Analysis and Design of Cooling Tower Using Staad Pro: Mini Project Report

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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of


ME – Structural Engineering
under the guidance of
(Professor and Head of the Department)
K SWETHA Co-guide
(Assistant Professor)

MVSR Engineering College

Department of Civil Engineering
(Affiliated to OU), Badangpet-Nadergul main rd., Hyderabad, Telangana

This is to certify that B HARIPRIYA bearing roll no. 2451-20-741-008 has

satisfactorily completed the mini project work entitled “ANALYSIS AND
fulfilment of the requirement for the award of Masters in Structural
Engineering, prescribed by Osmania University for the year 2021.

Project guide Dr M Kameshwara Rao (Professor and Head of the Department)

Co guide K Swetha (Assistant Professor)

The successful completion of any task would be incomplete without meaning.

The people who made it possible and whose constant guidance and
encouragement secured us this success. We are obliged and grateful to our
Principal Dr. G. KANAKA DURGA for providing all the facilities and
environment for completion of our task.

Our special thanks to the Vice-Principal Mr. S.G.S. MURTHY for his
encouragement shown towards us to complete the project.

I would like to express our gratitude to Prof. Dr M. KAMESHWARA RAO,

Head of the Department of Civil Engineering, MVSR Engineering College,
Hyderabad, for his encouragement and guidance provided during the course of
our project work.

I would like to thank my guide & co-guide Prof. Dr M. KAMESHWARA RAO

(Professor & Head of the Department) & K. SWETHA (Assistant Professor) for
their valuable guidance in every stage of this work, this helped me in completing
the project work successfully.

STAAD or (STAAD Pro) is a Structural Analysis and Design Software

Application originally developed by Research Engineers International in 1997. In late 2005,
Research Engineers International was bought by Bentley Systems. It supports over 90 international
steel, concrete, timber & aluminium design codes. It used for analysing & designing structures like
buildings, towers, bridges, industrial, transportation and utility structures.

A cooling tower is a heat rejection device that rejects waste heat to the atmosphere through the
cooling of a water stream to a lower temperature Cooling towers are used in all heat producing
industries. There are two shapes of cooling towers: rectangular and circular cooling towers. In this
project, I am going to design a circular cooling tower named as Induced draft cooling tower. Induced
draft towers are typically mounted with a fan at the top of the cooling tower, which allows hot air out
and pulls air throughout. The high exiting air velocities reduce the chance of re-circulation. Design
and analysis of induced draft cooling towers is made, with consideration of different materials such as
Concrete, Steel, Stainless steel and Aluminum and Comparative analysis is done. Here, various loads
such as temperature loads, seismic loads are considered. It is found that Concrete is the best material
when compared to other materials, the results retrieved depicts that the material Concrete has less
shear force and bending moments. Concrete performs the best in terms of corrosion resistance and
lifecycle. Comparative Analysis of Cooling towers is done by using Staad pro.

1.Preliminary Introduction
2.Classification of Cooling tower
3.Induced Draft Cooling Tower
4. Working Principle
1.Literature Review
1.Selection of Cooling Tower
2.Structural Components
3.Cooling Tower Material
4. Components of Cooling Tower in detail
5.Material Details
6.Technical Specifications
1.Cooling Tower using Concrete
2.Cooling Tower using Aluminum
3.Cooling Tower using Galvanized Steel
4.Cooling Tower using Stainless
1. Conclusions
2. Scope for further study



A cooling tower is a semi-closed device for evaporative cooling of water by contact with air. The
main function of a cooling tower is to remove waste heat into the atmosphere from the condenser.
It is a wooden, steel or concrete structure and corrugated surfaces or baffles or perforated trays
are provided inside the tower for uniform distribution and better atomization of water in the
tower. Towers are divided into two main types, the first being named natural draught cooling
towers and the second mechanical draught cooling towers.


