Network and The Internet001

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Network and the

ER 2.
 Identify each of the major protocols used in network
communication (for example, FTP and Telnet), and what use
you can make of each.
 Understand the various connection methods and speeds
used on networks.
 Compare and contrast a hub and switch.
 Identify what a router is and what it’s used for.
 Understand how data is transmitted over a network.
 Explain how the Internet works and the use of IP addresses
and URLs.
 Recount a brief history of the Internet.
 Use network utilities such as these: ping, IPConfig, and
2  Describe the OSI model of network communication and the
To be able to manage network
security, you will need knowledge
about how computer networks
operate. Those readers who
already have a strong working
knowledge of network operations
may choose to skim this chapter
or perhaps give it a quick read as a

Getting two or more computers to communicate
and transmit data is a process that is simple in
concept but complex in application. Consider all
the factors involved.

1  First you will need to physically connect the


 This connection usually requires either a cable

that plugs into your computer or wireless

 The cable then is plugged either directly to

◇ There is a card in most modern
computers called a network interface
card, or NIC. If the connection is
through a cable, the part of the NIC
that is external to the computer has a
connection slot that looks like a
telephone jack, only slightly bigger.

The Physical Connection:
Local Networks
◇ The cable connection used with
traditional NICs (meaning not wireless) is
an RJ-45 connection.
◇ In contrast to the computer’s RJ-45 jacks,
standard telephone lines use RJ-11 jacks.
The biggest difference between jacks
involves the number of wires in the
connector, also called the terminator.
Table 2.1 Cable Types and Uses
Category Specifications Uses
1 Low-speed analog (less than 1MHz) Telephone, doorbell

2 Analog line (less than 10MHz) Telephone

3 Up to 16MHz or 100Mbps Voice transmissions
4 Up to 20MHz/100Mbps Data lines. Ethernet networks

5 16MHz /100Mbps Most common a few years ago,

still widely used
6 1000Mbps (Some get 10Gps) Most common type of cable
6a 10Gps High-speed networks
7 10Gps Very high-speed networks
8 40Gbps Not yet commonly found

Unshielded twisted-pair (UTP) cable
• The type of cable used in connecting computers is also
often referred to as unshielded twisted-pair (UTP) cable.
• The wires in the cable are in pairs, twisted together
without additional shielding

CAT4 (category 4)

 can be used for networks

 as it is simply slower, less reliable, and an older
CAT5 (category 5)

 A cable that can transmit up to 100 mega

(million) bits per second. This is known as the
bandwidth of the cable.
Four devices that can help you to connect
more than two computers on a network:
 Hub
The simplest connection device is the hub. A hub is a small box-shaped electronic
device into which you can plug network cables. It will have four or more (commonly
up to 24) RJ-45 jacks, each called a port.
 Repeater
A repeater is a device used to boost signal. Basically, if your cable needs to go
further than the maximum length (which is 100 meters for UTP), then you need a
 Switch
The next connection device option is the switch. A switch is basically an intelligent
hub; it works and looks exactly like a hub, with one significant difference. When a
switch receives a packet, it will send that packet only out the port for the computer to
which it needs to go.
 Router
Data Transmissions

 Protocols
- A protocol is, essentially, an agreed-
upon method of communication. In
fact, this definition is exactly how the
word protocol is used in standard,
noncomputer usage, too.
Protocol Purpose Port
FTP (File Transfer 20 and 21
For transferring files between
TFTP (Trivial File 69
Transfer Protocol)
A quicker but less reliable form of

Telnet Used to remotely log on to a system. You can 23

then use a 23 command prompt or shell to
execute commands on that system. Popular
with network administrators.
SMTP (Simple Mail 25
Transfer Protocol)
Sends email.
WhoIS A command that queries a target IP address for 43
DNS (Domain Name 53
Translates URLs into web

HTTP (Hypertext Displays web pages. 80
Transfer Protocol)

POP3 (Post Office Retrieves email. 110

Protocol version 3)

NNTP (Network Used for network newsgroups (Usenet

News Transfer newsgroups). You can access these
Protocol) groups over the Web via
com by selecting the Groups tab.

NetBIOS An older Microsoft protocol that is for 137, 138, 139

naming systems on a local network.

IRC (Internet Relay Used for chat rooms. 194


ICMP (Internet Packets that contain error messages, No specific port

Control Message informational mes- sages, and control
Protocol) messages.

