

1) Construction:
10.2 Strength of materials and parts
10.3 Degree of protection of enclosures
10.4 Clearances and creepage distances
10.5 Protection against electric shock
and integrity of protective circuits
10.6 Incorporation of switching devices
and components
10.7 Internal electrical circuits and connections
10.8 Terminals for external conductors

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Design verification (chapter 10, IEC 61439-1 / EN 61439-1)

2) Performance:
10.9 Dielectric properties
10.10 Temperature rise
10.11 Short-circuit withstand strength
10.12 Electromagnetic compatibility
10.13 Mechanical operation

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IEC 61439-1 / EN 61439-1
11 Template Routine verification

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IEC 61439-1 / EN 61439-1
11 Template Routine verification

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IEC 61439-1 / EN 61439-1

Thanks for your attention !

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