Project Proposal - Finalized

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Project Proposal

The Design and

Management of SMART
Classroom Project
Prepared by,

Wijdan Mahdi Ali

Nor Azize Binti Ayob
Noraliza Bt Mohd Ali
Nur Syafiqah Binti Redzuan
Definition of SMART classroom
 The smart classroom is highly technological concept where presentation of
content is optimal, interactive, convenient access of learning resources. It is
also helpful for contextual awareness, classroom layout and management.
(Dr. Shruti Tiwari)

 Smart classroom is a modern and smart class using multimedia, internet and
e-learning devices in classroom teaching. It is a modernized method of
teaching and learning techniques. (Anil Sahu)

 Technology enhanced classrooms that foster opportunities for teaching and

learning by integrating learning technology

In simple word
 To take full advantage of ICT to enhance student learning, create
efficiencies in delivering knowledge and advance lifelong learning.

 To empower schools, teachers and students to use new technologies for

create learning pathways that equip students with 21st century skills.

 To connect teachers with professional learning so they can create and

employ meaningful and engaging strategies where ICT is integral to

 To build partnerships between schools and school communities to broaden

learning opportunities, foster collaboration and advance lifelong learning.
Smart Classroom
3 main themes :

SMART Teaching SMART Learning

SMART Pedagogy
Solution Space

Deals with : Elements : Establishing

Aim :
To make learning Zone
more meaningful
Games SMART Respect Accessibility
1. SMART and Teaching
Teacher’s Simulations tools
By : handbook
Teacher Inspiration Mobility
training SMART
3. SMART Teaching
Teacher’s materials
reflection tools
SMART Pedagogy
 The aim of smart pedagogy is to make learning
more meaningful

 It makes teaching and learning process more

interesting, motivating and stimulating
SMART • Guidelines for implementing the process, provides good
practice examples, example templates and tools.
Teacher’s • Help teacher to implement self-monitoring and self-
handbook evaluation of their practice.

• To help teachers shift to the new teaching technique.

SMART • To equipped teachers with the skills for handle smart
Teacher classroom, using e-learning tools and expert in online
training education.
• To train teacher be a facilitator in learning.

• Taking “snapshots” of your day with audio recording apps.
• Capturing student thinking with classroom social networking.
reflection • Processing for the long term with your own blog.
SMART Teaching Solution
 It deals with variety of practical teaching tools
and materials for teachers, comprising games
and simulations.

 It can be used in teaching

situations to support delivery
of rich teaching content,
student engagement
and interaction.
SMART Learning Spaces
 It comprises the essential furniture and technical
specifications of ideal physical and virtual classrooms.
 In order, to facilitate the adaptive and collaborative
teaching spaces in the classroom.
 Hence, provide the flexibility in learning and
constructs the learning to become ubiquitous.

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