HTTPS Encrypted HTTP; used for secure 443

 Ports
- A port, in networking terms, is a
handle, or a connection point. It is a
numeric designation for a particular
pathway of communications. You can
think of a port like a channel number
on your television. You may have one
cable coming into your TV, but you can
tune to a variety of channels.
How the Internet
The Internet is essentially a large
number of networks that are connected
to each other. Therefore, the Internet
works exactly the same way as your
local network. It sends the same sort of
data packets, using the same protocols.
These various networks are simply
connected into main transmission lines
called backbones.
 The points where the backbones connect to each other are called
network access points (NAPs).
 When you log on to the Internet, you probably use an Internet
service provider (ISP).
IP Addresses
 An IP address is a series of four values, separated by periods. (An

example would be Each of the three-digit numbers must
be between 0 and 255; thus, an address of would not be a
valid one.

 The IP addresses come in two groups: public and private. The public IP
addresses are for computers connected to the Internet. No two public IP
addresses can be the same.

 The address of a computer tells you a lot about that computer. The first
byte (or the first decimal number) in an address tells you to what class of
network that machine belongs.
TABLE 2.4 Network Classes
Class IP Range for the First Byte Use

A 0–126 Extremely large networks. No

Class A network IP addresses are
left. All have been used.
B 128–191 Large corporate and government
networks. All Class B IP
addresses have been used.
C 192–223 The most common group of IP
addresses. Your ISP probably
has a Class C address.
D 224–247 These are reserved for
multicasting (transmitting differ-
ent data on the same channel).
E 248–255 Reserved for experimental use.
Private IP addresses are another issue to be aware of.
Certain ranges of IP addresses have been designated for use
within networks. These cannot be used as public IP addresses
but can be used for internal workstations and servers. Those IP
addresses are:

 to
 to
 to

Public IP addresses are more like traditional mailing

addresses. Those must be unique worldwide. When
communicating from office to office you can use the office
number, but to get a letter to another building you have to use
17 the complete mailing address.
Subnetting and CIDR
Subnetting is simply chopping up a network into smaller
portions. For example, if you have a network using the IP
address 192.168.1.X (x being whatever the address is for
the specific computer), then you have allocated 255
possible IP addresses.

The subnet mask is a 32-bit number that is assigned to

each host to divide the 32-bit binary IP address into
network and node portions.

You also cannot just put in any number you want. The
first value of a subnet mask must be 255; the remaining
18 three values can be 255, 254, 252, 248, 240, or 224.
CIDR, or classless interdomain routing.
Rather than define a subnet mask, you
have the IP address followed by a slash
and a number. That number can be any
number between 0 and 32, which
results in IP addresses like these:

 (basically a Class C

IP address)

19 (much like a Class C IP
 IPv6 utilizes a 128-bit address (instead of 32)
, so there is no chance of running out of IP
addresses in the foreseeable future.

 IPv6 also utilizes a hex numbering method

in order to avoid long addresses such as
201.5. The hex address format will appear in
the form of 3FFE:B00:800:2::C,

For example:
The network portion is indicated by a slash
followed by the
number of bits in the address that are assigned
 There is a loopback address for IPv6, and it can be
written as ::/128. Other differences between IPv4 and
IPv6 are described here:

 Link/machine-local.

 Site/network-local.

 DHCPv6 uses the Managed Address Configuration

Flag (M flag).

 Other stateful configuration flag (O flag).

 M flag
Uniform Resource
- Your computer, or your ISP, must translate the name you
typed in (called a uniform resource locator [URL]) into an IP

There are a series of error messages that the web server

can send back to your web browser, indicating different
situations. Many of these problems the browser handles
itself, and you never see the error messages.

All error messages in the 400 series are client errors.

Messages in the 500 series are server errors.

The 100 series messages are simply informational; 200

series messages indicate success (you usually do not
see these, the browser simply processes them); and
What is a Packet?
 The data is divided into small chunks called

 Packets are divided into three sections. Those

are header (actually there are at least three
headers, but we will get to that in just a moment),
data, and footer.

In normal communications there is usually an:

• Ethernet header
• TCP header
IP header.
History of the Internet
The Internet traces its roots to the Cold War. One positive
thing that can be said about the Cold War is that it was a time
of significant investment in science and technology.