With respect to drawing Air through the tower, Classification based on Air Draft there are two
types of cooling towers:
(1) Natural draft
(2) Mechanical draft
1)Natural Draft Cooling Towers
Natural-draft cooling towers use the buoyancy of the exhaust air rising in a tall chimney to provide
the draft. Warm, moist air naturally rises due to the density differential to the dry, cooler outside air.
Counter intuitively, more moist air is less dense than drier air at the same temperature and pressure.
This moist air buoyancy produces a current of air through the tower. Note the characteristics of
natural draft towers below:
1. Natural draft cooling towers rely on stack effects that allow the air movement on density
differential. Many early designs just rely on prevailing winds to generate the draft of air
2.Natural draft cooling towers are characterized by a distinct shape much like a tall cylinder with
a tight belt around the waist to provide stability
3.Such towers have the advantage of not requiring any fans, motors, gearboxes, etc. The tall
stack insures against re-circulation of air
4. These towers use large space. Due to the tremendous size of these towers (500 ft high and 400
ft in diameter at the base) they are generally used for water flow rates above 200000 gal /min.
These types of towers are generally used by utility power stations.

2) Mechanical Draft Cooling Towers

Mechanical draft cooling towers use power driven fan motors to force or draw air through the
circulating water. These can be categorized as forced draft (air pushing) or induced draft (draw-
thru) arrangement by virtue of the location of the fan. In forced draft cooling towers, air is "pushed"
through the tower from an inlet to an exhaust. A forced draft mechanical draft tower is a blow-
through arrangement, where a blower type fan at the intake forces air through the tower. The forced
draft cooling towers have certain disadvantages:
1.The blower forces outside air into the tower creating high entering and low exiting air velocities.
The low exiting velocity of warm moisture laden air has the tendency to get re-sucked by the
blower fan. This increases the apparent wet bulb temperature, and the cooling tower ceases to give
the desired approach
2.A Forced draft Cooling Tower can only be square or rectangular shaped. Forced draft
arrangement always has a fan on the side. Due to this the cooling tower cannot be bottle shaped.
Further, due to this characteristic, the water distribution system cannot be that of a sprinkler form.
This results in inefficient water distribution.
3.It is difficult to maintain this type of a cooling tower because of the inaccessibility of the fills.
Cold water basin is covered and difficult to access.
4. Pressurized upper casing is more susceptible to water leaks than the induced draft styles.
5.A forced draft design typically requires more motor horsepower, typically double that of a
comparable induced draft counterflow cooling tower. With the fan on the air intake, the fan is more
susceptible to complications due to freezing conditions.
6.With the fan on the air intake, the fan is more susceptible to complications due to freezing
The forced draft benefit is its ability to work with high static pressure. They can be installed in more
confined spaces and critical layout situations. These can be used for indoor applications and ducted to
outside of the building.


An induced draft mechanical draft tower is a draw-through arrangement, where a fan located at the
discharge end pulls air through the tower. The fan induces hot moist air out the discharge. This produces
low entering and high exiting air velocities, reducing the possibility of recirculation in which discharged
air flows back into the air intake. When compared to Forced draft cooling towers, induced draft towers
have following advantages:
1. Recirculation tendency is less of a problem. The air that is thrown out from the top of the Cooling
Tower has no chance of getting back into the Cooling Tower. The push of the fan adds to the upward
thrust of the warm air.
2. The induced draught can be square as well as round. The distribution system is that of a sprinkler
which is considered to be the most efficient water distribution system.
3. Noise level is very low, because the fan and motor are placed on the top of the Cooling Tower. They
are not in level with the observer
4. A forced draft Cooling Tower cannot be a cross flow type model. An induced draught can be either
cross flow or counter flow.
5. The parts of this type of cooling tower are easily accessible and there is no problem in their
Cooling towers are devices used to transfer heat or cooling water for reuse. The basic operation is
simple: hot water is pumped in from an outside source and sprayed into the tower the hot water flows
over what is called the fill. This spreads the water over a large surface to allow for more cooling. Cool
air flows over the fill which transfers more heat through evaporation. The heat exits the tower and the
now cooling water gathers in the basin. This cooling tower is pumped back into the system to be used
again. The purpose of this is to increase the area of contact between the hot water and the cooler air.
There are two types of heat loss. They are sensible heat loss and evaporation heat loss. Sensible heat is
what can be felt or measured. Evaporation accounts for most of the heat transfer and is the most critical
aspect of the entire process.

