Applications of Softwares in or & Energy Trading
Applications of Softwares in or & Energy Trading
Applications of Softwares in or & Energy Trading
ALOK MANAR(R310208004)
Mathematica is a computer program used widely in scientific,
engineering and mathematical fields. It is mainly known as a
computer algebra system, but it has various other features for
technical computing. It was originally conceived by Stephen
Wolfram and developed by a team of mathematicians and
programmers that he assembled and led. It is developed by
Wolfram Research of Champaign, Illinois
Computer algebra
Numerical computation
Information visualization statistics
User interface creation
Mathematica is split into two parts, the "kernel" and the "front end".
The kernel interprets expressions (Mathematica code) and returns
result expressions. The Front End provides a document-centered GUI.
special mathematical functions
2D and 3D data and function visualization tools
Support for complex number, arbitrary precision and symbolic
computation for all functions
allows conversion to other formats such as TeX or XML.
Communication with other applications occurs through a protocol
called MathLink.
In 2002 gridMathematica was introduced to allow user level parallel
programming on heterogeneous clusters and multiprocessor systems
and supports grid technology such as the Microsoft Compute Cluster
MATLAB is a numerical computing environment and
programming language. Created by The MathWorks,
MATLAB allows easy matrix manipulation, plotting of
functions and data, implementation of algorithms,
creation of user interfaces, and interfacing with
programs in other languages. Although it is numeric only,
an optional toolbox interfaces with the Maple symbolic
engine, allowing access to computer algebra capabilities.
MATLAB is built around the MATLAB language,
sometimes called M-code or simply M.
MATLAB is a "Matrix Laboratory", and as such it provides many convenient ways for
creating vectors, matrices, and multi-dimensional arrays.
MATLAB provides a simple way to define simple arrays using the syntax:
A square identity matrix of size n can be generated using the function eye, and matrices of
any size with zeros or ones can be generated with the functions zeros and ones,
>> eye(3)
ans =
>> zeros(2,3)
ans =
>> ones(2,3)
ans =
111 MATLAB can call functions and subroutines written in C programming language
or Fortran.
Microsoft Excel (full name Microsoft Office Excel) is a proprietary
spreadsheet application written and distributed by Microsoft for
Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X. It features calculation, graphing
tools, pivot tables and, except for Excel 2008 for Mac OS X, a macro
programming language called VBA (Visual Basic for Applications). It
is overwhelmingly the dominant spreadsheet application available
for these platforms and has been so since version 5 in 1993, and is
bundled as part of Microsoft Office. Excel is one of the most popular
microcomputer applications to date.
Since 1993, Excel has included Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), a
programming language based on Visual Basic which adds the ability
to automate tasks in Excel and to provide user defined functions
(UDF) for use in worksheets.
A solver is a piece of mathematical software, possible in the form of a
stand-alone computer program or possibly as a Library (computing)
that 'solves' equations or systems of equations of one or more
different types. These can include solutions to:
Linear and non-linear optimisation problems
Non-linear equations
Systems of non-linear equations
Systems of ordinary differential equations
Systems of differential_algebraic_equations
Logic/satisfiability problems
Shortest path problems
Minimum spanning tree problems
SPSS:spss is a computer program used for
statistical analysis.
SPSS (originally, Statistical Package for the Social
Sciences) was released in its first version in 1968. SPSS
is among the most widely used programs for statistical
analysis in social science. It is used by market
researchers, health researchers, survey companies,
government, education researchers, marketing
organizations and others. In addition to statistical
analysis, data management (case selection, file
reshaping, creating derived data) and data
documentation (a metadata dictionary is stored with
the data) are features of the base software
Descriptive statistics: Cross tabulation, Frequencies,
Descriptives, Explore, Descriptive Ratio Statistics
Bivariate statistics: Means, t-test, ANOVA, Correlation
(bivariate, partial, distances), Nonparametric tests
Prediction for numerical outcomes: Linear regression
Prediction for identifying groups: Factor analysis,
cluster analysis (two-step, K-means, hierarchical),
STATISTICA is a statistics and analytics software package
developed by StatSoft, Inc. STATISTICA provides a selection of
data analysis, data management, data mining, and data
visualization procedures. Features of the software include basic
and multivariate statistical analysis, quality control modules,
neural networks, and a collection of data mining techniques. All
of these tools are provided in an open architecture with a single
software platform.
1 User Interface
2 Analytic Techniques
3 Graphics
4 Statistica Visual Basic Environment
R (programming language):