 In 1957, after the Soviet Union launched the Sputnik

satellite, the U.S. government formed the Advanced
Research Projects Agency (ARPA) within the Defense

 In 1962, a study by the Rand Corporation proposed

devising a communication method wherein data was sent
in packets between locations.

 In 1968, ARPA commissioned the construction of

ARPANET, a simple Internet web of four points (called
nodes): UCLA, Stanford, UC Berkley, and the University of
History of the Internet
 The year 1972 was a milestone for the development of
the Internet, in more than one sense.

 The following year, 1973, would mark the birth of the TCP/
IP protocol, which allowed the various computers to
communicate in a uniform fashion, regardless of their
hardware or operating system.

 In 1974, Vince Cerf published a paper on the TCP protocol,

and for the first time in computer history used the term

In 1976, Ethernet cable was developed (the same cabling we

use today), and DARPA began to require the use of TCP/IP
protocol on its network.
History of the Internet
 In 1979, a major development occurred: the birth of
Usenet newsgroups. These groups are essentially bulletin
boards open to the entire world.

 By 1981, the University of Wisconsin had created DNS

(Domain Name Service) so that people could find nodes
on the network via a name rather than the actual IP

 By 1981, the University of Wisconsin had created DNS

(Domain Name Service) so that people could find nodes
on the network via a name rather than the actual IP

 The early 1980s saw enormous growth in the early

Internet. DARPA divided its ARPANET into military and
History of the Internet
 In 1986, the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) was
formed to oversee the creation of standards for the
Internet and Internet protocols.

 A pivotal year for Internet development turned out to be

1990. That year, Tim Berners-Lee, working at CERN
laboratories in Europe, developed the Hypertext Transfer
Protocol (HTTP) and gave the world its very first web

Internet growth and activity exploded in the 1990s.

• 1992
• 1993
• 1994
Basic Network Utilities

Basic Network Utilities

IPConfig help

Basic Network Utilities

Another commonly used command is ping. ping
is used to send a test packet, or echo packet, to
a machine to find out if the machine is reachable
and how long the packet takes to reach the



This command is an abbreviation for Name
Server lookup. It is used to connect with your
network’s DNS server.

Other Network
 A firewall is essentially a barrier
between your network and the rest
of the Internet.
 The second very common type of
defensive device is a proxy server. A
proxy server will almost always be
another computer.
OSI model, or Open Systems
Interconnection model. This model is a
description of how networks
communicate. It describes the various
protocols and activities, and it tells how
the protocols and activities relate to
each other.

TABLE 2.5 The OSI Model
Layer Layer Description Protocol
Number s

7 Application This layer interfaces directly to the POP, SMTP,

application DNS, FTP,
and performs common application and so on
services for the application processes.

6 Presentation The presentation layer relieves the

application layer of concern regarding
syntactical differences in data
representation within the end-user

5 Session The session layer provides the NetBIOS

for managing the dialogue between end-
user application processes.

4 Transport This layer provides end-to-end TCP, UDP

3 Network This layer routes the information in the IP, Address
net- Resolution
work. Protocol,
2 Data Link This layer describes the logical Serial Line
organization of  Internet
data bits transmitted on a particular Protocol,
medium. Data link is divided into two sub Point-to-
layers: the Media Access Control layer Point
(MAC) and the Logical Link Control layer Protocol

1 Physical This layer describes the physical None

of the various communications media,
as well as the electrical properties and
interpretation of the exchanged signals.
In other words, the physical layer is the
actual NIC, Ethernet cable, and so forth.
This layer is where bits are trans- lated
into voltages, and vice versa.

 Media Access Control (MAC)
MAC addresses are unique addresses
for a NIC. (MAC is also a sub layer of
the data link layer of the OSI model.)
Every NIC in the world has a unique
address that is represented by a 6-byte
hexadecimal number, and an Address
Resolution Protocol (ARP) is used to
convert IP addresses to MAC
39 addresses.

our office

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Let’s review some
Yellow Blue Red
Is the color of gold, butter and ripe Is the colour of the clear sky and the Is the color of blood, and because
lemons. In the spectrum of visible deep sea. It is located between of this it has historically been
light, yellow is found between green violet and green on the optical associated with sacrifice, danger
and orange. spectrum. and courage.

Yellow Red
Is the color of gold, butter and ripe Is the color
the clear
and the
lemons. In the spectrum of visible of
it has
It is
located between
light, yellow is found between green associated
violet and green
with sacrifice,
on the optical
and orange. and

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