Time and Motion: Dr. Hasan Sajid

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Dr. Hasan Sajid

Time and Motion
• How pose changes over time?
• Linear and Angular velocity of rigid bodies
• Motion of a Manipulator
Basics – Linear Velocity
• Derivative of a vector

• The velocity of a position vector can be thought

of as the linear velocity of the point in space
represented by the position vector.
• It is important to indicate the frame in which the
vector is differentiated.
• Velocity vector when expressed in terms of frame
Basics – Linear Velocity
Frame wrt which
Frame wrt which
position vector is
resulting velocity
vector is expressed

Leading superscript can be omitted when expressed in terms of itself

we can always remove the outer, leading superscript by explicitly including the rotation
matrix that accomplishes the change in reference frame
Basics – Linear Velocity
• Generally, the velocity of the origin of a frame is
considered relative to some understood universe
reference frame.

• we use the notation to refer to the velocity of the

origin of frame {C}
• What is
velocity of the origin of frame {C} expressed in terms of frame {A} (though
differentiation was done relative to {U})
Basics – Angular Velocity
• Angular velocity vector – symbol Ω
• Linear velocity describes an attribute of a point,
• Angular velocity describes an attribute of a body.
• We always attach a frame to the bodies, therefore
angular velocity describes rotational motion of a
Basics – Angular Velocity
• AΩB describes the rotation of frame B relative
to frame A

• Physically, at any instant, the direction of AΩB

indicates the instantaneous axis of rotation of
{B} relative to {A}, and the magnitude of AΩB
indicates the speed of rotation.
Basics – Angular Velocity
• An angular velocity vector may be expressed in any
coordinate system, and so another leading superscript
may be added; for example, C(AΩB) is the angular
velocity of frame {B} relative to {A} expressed in
terms of frame{C}
• Simplified notation: angular velocity of frame (C)
relative to some understood reference frame, (U)

• the angular velocity of frame (C) expressed in terms

of (A) (though the angular velocity is with respect to
Linear and Angular Velocities of Rigid Bodies
• We focus on motion of rigid body with regards to
• We therefore extend the notions of translations
and orientations described earlier to the time-
varying case
• We attach a coordinate system to any body that
we wish to describe. Then, motion of rigid bodies
can be equivalently studied as the motion of
frames relative to one another.
Linear and Angular Velocities of Rigid Bodies
• Linear Velocity
Consider a frame {B} attached to a rigid body. We wish to
describe the motion of {B} relative to frame {A}. For this
time instant assume no change in orientation of B relative
to A i.e. motion of Q is due to APBORG or BQ changing in time
Linear and Angular Velocities of Rigid Bodies
• Rotational Velocity
–let us consider two frames with coincident origins and with zero
linear relative velocity; their origins will remain coincident for all
–The orientation of frame {B} with respect to frame {A} is
changing in time
–rotational velocity of {B} relative to {A} is described by a vector
called AΩB
Linear and Angular Velocities of Rigid Bodies
• Let us consider that the vector Q is constant as
viewed from frame {B}; that is
• Even though it is constant relative to {B}, it is
clear that point Q will have a velocity as seen
from {A} that is due to the rotational velocity AΩB
Linear and Angular Velocities of Rigid Bodies
• To solve for the velocity of point Q, as observed from
frame {A}, figure shows two instants of time as vector Q
rotates around AΩB
We can figure out both the direction and the
magnitude of the change in the vector as
viewed from {A}

• The differential change in AQ must be

perpendicular to both AΩB and AQ

• The magnitude of the differential change is

• These conditions on magnitude and direction

immediately suggest the vector cross product
Linear and Angular Velocities of Rigid Bodies

• Rotational Velocity

• In the general case, the vector Q could also be

changing with respect to frame {B}, so, adding
this component, we have
Linear and Angular Velocities of Rigid Bodies
• Linear + Rotational Velocity

the derivative of a vector in a moving frame as seen from a stationary frame.