B Bhavani Sai, I Swathi, K S L Prasanna, K Srinivasa Rao

Has described a detailed review of a Induced draft cooling tower in which its loads, effectiveness,
and characteristics. The technical data has been taken from a mechanical draft cooling tower.
Cooling towers are heat removal devices used to transfer process waste heat to the atmosphere.
Cooling towers make use of evaporation whereby some of the water is evaporated into a moving
air stream and subsequently discharged into the atmosphere. As a result, the remainder of the water
is cooled down significantly.
Cooling tower performance increases with increase in air flow rate
Xinmin Xi, Lei Yang, Yanan He, Lijun Yang, Xiaoz

Kumar and Mathews (2018) [17]

The research paper presented that by increasing the mass flow rate of air the performance of
cooling towers can be improved. All the performance parameters such as cooling water flow range,
effectiveness, temperature, tower characteristic ratio has increased. The increase in the
effectiveness of the cooling tower was about 20%. When the (L/G) ratio was reduced from 3.25 to
2.60. The outlet temperature of cooled water is reduced. The effect of inlet water temperature on
the performance of cooling towers was studied keeping other parameters such as space, height,
width and fill area constant. The effect of water mass flow rate was also studied, and it was found
that by optimizing the mass flow rate of both water and air the effectiveness can be increased. But
reducing the mass flow rate of water reduces the output of the cooling tower and inlet water
temperature depends on the plant operations.

Performance analysis of a low approach low temperature direct cooling tower

for high temperature building cooling systems by Mehdi Nasrabadi, Donal P.
Finn [6] .

For certain temperate climate varieties, cooling towers have the potential to provide hot
temperature chilled water, that when used in conjunction with bright and displacement cooling
technologies, have prompted interest throughout this idea as a potential approach for the
acquisition of buildings. The feasibleness of the projected system depends principally on
achieving low approach water temperatures at intervals Associate in nursing fittingly designed
cooling system, at acceptable levels of energy performance.
Cooling tower performance increases with the increase in the air flow rate. This system depends
on achieving low approach water temperatures at interval and it should be provided temperature
change along the axial elongation, temperature differential from top to bottom and temperature
differential from side to side. Cooling towers are heat removal devices used to transfer process
waste heat to the atmosphere, the remainder of the water is cooled down significantly.

The selection of cooling towers depends on the many factors and application. An improperly selected
cooling tower will cause a loss of production, increase in energy consumption. Properly designed
cooling towers that require minimum maintenance. For selecting a proper cooling tower many choices
and decisions are required. The required cooling tower size and performance depends on:
● The mass flow rate of water.
● Hot water temperature.
● Cold water temperature.
● Cooling range.
● Wet bulb temperature.
● Tower type.
● Materials used for construction.
● Total heat rejection.
● Water quality
● Airflow rate
● Wet bulb temperature
● Fill media

The efficiency of the cooling tower can be improved by following points-:

1) Check cooling water pumps regularly.
2) Optimize cooling tower fan blade angle on seasonal or load basis.
3) Replace splash bar with self-extinguishing PVC cellular film fin.
4) Install a nozzle that sprays in a more uniform wear pattern.
5) Correct excessive or uneven fan blade tip clearance and poor fan balance.
6) Consider COC improvement measures for water saving.
7) Clean clogged cooling tower distribution nozzles regularly.
8) Clean clogged cooling tower distribution nozzles regularly.
9) Balance flow to cooling tower hot water basins.
10) Restricts flow through a large load to design values.
11) Cover hot water basins to minimize algae growth that contributes to fouling.
12) Optimize blowdown flow rate taking into account the cycles.
13) Consider energy efficient fiber reinforced plastic blade adoption for fan energy.
14) Control cooling tower fan based on exit water temperature especially in units
15)In an old counter flow cooling tower, replace old spray type nozzle with a new spray nozzle.

