Computer Networks: Other Network Protocols

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Computer Networks

Other Network Protocols


Even though TCP/IP may have won the

protocol wars, you will be able to
understand networking and even TCP/IP
better if you learn about contrasting
solutions and implementations. This may
help you to avoid reinventing the wheel or
perhaps to borrow from the past's good
ideas to solve seemingly new problems.

Novell IPX/SPX

Novell proprietary
Based on Xerox's XNS protocol system
Runs on top of Ethernet, Token Ring, etc.
Usually used with NetWare OS's
Very popular in corporate environments
Declining usage

Novell Protocol Stack Illustrated

Internetwork Packet eXchange
32-bit network, 48-bit node/host address
Network is generally fixed at 32-bits
Node address = IEEE 802 MAC address
Dynamic host address assigment
Many features IP wishes it had!

IPX Routing

IPX Routing Information Protocol

TTL counts up
Similar to OSPF and IS-IS
Never took off
Concept of internal IPX numbers

Sequenced Packet eXchange
Similar to TCP, but with no sliding window!
SPX II addressed the window size problem
Though, not really well
Most Novell based apps avoided SPX
It was inefficient and just got in the way
Some newer apps used SPX II (e.g. Notes)

Service Advertisement Protocol
Services are advertised periodically
The anti-DNS system
e.g. "I'm a Netware printer, here I am!"
Default interval was every 60 seconds
Very chatty on large networks
Does not scale
NDS was supposed to help

NetWare Core Protocol (NCP)

Novell's layer 5, 6 and 7 layers - kinda

File access protocol
Print services
Login/authentication requests
Messaging/management services
Provided "burst mode" for file read/writes

NetWare Directory Services
Hierarchical database of network objects
Based on X.500 and works with LDAP
Logical and physical objects represented
Leafs, containers, users, drive mapping, etc.
Naming structure similar to DNS
e.g. jdoe.networks.acme_us.
Partitions and replicas stored on servers


De Facto standard from Apple for Macs

Very easy for end users
Very chatty - scaling problems
Runs on top of LocalTalk, Ethernet, Token
Ring, etc.
TokenTalk and EtherTalk technologies
developed to support AppleTalk over IEEE
This Picture is Wrong!

AppleTalk Network Layer
Only 3 bytes for network layer addresses!
2 bytes for network, 1 byte for host/node
Networks can be ranges
e.g. 135-141
Arbitrary size, unlike IP (x2)
Looks/Requests network address
Chooses host/node address at random!
Sends an AARP and looks for a reply
AppleTalk Routing

Routing Table Maintenance Protocol (RTMP)

Similar to RIP
Seed Router
1 router configured with network, others learn
Nodes can optimize best exit router by
examining received packets
Associates NET with ROUTER ADDRESS


Centralized file sharing system

Runs on top of AppleTalk
Also allows for
Printer sharing
Peer to peer sharing
Mail handling
Security functions (ids and passwords)

ISO Network Layer

Connectionless Network Layer Protocol

Variable length, 20 bytes max
Address specifies a host rather than an
Was considered to replace IPv4
Provided for autoconfiguration like IPv6 and
ISO Routing

Intermediate System to Intermediate System

Link state routing protocol
Very similar to OSPF
Widely used by many ISPs
Runs directly on top of a layer 2 protocol

ISO Transport Layer

Transport Protocol (TP)

Four classes of transport layer protocols
TP0, TP1, TP2, TP3, TP4
Each provide increasing degree of features
TP4 is similar to TCP
Three-way handshake
Sliding window
Retransmission timer
ISO Protocol Stack Illustrated


Most commonly referred to as Phase IV

Earlier phases and Phase V also defined
DECnet Phase V was CLNP or IP
Only 2 bytes for addresses in Phase IV!
6 bits for network (area), 10 bits for host/node
Traditionally implemented on Digital
Equipment Corp. machines (e.g. VAX)
Ported to many other systems
DECnet Protocol Stack Illustrated

Systems Network Architecture

Proprietary architecture from IBM

There is no true layer 3 function in legacy
SNA - no routing!
Historically built for token ring and source
routing (that was the layer 3 network)
Central control (dumb terminals)
APPN came later to provide distributed
SNA Protocol Stack Illustrated

SNA Components

Hosts (mainframe)
Communications controller/FEP
Cluster controllers - like a hub
Terminals and printers
Software (VTAM, NCP, emulation)
Physical and logical concepts (PUs/LUs)

Network Basic Input Output
System (NetBIOS)
A simple API for LAN applications
Assigns names for nodes on the network
Very chatty - does not scale
No network layer
Often uses the NetBIOS Extended User
Interface (NetBEUI)
Server Message Block (SMB) used to provide
file/print sharing (e.g. Samba)

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