SMF Radiologi
Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Solok
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Baiturrahmah
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Figure 1
Normal breast parenchymal patterns
Figure 2
Breast cysts are the commonest cause of breast lumps in women
between 35 and 50 years of age. A cyst occurs when fluid accumulates
due to obstruction of the extralobular terminal ducts, either due to
fibrosis or because of intraductal epithelial proliferation. A cyst is seen
on USG as a well-defined, round or oval, anechoic structure with a thin
wall (2A). They may be solitary or multiple (2B).
Abnormal appearances
Patients may present with fever, pain, tenderness to touch and
increased white cell count. Abscesses are most commonly located in
the central or subareolar area (2C.) An abscess may show an ill-defined
or a well-defined outline. It may be anechoic or may reveal low-level
internal echoes and posterior enhancement (2D).
Fibrocystic breast condition
The “lump” may shows a combination of clustered tiny cysts and thickened parenchyma
Fibrocystic breast condition
Longitudinal image shows a dilated duct containing inspissated debris (arrow) is seen.
duct ectasia
4. Ellipsoid shape, with the maximum diameter being in the transverse plane
hypoechoic nodular
taller than broader
spiculated margins
posterior acoustic
Characteristics of malignant lesions
Transverse scan, shows a typical malignant nodule that is taller than wide,
with hypoechoic echotexture. Arrowheads indicate irregular spiculated
Characteristics of malignant lesions