Ads 452 Chapter 6
Ads 452 Chapter 6
Ads 452 Chapter 6
Ethics in
Learning Objectives:
At the end of this chapter, students should be able to understand and
1. Values in Administration
2. Guidance and control continuum
3. Micro and macro level of
administrative ethics
4. Personal aspects on ethical
1. Values in Administration
◦ There can be little doubt that public
administration is a field where values not
only matter, but where they regularly
produce conflict and “create dilemmas
(Buchanan and Millstone 1979: 280).
◦ Because resolving values conflicts is a central
feature and activity of the field, there has long
been intellectual debate about the role of values
in public administration and which value or set of
values should form the foundation of and guiding
treatise for the field (Nabatchi, 2011)
◦ Therefore, it can be said that public value or
value in administration consists of appraisal of
managerial activities and actions conducted by
government agents and officials, and as social
standards, principles, and ideals to be pursued
and upheld by government agents and officials
(Nabatchi, 2011)
◦Public service has its own values and
the most important of them is integrity.
◦It can be interpreted to cover a broad
range of bureaucratic behavior, but it
is used also to refer to administrative or
public service ethics, to principles and
standards of right conduct for public
◦ Certain principles and standards of ethical
behavior (e.g. honesty, promise keeping) are
of such enduring importance in all walks of
life that they can be described as ethical
◦ These ethical values can be used to resolve
conflicts between such public service as
responsiveness and efficiency; they can also
be applied to clashes between public
service values on one hand, and social
values like liberty and equality on the second
(Karnaghan and Siegel, 1995)
Ethics and Public Administrators/Civil Servants
◦ Every country has certain legal framework with provisions
to cover various unethical and corrupt practices such as
the breath of official trust and duties, abuse of power,
misappropriation, and extortion, corrupt practices,
acceptance of undue advantage and abuse of officials
◦ Public servants presently subject to greater public
scrutiny and increased demands from citizens; they also
face stricter limits on resources.
◦ They have to assume new functions and responsibilities
as a result of: devolution and greater managerial
discretion; increased commercialization of the public
sector; a changing public/private sector interface and
changing accountability arrangements.
◦ In short they have to adopt new ways of carrying out the
business of government (Dmochowski et al, 2005)
Ethics and Public Administrators/Civil Servants
While public management reforms have realized
important returns in terms of efficiency and
effectiveness, some of the adjustments may have
had unintended impact on ethics and standards
of conduct.
This is not to suggest that changes have caused
an increase in misconduct or unethical
behaviour. But they may place public servants in
situations involving conflicts of interests or
objectives where there are few guidelines as to
how they should act (Dmochowski et al, 2005)
Problems/Impacts that may occur:
Major scandal - loss of power – ruin political system
Weaken the system – government unable to fulfill their roles in efficient, effective &
ethical ways
Ethical problems may become habits/routine and will not be recognized unless
the effect will jeopardize their lives/career
• Tragic choices:
– Scarce good must be distributed to the society
– The distributions of some goods sometimes requires great suffering &
even death
– It reveal conflicts between, the source of the scarcity and the values
used to determine the recipients of the scarce good
• For example, the waiting system used in kidney transplant
• Making tragic social choices in the least offensive way requires
choices derived from a rational decision-making process
• In policymaking at a given time, the mixture of methods for making
a choice is a compromise that minimizes the tragic outcome of not
being able to satisfy all the conflicting fundamental values
• Wicked Problems:
Unwritten code of Written statement
behavior/ conduct
Accountability to others
“cant avoid the enforcement”
1. Moral ambiguity
1. Every person-mixture self-interest & self-sacrifice
2. Constitution – create structure of government,
separation of power (check and balance)
3. Public policies for public interest + special interest
also served
2. Contextual forces affect moral priorities
Situational ethics – need flexibility (must look beyond) because rigid
obedience to set of values may destroy the opportunity to
accomplish the greatest good
3. Paradoxes/inconsistencies of procedures
1. Standard operating procedure are necessary for order,
predictability, efficiency, equity of treatment for all
2. Incompetent obedience to such procedures may destroy
individuals, programs, policies and deny ability to achieve
public interest
(3) Moral qualities:
1. Optimism
1. Not giving up in search for public interest
2. Believe in the government that they can operate
constructively, competently & for common good
2. Courage
1. Ability to do the right thing even though difficult
2. Numerous force try to influence our action – such influence
must be considered, give way when appropriate and resisted
in many cases
3. There must be commitment to objectivity, due to process and
the law
3. Fairness with charity
1. Most important moral qualities
2. Essential to maintain a balance between fairness to all
and reaction to individual needs.
Why these characteristics so
important for public servants?
• York Willbern (1984) – SIX increasingly complex levels of
morality which must be recognized and dealt by public
1. Basic honesty and conformity to law
2. Conflict of interest
3. Service orientation and procedural fairness
1. P.A attitude and behavior are morally significant
2. Exercise power – easily become arrogant, look for their own
convenience rather than client they serve
3. Lead to authority rather than service – affect citizen attitude
towards government
4. Serve complex society – groups oppose one another – need to
follow procedure and fair to all – if not – no trust an faith
4. Ethics of democratic responsibility
1. Need to fulfill need of people which sometimes unclear +
2. To be truly responsive - must able to balance public desires
with the knowledge, standards and values of society and their
professions in order to achieve long-term goals of society
5. Ethics of public policy determination
1. What & how to achieve particular program
2. This conflict will continue at all level of formulation and
3. Thus, P.A need to be active participant regards to
interpretation of general policy statement, procedures, benefit
and cost
6. Ethics of compromise and social integration
1. “To some morality means uncompromising obedience to
2. “It is necessary upon occasion to rise above principle and
make a deal”
End of Chapter 6