The Process and Importance of And: Composting

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The Process and Importance of

Composting and Recycling

Cynthia Ngan
4˚ English
What is Compost?
•Compost is simply decomposed organic material.
•This is done by a layering process so that everything decays
into fertile new soil.
•Solid organic materials are decomposed by oxygen through
the action of bacteria and other micro-organisms.
•Composting is nature's way of recycling.
Why Compost?!

•returns nutrients to the soil

•Compost helps combat climate impact
•Improves the soil structure, porosity and bulk density
– creating a better root environment
•Approximately 45 - 55% of the waste stream is organic
•Reduce landfill & is cheap!
The Process of Composting!

All decomposable items are placed into the ground for

a period of time, while it decays with the help of
oxygen and organisms including, centipedes,
millipedes, fungi, sow bugs, spiders, bacteria and
earthworms assist in the process.

Soon, after the particles decay, it turns into new soil.

With the new soil, it can produce food and plants for
other organisms to survive on.
What Goes in the Compost?

Recycle = Reuse!!
Used consumer goods are collected, converted back into raw
materials and remade into new consumer products.


Or donate to less fortunate!
What Are the Benefits of Recycling ?
Recycling Saves Energy
Recycling Saves Environmental Conditions and Reduces
Recycling Saves Natural Resources
Recycling builds community
Recycling creates jobs
Economic Benefits
Recycling Saves Space for Waste Disposal
Financial Income
Recycling is Earth-friendly
How Recycling Works
Curbside pickup
Special trucks fitted with separate containers for
different types of recyclable materials travel the

Drop-off centers
A central location is set up to accept recyclable
materials, which the homeowners transport

Buy-back centers
Pay homeowners for their items based on market

Deposit/refund programs
Recycling Facts

Only 5% of the world's population lives in the U.S., but the

U.S. generates 40% of the world's waste!

Recycling is one of the best ways for you to have a positive impact on the
world in which we live. Recycling is important to both the natural
environment and us.

Unwanted consumer electronics are the fastest-growing category of


Recycling aluminum saves money and dramatically reduces energy

consumption (by 92 percent!).
Recycling reduces greenhouse gas emissions, saves landfill space
and conserves natural resources.

Landfills everywhere are running out of room, more waste is

created that traps heat and sends it into the air, creating heat to
Global Warming

Global warming is when the earth heats up (the

temperature rises).  It happens when greenhouse gases
trap heat and light from the sun in the earth’s
atmosphere, which increases the temperature.  This hurts
many people, animals, and plants such that, they can die!

When waste is released into the environment, plastic

materials can harmful to wildlife. 

Litter can be harmful to wildlife and people.  Broken bottles

can injure and also small mammals can get stuck inside
bottles, cans and other containers.

Animals and birds can get stuck in plastic bags. Wildlife can
also eat litter by mistake which can cause death.

Trees provide homes for birds and other animals, they

provide shade for what would otherwise be a hot and dry
land, and they are crucial to the oxygen/carbon dioxide
balance in our atmosphere.
Water & Air

Composting helps the air by bringing oxygen into the environment.

Air and water help with the process of composting by breaking down the
The Earth is not a Trash Can

If we all contribute a act of kindness towards composting
& recycling, we can help……

Last Modified on Tue, 01 Sep 2009
 Paramita Ghosh
Organization Sites without author or date
“Environment Global Warming and Greenhouse Effect.”  World Almanac
2000. Mahwah: World Almanac Books, 2000.

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