1. Fill – The fill is PVC, wood, metal, or an alternative material that provides extended water surface
exposure for evaporative heat transfer.
2. Intake louvers – The intake louvers are an arrangement of horizontal blades at the air inlets that
prevent escape of falling water while allowing the entry of air.
3. Makeup valve – The makeup valve is a valve that introduces fresh water into the collection basin
to maintain the desired collecting basin water level.
4. Partition – The partition is a baffle within a multicell cooling tower that is used to prevent air
and/or water flow between adjacent cells.
5. Fan stack – The fan stack is a cylinder enclosing the fan, usually with an eased inlet and an
expanding discharge for increased fan efficiency.
6. Collecting basin – The collecting basin is a receptacle beneath the cooling tower for collecting the
water cooled by the cooling tower. It can be made of concrete, wood, metal, or an alternative
7. Driver – The driver is a device that supplies power to turn the fan. It is usually an electric motor,
but turbines and internal combustion engines are occasionally used.
8. Drive shaft – The drive shaft is a device, including couplings, which transmits power from the
driver to the speed reducer.
9. Fan – The fan is a device used to induce air flow through the cooling tower.
10. Fan deck – The fan deck is a horizontal surface enclosing the top of the cooling tower above the
plenum that serves as a working platform for inspection and maintenance.
11. Speed reducer – The speed reducer is a right-angle gear box that transmits power to the fan while
reducing the driver speed to that required for optimal fan performance.
12. Sump – The sump is a depressed portion of the collecting basin from which cold water is drawn
to be returned to the connected system. The sump usually contains strainer screens, antivortex
devices, and a drain or cleanout connection.
13. Plenum – The plenum is the internal cooling tower area between the drift eliminators and the fans.
14. Overflow –The overflow is a drain that prevents the collecting basic from overflowing.

Cooling Tower Materials

Cooling tower structures are constructed using variety of materials. While package cooling tower are
generally constructed with fiberglass, galvanized steel (or stainless steel in special situations), many
possibilities exist for field-erected structures. Field erected towers can be constructed of Douglas fir,
redwood, fiberglass, steel or concrete. Each material has advantages and disadvantages.
1. Wood - In early days, towers were constructed primarily of Redwood because of its natural tendency
to inhibit decay. As the Redwood resources diminished, Douglas-Fir come into existence. Douglas-Fir
however supports the growth and proliferation of micro-organisms causing rapid dignification (eating
of wood). Various methods of pressure treatment and incising are used to prevent microorganisms
attack to wood, which includes CCA and ACC treatment. Chromate Copper Arsenate (CCA) was
initially used as a preservative but because of its arsenic content, Acid Copper Chromate (ACC) has
replaced it. Irrespective of any treatment, the leaching of chemicals is still a concern to the environment
and sometimes extensive additional water treatment of blowdown and tower sediment is needed. Some
drawbacks of wooden towers are stated below:
• The wooden structure is less durable and the life expectance of is low. Delignification (eating of
wood) is controlled by adjusting pH strictly between 7 and 7.5
• The drift losses are over 1%. • Tower has a larger footprint and need more space when compared to
other alternatives.
• Algae formation is a continuous problem in this type of Cooling Tower.
• The wooden structure is less durable.
• Wooden tower usually uses large concrete tank that involves more cost, time and labor.
• Since these Cooling Tower are extremely heavy, they have to be installed on ground only.
• The nozzles on the wooden tower consume a significant amount of pressure head, which result in
pressure Drop.
2. Galvanized Steel – The most cost-effective material of construction for packaged towers is G-235
hot dip galvanized steel, from both structural and corrosion resistance standpoint. G-235 is the heaviest
mill galvanizing commercially available and offers a substantial amount of protection as compared to
the lighter zinc thicknesses in use several decades ago, providing reliable corrosion protection for most
HVAC and industrial system water chemistries. The most common upgrade from G-235 galvanized
steel is Type 304 stainless steel. Parts that are submerged during operation and/or at shutdown can
benefit the most by upgrading to stainless steel.
*Note that the G-235 designation refers to 2.35 ounces of zinc per square foot (717 g per m2) of the
steel sheet.
3. Stainless Steel - Type 304 stainless steel construction is recommended for cooling towers that are
to be used in a highly corrosive duty.
4. Concrete Towers - Larger field erected towers for power plant and refinery applications are
constructed of concrete. Concrete towers will last more than 30-40 years, but they are the most
expensive to build. Because of their cost, they represent only 2 to 3% of all field-erected towers.
Sometimes concrete construction is also used for architectural reasons- where the tower is disguised to
look like or blend in with a building- or the cooling tower is designed as a structure with a life
expectancy equal to the facility it serves.
5. Fiber-reinforced Plastic (FRP) Towers - Currently, the fastest growing segment of the cooling
tower market is structures built with pultruded FRP sections. This inert inorganic material is strong,
lightweight, chemically resistant and able to handle a range of pH values. Fire-retardant FRP can
eliminate the cost of a fire protection system, which can equal 5 to 12% of the cost of a cooling tower.

