Exe 8

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Activity 8

To understand the audit evidences required for

conformity to ISO 27001 requirements

Instruction (Assessed activity–must be submitted to Tutor for marking)

1. Tutor shall assign the ISO clauses to each team according to the class size
based on the guideline below

Teams Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Team 4

5.1 5.2 5.3 6.1
4 Teams 6.2 7.1~7.4 7.5 8.1~8.3
9.1 9.2 9.3 10.1

5.1 5.2 5.3

6.2 7.1~7.4 7.5
3 Teams 9.1 9.2 8.1~8.3
6.1 10.1 9.3

5.1 5.3
6.2 7.5
9.1 9.3
2 Teams 5.2 6.1
7.1~7.4 8.1~8.3
9.2 10.1

2. Your task is to identify what audit evidences you will look for conformity to the
requirements. Please write on the flip chart.
3. Be prepared for each team member to take turns to present his/her findings to
the rest of the class.
4. Each team, is required to give their answer in a separate A4 paper complete
with team member names and date before submission to the tutor.
Alternatively, tutor will advise other option for submission. The output from this
exercise is part of the formal continuous assessment, and will therefore be

5 minutes for briefing, 30-45 minutes to prepare, 60-75 minutes for
presentation and discussion (timing depends on number of teams, total 110
minutes for whole activity). All teams to present their answers and tutor to
facilitate discussion.

Issue 3.X
QMS Auditor / Lead Auditor Training Course
Section 8 – Support Manual (8-1)A
© Copyright Neville-Clarke International Pte Ltd

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