Transduser Projects Call 09952749533

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Cell: 9952749533
Call For Research Projects Final
year students of B.E in EEE, ECE,
EI, M.E (Power Systems), M.E
(Applied Electronics), M.E (Power
Ph.D Electrical and Electronics.
Students can assemble their hardware in our
Research labs. Experts will be guiding the
 Classification of transducers
 Selection of transducers
 Resistive transducers
 Capacitive transducers
 Inductive transducers
 Piezoelectric transducers
 Optical transducers
 Digital transducers
 Elements of data acquisition system - A/D, D/A

 It’s a device which convert one form of

energy to another form
 Non electrical quantity is converted into an
electrical form by a transducer.
 Another name is pick up
Advantage of Electrical
 Electrical amplification and attenuation can
be done easily.
 Mass inertia effects are minimized.
 The effect of friction is minimized.
 The electrical or electronic systems can be
controlled with a very small power level.

 The electrical output can be easily used ,

transmitted and processed for the purpose
of measurement.
 Telemetry (aerospace – remote indication /
 Miniaturization on account of use of IC’s.
Two parts/element of transducer
 Sensing or detector element.
A detector or a sensing element is that
part of a transducer which responds to a
physical phenomenon or a change in a
physical phenomenon.
 Transduction element.
A transduction element transforms the
output of a sensing element to an electrical
output. The transduction element in a way
acts as a secondary transducer.
Classification of Transducers

 On the basis of transduction form used.

 As primary and secondary transducers
 As passive and active transducer.
 As analog and digital transducer.
 As transducers and inverse transducers.
Classification based upon principle of
 Resistive
 Inductive

 Capacitive etc

Depending upon how they convert the

input quantity into resistance, inductance
or capacitance respectively.
Eg piezoelectric, thermoelectric, magneto
restrictive, electro kinetic and optical
Primary and Secondary Transducers

LVDT (Linear

Primary- Pressure to displacement

(bourdon tube)
Secondary-Displacement into analogous
voltage (LVDT).
Passive and Active Transducer

 Active Transducer:
Also known as self generating type,
develop their own voltage or current from
the physical phenomenon being
Velocity , temperature , light intensity and
force can be transduced with the help of
active transducer.
 Passive Transducer:
Also known as externally powered
transducers, i.e., derive the power
required for energy conversion from an
external power source.
e.g. POT (Potentiometer)-used for the
measurement of displacement .
Analog and Digital Transducer.

 Analog Transducers : It converts the input

quantity into an analog output which is a continuous
function of time.
 E.g. LVDT, Thermocouple or a thermistor
(gives output which is continuous function of time)

 Digital Transducer: Converts input quantity

into an electrical output which is in the
form of pulse.
Characteristics and Choice of
 Input Characteristics
 Transfer Characteristics
 Output Characteristics.
Input Characteristics
 Type of Input and Operating Range
 Loading effect.
 Type of Input :The type of input, which can
be any physical quantity, is generally
determined in advance .
 Operating Range : Choice of transducer
depends upon the useful range of input

 Loading Effect : The transducer, that is

selected for a particular application should
ideally exact NO force, power or energy
from the quantity under measurement in
order that is measured accurately.
Transfer Characteristics

1. Transfer function.
2. Error.
3. Response of transducer to environmental
Transfer function.

 The transfer function of a transducer defines a

relationship between the input quantity and the
output. The transfer function is
q0  f (qi )
q0 andqi
are respectively output and input of the
 Sensitivity,


Scale Factor, Inversei of sensitivity.

1 dqo

S dqi
 The error in transducer occur because they do
not follow, the input output relationship.
 Example.. Instead of qo, we might get a output as
qo’, then the error of the instrument is

  qo  q 0
Three components of error

1. Scale error.
2. Dynamic error
3. Error on account of noise and drift.
Scale error.
 Zero error.
 Sensitivity error
 Non conformity.
 Hysteresis.
Zero error

Practical Curve.

Theorectical Curve.


