Slide Obgyn Jurnal Reading
Slide Obgyn Jurnal Reading
Slide Obgyn Jurnal Reading
Conclusion : Careful surveillance is required in these high risk patients for earlier detection and
treatment of complications so as to decrease the fetomaternal morbidities.
Thrombocytopenia complicates 7-8% of all pregnancies, most of which is
seen in the third trimester of pregnancy.
General physical, systemic and
obstetrical examination
All the subjects were followed during labour and postpartum period
for 6 weeks and feto-maternal complications were as certained
At delivery
Cord blood sample was collected to evaluate the effect of
maternal thrombocytopenia on fetal platelet count.
All newborn babies were evaluated at birth and were observed up
to first 7 days of life forany bleeding complications.
A repeat complete blood count was performed at 6 weeks to
ascertain the evolutionof thrombocytopenia.
Statiscal Analysis
The observations were tabulated on Microsoft excel sheet and results were
analyzed applying SPSS software (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). P value
< 0.05 was considered significant.
The study and the control groups had comparable age, gravidity and
period of gestation (Table I). In both the groups coincidently, 15 (31.91%)
were primigravidae.
Table II shows the association of various factors in the two groups.
Anemia (p = 0.03) and pregnancy induced hypertension (PIH) (p =
0.04) are found to be more in group A.
Group A Group B
Out of 47 subjects in group A, 12 had PIH, 8 had anemia and 5 had both
anemia and PIH. A statistically significant number of women gave
history of abruptio placentae and early onset PIH in previous
pregnancies; but no underlying cause of severe thrombocytopenia could
be found in 21 (44.68%) subjects.
Repeat platelet count performed
at 6 weeks postpartum
47 subjects
28 17 2
women women women
Although the fetal bleeding complications were not seen in any of the
newborns in either group, but cord blood platelet counts were
significantly different with 8 neonates in group A having platelet count
< 1 lac/mm3 as compared to only one neonate in the group B (p =
One of the mothers of these 8 neonates had anemia, PIH and positive
immunological test
two mothers of these neonates had anemia and PIH
two had PIH only and rest three had no other risk factor.
The prevalence of thrombocytopenia in pregnant women is
approximately 10%. There are very few studies comparing the outcome
of pregnancies with severe thrombocytopenia and moreover, the cut-off
used for platelet count has been < 1 lac/mm3.