Linear and Angular Velocities of Rigid Bodies
• Mathematical Insight of Angular Velocity

We can derive an interesting relationship between the derivative of an orthonormal matrix

and a certain skew-symmetric matrix as follows. For any n x n orthonormal matrix, R, we have

n x n identity matrix

Differentiating by
product rule

Using the property

Linear and Angular Velocities of Rigid Bodies
• Velocity of a point due to rotating reference frame
Consider a fixed vector BP unchanging with respect to frame (B). Its description in
another frame {A} is given as


Substituting for BP

the skew-symmetric matrix we have introduced is called the

angular-velocity matrix
Linear and Angular Velocities of Rigid Bodies
• Skew-Symmetric Matrices and Vector Cross-Product
If we assign the elements in a skew-symmetric matrix S as

and define the 3 x 1 column vector

Angular Velocity

then it is easily verified that

where P is any vector, and x is the vector cross-product

Matrix Exponential

where θ is the rotation angle, and the notation [·]×: R-> R2×2 indicates a mapping from
a scalar to a skew-symmetric matrix.

In 2 dimensions the skew-symmetric matrix is

Matrix Exponential
Consider a pure rotation of 0.3 radians expressed as a rotation matrix

We can compute the logarithm of this matrix using the MATLAB built in function logm

Note that the result is a simple matrix with two

elements having a magnitude of 0.3, which intriguingly
is the original rotation angle
The inverse of a logarithm is exponentiation and using the built in MATLAB matrix exponential
function expm
We can conclude that rotation matrix is simply
the exponential of skew symmetric matrix.
Hence we can represent the rotation matrix by a
single parameter θ
Understanding the Exponential Mapping

• Consider a point P, defined by a coordinate vector p, being

rotated with an angular velocity ω which is a vector whose
direction defines the axis of rotation and whose magnitude
||ω|| specifies the rate of rotation about the axis which we
assume passes through the origin. We wish to rotate the point
by an angle θ about this axis and the velocity of the point is
known from mechanics to be

replace the cross product with a skew-symmetric matrix giving a matrix-vector product

First order ODE solution

Understanding the Exponential Mapping

First order ODE solution

If ||ω|| = 1 then after t seconds the vector will have rotated by t radians. We require
a rotation by θ so we can set t = θ to give

vector p(0) being rotated to p(θ ). A matrix that rotates a vector is a rotation matrix, and
this implies that our matrix exponential is a rotation matrix
Understanding the Exponential Mapping

• General case of rotation + translation

rearranging into matrix form

introducing homogeneous coordinates

where Σ is a 4 × 4 augmented skew-symmetric matrix. Again, by analogy with the

scalar case we can write the solution as
Motion of the Links of the Robot
• link frame {0} is our reference frame
• Vi is the linear velocity and ωi is the angular
velocity of frame {i}
• At any instant, each link of a robot in motion
has some linear and angular velocity
Velocity Propagation from Link to Link
• We now consider the problem of calculating
the linear and angular velocities of the links of
a robot.
Velocity Propagation from Link to Link
• A manipulator is a chain of bodies, each one capable
of motion relative to its neighbors.
• The velocity of link i + 1 will be that of link i, plus
whatever new velocity components were added by
joint i + 1
Rotational velocities can be added when
both ω vectors are written with respect to
the same frame. Therefore, the angular
velocity of link i + 1 is the same as that of
link i plus a new component caused by
rotational velocity at joint i + 1
Velocity Propagation from Link to Link
• Remember that linear velocity is associated
with a point, but angular velocity is associated
with a body. Hence, the term "velocity of a
link" here means the linear velocity of the
origin of the link frame and the rotational
velocity of the link
Velocity Propagation from Link to Link

By premultiplying both sides by i+1Ri, we can find the description of the angular velocity
of link i + 1 with respect to frame {i + 1}

Important Result 1

The linear velocity of the origin of frame {i + 1} is the same as

that of the origin of frame {i} plus a new component caused by
rotational velocity of link i.

By premultiplying both sides by i+1Ri

Important Result 2
Velocity Propagation from Link to Link
Results for Revolute Joints

Results for Prismatic Joints

• Applying these equations

successively from link to link, we can
compute NωN and NvN the rotational
and linear velocities of the last link
• If the velocities are desired in
terms of the base coordinate
system, they can be rotated into
base coordinates by multiplication
with 0RN

• A two-link manipulator with rotational joints is shown.

Calculate the velocity of the tip of the arm as a
function of joint rates. Give the answer in two forms—
in terms of frame {3} and also in terms of frame {O}

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