 Output deviates from the correct value by

a constant factor over the entire range of
the transducer.
Sensitivity Error

Practical Curve.

Theorectical Curve.

 Observed output deviates from the correct
value by a constant value.
Non conformity
Practical Curve.

Output 

Theorectical Curve.

 Transfer function deviates from the
theoretical transfer function for almost every

Decreasing input


Increasing input

Response of transducer to
environmental influences.
 It should not be subjected to any
disturbances like stray electromagnetic and
electrostatic fields, mechanical shocks and
vibrations temperature changes, pressure
and humidity changes, changes in supply
voltage and improper mechanical mountings.
Output Characteristics

 Type of Electrical Output.

 Output Impedance
 Useful Range.
Type of Electrical Output.

 The type of output which may be available

from the transducers may be available
from the transducers may be a voltage,
current , impedance or a time function of
these amplitudes.
Output Impedance
 Ideally the value of output impedance should
be zero if no loading effects are there on the
subsequent stage.
 Since zero output impedance is not
possible , it should be kept as low as
possible, since it determines the amount of
power that can be transferred to the
succeeding stages of the instrumentation
Useful Output Range

 The output range of a transducer is limited

at the lower end by noise signal.
 The upper limit is set by the maximum
useful input level.
Factors Influencing the choice of

1. Operating Principle
2. Sensitivity
3. Operating Range
4. Accuracy
5. Cross sensitivity
6. Errors
7. Transient and frequency response

8. Loading effects.
9. Environmental compatibility
10. Insensitivity to unwanted signals
11. Usage and Ruggedness
12. Electrical aspects
13. Stability and Reliability
14. Static characteristics.
1. Operating Principle: The transducer are many
times selected on the basis of operating
principle used by them. The operating principle
used may be resistive, inductive, capacitive ,
optoelectronic, piezo electric etc.
2. Sensitivity: The transducer must be sensitive
enough to produce detectable output.
3. Operating Range: The transducer should
maintain the range requirement and have a
good resolution over the entire range.
4. Accuracy: High accuracy is assured.
5. Cross sensitivity: It has to be taken into account
when measuring mechanical quantities. There
are situation where the actual quantity is being
measured is in one plane and the transducer is
subjected to variation in another plan.
6. Errors: The transducer should maintain the
expected input-output relationship as described
by the transfer function so as to avoid errors.
7. Transient and frequency response : The
transducer should meet the desired time domain
specification like peak overshoot, rise time,
setting time and small dynamic error.
8. Loading Effects: The transducer should have a
high input impedance and low output impedance
to avoid loading effects.
9. Environmental Compatibility: It should be
assured that the transducer selected to work
under specified environmental conditions
maintains its input- output relationship and does
not break down.
10. Insensitivity to unwanted signals: The
transducer should be minimally sensitive to
unwanted signals and highly sensitive to desired
11. Usage and Ruggedness: The ruggedness both
of mechanical and electrical intensities of
transducer versus its size and weight must be
considered while selecting a suitable
12. Electrical aspects: The electrical aspects that
need consideration while selecting a transducer
include the length and type of cable required.
13. Stability and Reliability : The transducer should
exhibit a high degree of stability to be operative
during its operation and storage life.
14. Static Characteristics :Apart from low static
error, the transducer should have a low non-
linearity, low hysteresis, high resolution and a
high degree of repeatability.
Resistive Transducers

R ,
R  resistance ; 
L  length of conductor ; m
A  cross - sectional area of conductor; m 2
  resistivity of conductor material;  - m
 Any method of varying one of the quantities
involved in the above relationship can be the
design basis of an electrical resistive transducer.

 The translational and rotational

potentiometers which work on the basis of
change in the value of resistance with change in
length of the conductor can be used for
measurement of translational or rotary
 Strain gauge work on the principle that the
resistance of the conductor or a semiconductor
changes when strained. This property can be used
for measurement of displacement, force and
 The resistivity of the material changes with change
of temperature thus causing a change of resistance.
This property may be used for measurement of

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