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Main Features of New Public Administration

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Main Features of new public administration[edit]

These are:

1. Responsiveness: The administration should bring about certain internal as well

as external changes so that public administration could be made more relevant
to the social, economic, political and technological environment. For this to
happen the administration has to be more flexible and adaptable to the various
2. Client Centricity: this means that the effectiveness of the administrator should
be judged not only the point of view of the government, but from that of the
citizens. If the administrative actions did not improve the quality of life of citizens
then they are not effective notwithstanding whatsoever rationality and efficiency
they may have.
3. Structural Changes in Administration: the new public administration approach
calls for small, flexible and less hierarchical structures In administration so that
the citizens administration interface could become more flexible and comfortable.
The organizational structure should be in with the socially relevant conditions.
4. Multi-disciplinary Nature of Public Administration: knowledge from several
disciplines and not just one dominating paradigm build the discipline of public
administration. The political, social, economic, management and human relation
approaches are needed to ensure the growth of discipline.
5. Politics-Administration Dichotomy: since administrators today are involved in
policy formulation and policy implementation at all the stages. Dichotomy
meaning "a division or contrast between two things that are or are represented
as being opposed or entirely different".
6. Awareness: Bring attention to the works of a public administration and the task
that public administrators carry out for the community and for the government.
Jobs of public administrators affect communities and large numbers of people.
The importance of the job should be highlighted.
7. Case Studies: Case studies help public administrators highlight situations and
events where policies were not carried out as they should be. They set an
example for what to do and what not to do. Case studies are a basic way to
break down events in order to learn from other people's mistakes and the affects
those mistakes have had on the community. With public administration being a
job devoted to the people; it is an obvious way to see the reality of the work you
do in the community. While there are many cases where policies were not
carried out as planned. There are also plenty of examples of executed policies
that have benefited communities, and those are important to look at as well.
8. Structure Change: Public Administration is moving in many different directions,
it is more often called Public Management now. This is because the job is
moving towards a direction of not only implementing policy to people but also
managing policies as it trickles down through the law process, so that it is
realistic for communities and the people in them.
9. Jack of All Trades: the best public administrators tend to be someone who has
knowledge in politics and law, but also has a hand in community functions. This
allows for a smooth transition from policy to implementation.
10. Change: With the changes in the world, the job of public administration has
changed. The job may be the same, but titles like Public Manager and Public
Adviser have replaced the title Public Administrator.
11. Catalytic government: Government should focus on catalyzing public and private sector
and NGO's into solving societal problems.
12. Community owned government: Government should empower citizens to solve their own
problems thus taking various services from control of bureaucracy.
13. Competitive government: Improve performance, reduce cost by creating competition
among service providers.
14. Mission driven government: Government should be driven by goals rather than rules.
15. Result orientation: Focus on outcomes by encouraging target achievement and mission
directed efforts.
16. Customer driven government: Less institution oriented more client impact oriented.
17. Enterprising government: Focus on generating money than just spending.
18. Anticipatory government: Proactive than fire fighting approach. Responsiveness should
be inbuilt the system to meet changes.
19. Decentralization: Shift from hierarchical to participatory management and team work.
20. Market oriented government: Opt for market mechanisms not bureaucratic.

eatures of New Public Administration 

The features of New Public Administration apply the following elements to the
audience and administrative workers.

 Restructure of government institutions – The new public administrative system divides

the government into small units. It then distributes the roles and responsibilities of each
sector to private sectors. The divided para-diagrams and structures are less hierarchical
and more flexible than the old public administration. Additionally, it tends to manage the
formulated public policies. 

 Target clients – The target client of the new public administration system is the country’s
citizens. For instance, if an administrator has decided on behalf of the government
sectors, it has to bring in positive results in the well-being of citizens. The administrative
system cannot escape from the public response to that decision

 Recognition and information – The new public administration system tends to spread
awareness about the work of public administrators and organisations. Any decision taken
by government institutions affects the lives of its natives. Thus, they should be well aware
of the importance and action plans of the administrators

 Multi-disciplines – The multidisciplinary nature of the new public administrative system

focuses on enhancing the economic, political, social relations in adherence to improving
the growth structure of institutional systems

 Decentralisation – Decentralisation is one of the most important features of the new

public administration system. The process converts the bureaucratic ways to more
dynamic and adaptable support systems, thus bringing in more devolution in the work
ethics and culture of the organisation

 Knowledgeable – A public administrator acquires an efficient knowledge of politics, law,

community diagrams and so on. It helps officials to formulate and implement public
policies effectively
Features of the New Public
 NPA works to reduce expenditure and improve income growth in public sector institutions

 Ensures the involvement of public managers through decentralisation and devolution

 Conversion of bureaucratic sectors in multiple agencies

 The new public administrative system favours contracting more with the private sector
than the public sector

 Evolution of quasi and contract market systems for greater competitio

Features of New Public Administration

In the light of the above discussion, some features of the New Public
Administration (NPA) can be identified. These are –

1. It is more prescriptive rather than descriptive. 

2. It is a value-based concept. Value is inevitable in public
3. It is more oriented towards changing reality.
4. NPA is more flexible and dynamic.
5. It is more ready to influence policies that can improve the quality
of working life, as well as more competent to implement such
6. It is also more oriented towards clients. Here clients refer to the
7. It assures the people participation in the decision making process
of public administration. 
Features of NPA:  The features of NPA as summarised by George Fredrickson are stated as below –
1. Change and administrative Responsiveness, 2. Rationality, 3. Management – worker Relation, 4.
Structures, 5. Education in PA.

1. Change & Administrative responsiveness:  The administrative organization & procedures

should be responsive to the changes that are taking place in the socio-economic, political
and technological environments.  In other words, there must be greater organizational &
operational flexibility in the administrative system to meet changes in the environment
2. 2. Rationality:  Rationality is the main criterion for administrative decisions & actions. 
Here, rationality refers to the rationality of the administrator.  There is a need for the
administrator to consult the citizens regarding the things to be done, and also about what
ought to be done, and also about who has to do it, etc.
3. 3. Management –Worker relation:  The smooth relation between the management and
worker enhances morale and productivity among the employees.  However, the main aim
should be satisfaction of citizens with the performance and attitudes of he administrative
4. 4. structures:  There is a need for employing a dynamic approach to organizational
structure.  Structures have to be made relevant to the changing need of the environments.
 Instead of sticking to the old standardized organizational structure, new structures such as
small decentralized and flexible hierarchies can be utilized.  These new structures prove to
be more suitable for present day administrative organizati
5. 5. Education in PA:  Public administration is heterogeneous in character as it deals with
highly varied and complex public affairs.  No single approach or theory or concept would be
adequate to guide action or understand its working.  Hence, there is a need for the subject
of PA to be enriched by several streams of knowledge, concepts, ideas and insight

NPA provides solutions for achieving these goals, popularly called 4 D's
i.e. Decentralisation, Debureaucratisation, Delegation and Democratisation

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