This document discusses the treatment of periodontal emergencies. It covers various types of periodontal emergencies including gingival abscesses, periodontal abscesses, pericoronal abscesses, and periodontal-endodontic problems. For each type of emergency, the document discusses etiology, clinical features, and treatment approaches. The goal is to provide clinicians with knowledge to rapidly assess and effectively manage periodontal emergencies to improve patient health outcomes and satisfaction.
This document discusses the treatment of periodontal emergencies. It covers various types of periodontal emergencies including gingival abscesses, periodontal abscesses, pericoronal abscesses, and periodontal-endodontic problems. For each type of emergency, the document discusses etiology, clinical features, and treatment approaches. The goal is to provide clinicians with knowledge to rapidly assess and effectively manage periodontal emergencies to improve patient health outcomes and satisfaction.
This document discusses the treatment of periodontal emergencies. It covers various types of periodontal emergencies including gingival abscesses, periodontal abscesses, pericoronal abscesses, and periodontal-endodontic problems. For each type of emergency, the document discusses etiology, clinical features, and treatment approaches. The goal is to provide clinicians with knowledge to rapidly assess and effectively manage periodontal emergencies to improve patient health outcomes and satisfaction.
This document discusses the treatment of periodontal emergencies. It covers various types of periodontal emergencies including gingival abscesses, periodontal abscesses, pericoronal abscesses, and periodontal-endodontic problems. For each type of emergency, the document discusses etiology, clinical features, and treatment approaches. The goal is to provide clinicians with knowledge to rapidly assess and effectively manage periodontal emergencies to improve patient health outcomes and satisfaction.
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TREATMENT Drg. Ade Ismail A. K., MDSc. Sp.Perio
28 Juni 2018 KP Blok 12, FKG UNIMUS SEMARANG 1
Introduction Periodontal emergencies are a part of the everyday practice of dentistry. A periodontal emergency is any circumstance that adversely affects the periodontium and requires immediate attention. The clinician must be able to assess the emergent conditions rapidly and accurately in order to provide relief for the patient. Effective management of periodontal emergencies aids in both the patient's physical and psychological wellbeing.
28 Juni 2018 KP Blok 12, FKG UNIMUS SEMARANG 2
An accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment for the emergency patients (challenge) Diagnosis : • Complete history from patients • Clinical radiographics exam.
28 Juni 2018 KP Blok 12, FKG UNIMUS SEMARANG 3
Learning Objectives Abscesses of the Periodontium Periodontal and endodontic problem Dentine hypersensitivity
28 Juni 2018 KP Blok 12, FKG UNIMUS SEMARANG 4
Abscesses of the Periodontium • Gingival abscess • Periodontal abscess • Pericoronal abscess
28 Juni 2018 KP Blok 12, FKG UNIMUS SEMARANG 5
Gingival Abascess
A localized purulent infection that involves the
marginal gingiva or interdental papilla 28 Juni 2018 KP Blok 12, FKG UNIMUS SEMARANG 6 Etiology – Acute inflammatory response to foreign substances forced into the gingiva (food) Clinical Features – Localized swelling of marginal gingiva or papilla – A red, smooth, shiny surface – May be painful and appear pointed – Purulent exudate may be present – No previous periodontal disease – Mobility
28 Juni 2018 KP Blok 12, FKG UNIMUS SEMARANG 7
Treatment • Primary treatment : drainage to relieve pressure. through the pocket using a periodontal curette or an external incision. • Foreign material removed from the area, the abscess is rinsed thoroughly to remove any remaining debris. • Occlusal adjustment (extruded in the socket). • an acute exacerbation of a chronic condition (extensive attach loss) extraction • Antibiotic if some systemic invol.
28 Juni 2018 KP Blok 12, FKG UNIMUS SEMARANG 8
Periodontal Abscess
A localized purulent infection within the tissues
adjacent to the periodontal pocket that may lead to the destruction of periodontal ligament and alveolar bone 28 Juni 2018 KP Blok 12, FKG UNIMUS SEMARANG 9 Clinical features ≈ gingival abscess Usually pre-existing chronic periodontitis present. Factors associated with abscess development – Occlusion of pocket orifice (by healing of marginal gingiva following supragingival scaling) – Furcation involvement – Systemic antibiotic therapy (allowing overgrowth of resistant bacteria) – Diabetes Mellitus 28 Juni 2018 KP Blok 12, FKG UNIMUS SEMARANG 10 Periodontal vs Periapical Abscess Periodontal Abscess Periapical Abscess • Vital • Non vital • No caries • Caries • Pocket • No pocket • Lateral radiolucensy • Apical radiolucency • No or minimal mobility • Mobility • Percussion + • Prcussion + • Sinus tract via alveolar • Sinus tract via gingiva mucosa 28 Juni 2018 KP Blok 12, FKG UNIMUS SEMARANG 11 Treatment • Establish drainage (anastesi) • Occlusal adjustment • Antibiotics
28 Juni 2018 KP Blok 12, FKG UNIMUS SEMARANG 12
Pericoronal Abscess pericoronitis A localized purulent infection within the tissue surrounding the crown of a partially erupted tooth. Most common periodontalemergency
28 Juni 2018 KP Blok 12, FKG UNIMUS SEMARANG 13
Symptoms – Localized red, swollen tissue – Area painful to touch – Tissue trauma from opposing tooth common – Purulent exudate, trismus, lymphadenopathy, fever, and malaise may be present – radiating pain to ear – Systemic complication : fever, malaise
28 Juni 2018 KP Blok 12, FKG UNIMUS SEMARANG 14
Treatment – Debride/irrigate under pericoronal flap – Tissue recontouring (removing tissue flap) – Extraction of involved and/or opposing tooth (occlusal adjustment) – Antimicrobials (local and/or systemic as needed)
Conclusion • In periodontal emergent conditions, patient presents with an acute problem and seeks immediate relief. • Proper treatment of the emergency may provide the practitioner with a life-long patient and may contribute to personal satisfaction for the treating clinician.
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