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Ultrasound characterization of breast masses

Annisa Puteri Marifa

Preseptor : dr. Desi Wimelda Sp. Rad

SMF Radiologi
Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Solok
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Baiturrahmah

A lump in the breast is a cause of great concern. High frequency,

high-resolution USG helps in its evaluation. This is exemplified in women
with dense breast tissue where USG is useful in detecting small breast
cancers that are not seen on mammography. Several studies in the past
have addressed the issue of differentiating benign from malignant lesions
in the breast.

- 1/100

Breast cancer is among the most common

causes of cancer deaths today, coming fifth
after lung, stomach, liver and colon
1/100 deaths worldwide because of
breast cancer

In 2005 alone, 519 000 deaths were

recorded due to breast cancer.
Normal breast parenchymal patterns

Figure 1
Normal breast parenchymal patterns

In the young non-lactating breast, the parenchyma is primarily

composed of fibroglandular tissue, with little or no subcutaneous
fat. With increasing age and parity, more and more fat gets
deposited in both the subcutaneous
Abnormal appearances
Breast cysts

Figure 2
Breast cysts are the commonest cause of breast lumps in women
between 35 and 50 years of age. A cyst occurs when fluid accumulates
due to obstruction of the extralobular terminal ducts, either due to
fibrosis or because of intraductal epithelial proliferation. A cyst is seen
on USG as a well-defined, round or oval, anechoic structure with a thin
wall (2A). They may be solitary or multiple (2B).
Abnormal appearances
Patients may present with fever, pain, tenderness to touch and
increased white cell count. Abscesses are most commonly located in
the central or subareolar area (2C.) An abscess may show an ill-defined
or a well-defined outline. It may be anechoic or may reveal low-level
internal echoes and posterior enhancement (2D).
Fibrocystic breast condition

show a focal area of thickening of the breast parenchyma

Fibrocystic breast condition

with patchy increase in echogenicity and scattered, discrete, thin-walled cysts

Fibrocystic breast condition

The “lump” may shows a combination of clustered tiny cysts and thickened parenchyma
Fibrocystic breast condition

In the early stages, the USG appearance may be normal, even

though lumps may be palpable on clinical examination. There may be
focal areas of thickening of the parenchyma, with or without patchy
increase in echogenicity ( 3A). Discrete single cysts or clusters of small
cysts may be seen in some (3B and 3C). Focal fibrocystic changes may
appear as solid masses or thin-walled cysts.
Duct ectasia

Typically, duct ectasia may appear as a single tubular

structure filled with fluid or sometimes may show multiple such
structures as well. Old cellular debris may appear as echogenic
content. If the debris fills the lumen, it can be sometimes
mistaken for a solid mass, unless the tubular shape is picked up
duct ectasia

Longitudinal image shows a dilated duct containing inspissated debris (arrow) is seen.
duct ectasia

In crosssection, the intraductal debris may appear as a focal lesion (arrowheads)


Fibroadenoma is an estrogen-induced tumor that forms in adolescence. It is the third

most common breast lesion after fibrocystic disease and carcinoma. It usually
presents as a firm, smooth, oval-shaped, freely movable mass. It is rarely tender or
painful. The size is usually under 5 cm. A capsule can usually be identified. The
echotexture is usually homogenous and hypoechoic as compared to the breast
parenchyma, and there may be low-level internal echoes. Typically, the transverse
diameter is greater than the anteroposterior diameter.

Transvere image reveals a typical larger transverse than anteroposterior

diameter, homogenous echotexture, and a thin capsule
Cystosarcoma phyllodes

This is a large lesion that presents in older women.The

mass may involve the whole of the breast. It usually reveals well-
defined margins and an inhomogeneous echostructure, sometimes
with variable cystic areas. The incidence of malignant change is
Cystosarcoma phyllodes

Transverse scan reveals a large well-defined mass. There is inhomogeneous echotexture,

with small areas of cystic degeneration (arrows)

Lipoma is a slow-growing, well-defined tumor. It may be a

chance finding or the patient may present with complaints of increase in
the size of the involved breast, though no discretely palpable mass can be
made out. The tumor is soft and can be deformed by compression with the
transducer. A thin capsule can usually be identified and the tumor often
reveals an echogenic structure, with a stippled or lamellar appearance.

Sagittal extended view reveals a subtle echogenic mass with a reticular

pattern and a well-defined, thin capsule (arrows)
Breast ultrasound: criteria for benign lesions

1. Smooth and well circumscribed

2. Hyperechoic, isoechoic or mildly hypoechoic

3. Thin echogenic capsule

4. Ellipsoid shape, with the maximum diameter being in the transverse plane

5. Three or fewer gentle lobulations

6. Absence of any malignant findings

Characteristics of malignant lesions
Malignant lesion

hypoechoic nodular
taller than broader

spiculated margins
posterior acoustic
Characteristics of malignant lesions

 Three-dimensional scanners with the capability of reproducing high-resolution

images in the coronal plane provide additional important information. The spiky
extensions along the tissue planes can be well seen in coronal images
Characteristics of malignant lesions

Transverse scan, shows a typical malignant nodule that is taller than wide,
with hypoechoic echotexture. Arrowheads indicate irregular spiculated
Characteristics of malignant lesions

Some of the nodules may reveal a branching pattern (arrows)

Characteristics of malignant lesions

Sagittal view (C) shows a nodule with multilobulated margins;

the presence of more than 3–4 lobulations is suspicious for
Characteristics of malignant lesions

Sagittal (D) scans show duct extension (arrows)

Characteristics of malignant lesions

. Duct extension appears smooth in outline in cross-section

(arrowheads in E).
Characteristics of malignant lesions

Transverse scan (F) shows a typical malignant lesion

with irregular spiky margins, microcalcifications and a
branching pattern.
Transverse scan (A) shows smooth margins, suggesting a category 3 lesion.
A 3Dimage in the coronal plane (B) however reveals spiky margins with a
sunray appearance.
Malignant lesion. A smooth margin and homogenous echotexture
suggest a category 3 lesion. Color Doppler reveals irregularly branching

Although it may be impossible to distinguish all benign from

all malignant solid breast nodules using USG criteria, a reasonable goal
for breast USG is to identify a subgroup of solid nodules that has such a
low risk of being malignant that the option of short-interval follow-up
can be offered as a viable alternative to biopsy. In a 4-year follow-up of
palpable, circumscribed, noncalcified solid breast masses. Graf et al.
found that such cases can be adequately managed with short-term
follow-up at 6-month intervals for 2 years.
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