Note that for the cooling towers erected over a concrete basin, height is measured from the elevation
of the basin curb. "Nominal" heights are usually measured to the fan deck elevation, not including the
height of the fan cylinder. Heights for towers on which a wood, steel, or plastic basin is included within
the manufacturer's scope of supply are generally measured from the lowermost point of the basin and
are usually overall of the tower.

Components of a Cooling Tower in detail

Tower The average life of a cooling tower is estimated at approximately 20 years and well-maintained
towers often can operate well beyond that. Most towers are designed such that air moving components
and heat transfer media can be replaced, when necessary, often resulting in higher unit performance as
technological advances occur in the industry. The key to longevity is keeping the base structure of the
tower usable, especially the cold-water basin. The important components of the cooling tower and their
function are addressed below:
1. Packing Materials: Packing materials (splash bars, fills) are used to enhance performance of cooling
tower by providing increased surface area between air and water.
• Splash Fills- Some cooling towers have slats of wood or plastic those are horizontally and vertically
separated in a staggered pattern. These slats are known as splash fills. Hot water falls onto a cooling
tower distribution deck and then splashes down onto the top slats before cascading down to the lower
slats. The splashing causes the water to disperse into droplets thereby increasing the contact of water
and air. Treated wood splash bars is still specified for wood towers, but plastic splash fill promotes
better heat transfer and is now widely used where water quality demands the use of wider spaced splash
• Film Fills - Other cooling towers use film fill made of corrugated plastic sheets that have been joined
into blocks that have a honeycombed appearance. Hot water falling onto the distribution deck forms a
surface film as it channels through the fill down to the cooling tower basin. Plastics are widely used
for fill, including, PVC, polypropylene and other polymers. Film fills offer higher efficiency and is a
preferred choice where the circulating water is generally free of debris. Debris could plug the fill
passageways thereby requiring higher maintenance and cleaning.
2. Cooling Tower Hot Water Distribution System: Those parts of a tower beginning with the inlet
connection which distribute the hot circulating water within the tower to the points where it contacts
the air for effective cooling. May include headers, laterals branch arms, nozzles, distribution basins,
and flow regulating devices. Nozzles are fabricated out of PVC, ABS, polypropylene and glass filled
nylon. Water enters through a removable wave suppressor splash box.
3. Cooling Tower Cold Water Basin: Cold Water Basins collect cooled water at the bottom of the
tower from which the cooling tower pump takes suction. Basin is an integral part of factory-assembled
designs and is built in place- typically of concrete- for field-erected towers. The cold-water basin
located at or near the bottom of the tower, receives the cooled water that flows down through the tower
and fills. A basin usually has a sump or low point for the cold-water discharge connection. In most of
the designs the cold-water basin is beneath the entire fill. Critical components, such as cold-water
basins, often use either stainless steel, plastic, or coated metals to add to longevity and/or guard against
upsets in cooling water chemistry. Plastic basins generally are limited to small towers for structural
reasons, while stainless steel basins can be used on all sizes. Some manufacturers weld the seams on
stainless basins for improved leak resistance. Corrosion-resistant plastic or composites are used in the
spray water distribution systems where possible on both open and closed-circuit towers. Light-weight,
corrosion-resistant fiberglass reinforced polyester (FRP) also is popular for casing panels for corrosion
resistance and lighter weight. As a rule, the basin should be sized to hold three times the rate of
circulation in gallons per minute.
4. Cooling Tower Fan: Fans provide the airflow for mechanical draft cooling towers. Generally,
propeller fans driven through v-belts are used. These are protected with a belt guard, or with drive
shafts and gear boxes. Depending upon their size, propeller fans can either be fixed or adjustable
variable pitch. A fan having non-automatic adjustable pitch blades permits the same fan to be used
over a wide range of airflows at the lowest power draw. Automatic pitch blades can vary airflow in
response to changing load conditions. Aluminum, FRP and hot dipped galvanized steel are commonly
used fan materials.
5. Air Inlet Screens: An Air inlet screen is the point of entry for the air entering a tower. The inlet
may take up an entire side of a tower-crossflow design- or be located low on the side or the bottom of
counter-flow designs. Install coarse mesh screens over the air intake components of the cooling tower
to reduce the ingress of coarse debris
6. Louvers: Generally, crossflow towers have inlet louvers to equalize airflow into the fill and retain
the water within the tower. Many counter-flow tower designs do not require louvers.
7. Drift Eliminators: An assembly of baffles or labyrinth passages through which the air passes prior
to its exit from the tower, for the purpose of removing entrained water droplets from the exhaust air.
The eliminator reduces the drift – to 0.002% -or less- to 0.0005% of the circulating water flow.
Generally, the drift eliminators are PVC type, 10 mil minimum sheet thicknesses with 25 mil minimum
PVC stiffeners, UV protected, capable of supporting weight of maintenance workers without damage
to top surface.
8. Ladders & Handrails: Ladders and Handrails for tower access are necessary for large field erected
cooling towers and make sense on some factory assembled designs. A hot dip galvanized steel access
door and ladder is necessary in each cell for internal access to fill from the fan deck level. These are
safety & maintenance accessories that are recommended per the guidelines of OSHA standards.
Seismic Bracing options exist in the in earthquake prone areas.
9. Cooling Tower Bypasses: Bypasses are generally specified for towers installed in cold climates.
The bypass is used to prevent overcooling of the water when there is little or no heat load in the system.
The bypass should discharge into the tower basin as far as possible from the cooling water pump
suctions. This reduces the chance of cavitation due to disturbances in the flow of water to the pump
suctions. 10.Frame and casing: Many towers have structural frames that support the exterior enclosures
(casings), motors, fans and other components. With some smaller designs, such as some glass fiber
units, the casing may essentially be the frame.



 SEISMIC LOADS (IS 1893: 2002)

When a structure is subjected to ground motion, it responds in shaking fashion. The random motion of
structure is possible in all possible directions mainly in horizontal (X) and vertical (Y) directions. This
motion causes the structure to vibrate in all three directions. These seismic forces must be evaluated
from IS: 1893:2002.

1.DEAD LOAD (IS 875: 2007 Part 1) - These are the external loads which acts vertically downward
and arises due to the self-weight of the structure. Dead loads are static forces that are relatively constant
for an extended time. They can be in tension and compression. The term can refer to laboratory test
method or to the normal usage of a material or structure.

2. LIVE LOAD (IS 875: 2007 Part 1) - Live loads are usually unstable or moving loads. These are
dynamic loads may involve considerations such as impact, momentum, vibration, slosh dynamics of
fluids, etc.

3.TEMPERATURE LOAD - Temperature changes leading to thermal expansion cause thermal loads.


Model Name - Cooling Tower

Top Diameter - 50
Throat Diameter - 46
Height of Tower - 90
Distance of Top from Throat - 25
Base Diameter - 68.6428
Division along Circumference - 25
Division along Height - 25
Thickness of Plates - 0.5

All units are in M



After selecting meshing parameters

After merging into staad pro in 3D view

After 3D rendering

Plate Thickness

Applying different loads


Load displacements
Load Displacements

Shear, Bending Moment


After Applying Support and Loading

After Applying Temperature load

After Assigning the Material Aluminum

Plate Thickness

Load Displacements
Shear, Bending Moment

Plate Thickness


Load Displacement
Shear, Bending Moment

Plate Thickness

Loading Cases
Plate Stainless Steel

Stainless Steel

Load Displacement
Shear, Bending Moment


Number of Joints – 420

Number of Plates – 400
Number of Supports – 20
Total Primary Loads – 4


Sx Sy Mx My

CONCRETE -0.000 -0.004 0.815 4.030

STEEL -0.000 -0.012 4.446 13.485

STAINLESS STEEL -0.000 -0.010 4.221 13.268

ALUMINIUM -0.000 -0.004 1.698 4.704









Concrete material has less Shear and Bending Moment when compared to other materials

2.Corrosion Resistance
3.Life Expectancy
4.Structural Integrity
5.Other Considerations.




1. This section lists the most important options to improve energy efficiency of cooling towers.
2. Follow manufacturer's recommended clearances around cooling towers and relocate or
modify structures that interfere with the air intake or exhaust.
3. Optimize cooling tower fan blade angle on a seasonal and/or load basis.
4. Correct excessive and/or uneven fan blade tip clearance and poor fan balance.
5. In old counter-flow cooling towers, replace old spray type nozzles with new square spray
nozzles that do not clog.
6. Replace splash bars with self-extinguishing PVC cellular film fill.
7. Install nozzles that spray in a more uniform water pattern.
8. Clean plugged cooling tower distribution nozzles regularly.
9. Balance flow to cooling tower hot water basins.
10. Cover hot water basins to minimize algae growth that contributes to fouling.
11. Optimize the blow down flow rate, considering the cycles of concentration (COC) limit.
12. Replace slat type drift eliminators with low-pressure drop, self-extinguishing PVC.
13. Check cooling water pumps regularly to maximize their efficiency.
14. Restrict flows through large loads to design values.

 The Analysis and Design of Cooling tower was done using STAAD pro.
 The Cooling tower was analyzed and designed for dead load, live load, seismic load &
temperature loads at constant temperature of 800F for axial elongation, 2400F for top
to bottom and 1600F for side to side.
 Here, designed Induced draft cooling tower by considering different types of loads such as
temperature load, seismic load, plate load thickness etc.
 IS 875-1987, IS 875 (Part 2) – 1987, IS 1893 (Part 1), IS 875 (Part3) – 1987, IS 456- 2000
and IS 8188 code books.
 Here, Cooling Tower Analysis is done by using Different materials such as Concrete,
Stainless Steel, Steel and Aluminum.
 When compared to other materials Concrete has good property of Corrosion Resistance,
more Life Expectancy and can resist seismic, wind loads.

 In this study we are considering seismic force and performing static analysis whereas in
future dynamic analysis can be consider. In this study we are considering induced draft
cooling tower which is also known as circular cooling tower.
 Whereas in future, other shapes can be considered and needs to keep on upgradation.
 Variety of firms such as power sectors, steel plants, cement industries etc. employ
Cooling Towers and has wide scope of Improvisation at Industries.
 Energy efficient operation of systems in need of cooling.
 Many industries facilitate large quantities of water to cool their plant.

 “Cooling Towers” by “Stephen M. Hall”

 Engineering Design Guidelines (KLM Technology Group).
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Towers Under Wind Loads Using Harmonic Solid Ring Finite Elements], International
Journal of Engineering Research and Development, Vol.7, No.2, June 2015.
 Bhupesh Kumar Yadav, S. L. Soni, Experimental Study of the Performance of Cooling
Tower ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-4 Issue-2, December 2014.
 M. Diver and A. C. Paterson, Large cooling towers the present trend, The Structural
Engineer, 55, 431-445
 “Performance analysis of a low approach low temperature direct cooling tower for high
temperature building cooling systems” by “Mehdi Nasrabadi” “Donal P. Finn”.
 Parul Dahikar, Rakesh Patel, "Analysis and Design of a Cooling Tower Considering
Wind Pressure and Thermal Effect Using Staad.Pro", International Journal of Scientific
Research in Civil Engineering (IJSRCE), ISSN: 2456-6667, Volume 4 Issue 2.
 Dr. S. N. Tanda and Sneha S. Chougule, Linear and Nonlinear Behavior of R.
C. Cooling Tower under Earthquake Loading, International Journal of Latest
Trends in Engineering and Technology, 2(4), 2013, 370-379
 Kopenetz Ludovico Gheorghe and catering Alexandro, Practically Structural
Analysis of Large Cooling Towers, Journal of applied engineering sciences, 1(4),
2011, 39-44
 Dieter Busch, Reinhard Harte, Wilfried B. Kra¨tzig andUlrich Montag, New
natural draft cooling tower of 200 m of height, Engineering Structures, 24, 2000
 Shailesh S. Angalekar and Dr. A. B. Kulkarni, Analysis of Natural Draught
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Concept, International Journal of Research and Applications, 1(2), 144-148
 Wikipedia

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