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dr. Cut Meurah Yeni, Sp.OG (K)

Study the fetomaternal outcome in pregnancy with severe thrombocytopenia.

Materials and Methods

Analytic observasional study

1150 pregnant women
with term gestation in labour

94 subjects(8.17%) Screening Group B

47 subjects
Group A
47 subjects
<150.000/mm3 47 subjects
Result Significant history of bleeding tendencies like prolonged
bleeding from wound site, easy bruisability and menorrhagia
(p = 0.023) was evident in the study population.
Abruptio placentae and early onset pregnancy induced
hypertension (PIH) in previous gestations was more commonly
found in the study population.
Anemia and PIH were significantly more in group A. Incision
site oozing during cesarean section was significantly more in
group A.
Moderate thrombocytopenia was more in neonates of study
group (p= 0.014), but without any bleeding complications in

Conclusion : Careful surveillance is required in these high risk patients for earlier detection and
treatment of complications so as to decrease the fetomaternal morbidities.
Thrombocytopenia complicates 7-8% of all pregnancies, most of which is
seen in the third trimester of pregnancy.

Obstetricians need to rule out pathological causes of thrombocytopenia

by judicious use of investigative modalities, sothat unforeseen
fetomaternal complications can be predicted and managed.

This study has investigated the spectrum of causes of severe

thrombocytopenia in Indian obstetrical population and its effect on
fetomaternal outcome.
Material and Methods
Group A Group B

General physical, systemic and
obstetrical examination


All the subjects were followed during labour and postpartum period
for 6 weeks and feto-maternal complications were as certained

At delivery
Cord blood sample was collected to evaluate the effect of
maternal thrombocytopenia on fetal platelet count.
All newborn babies were evaluated at birth and were observed up
to first 7 days of life forany bleeding complications.
A repeat complete blood count was performed at 6 weeks to
ascertain the evolutionof thrombocytopenia.
Statiscal Analysis
The observations were tabulated on Microsoft excel sheet and results were
analyzed applying SPSS software (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). P value
< 0.05 was considered significant.
The study and the control groups had comparable age, gravidity and
period of gestation (Table I). In both the groups coincidently, 15 (31.91%)
were primigravidae.
Table II shows the association of various factors in the two groups.
Anemia (p = 0.03) and pregnancy induced hypertension (PIH) (p =
0.04) are found to be more in group A.
Group A Group B

12 PIH 8 Anemia 5 PIH & Anemia

Out of 47 subjects in group A, 12 had PIH, 8 had anemia and 5 had both
anemia and PIH. A statistically significant number of women gave
history of abruptio placentae and early onset PIH in previous
pregnancies; but no underlying cause of severe thrombocytopenia could
be found in 21 (44.68%) subjects.
Repeat platelet count performed
at 6 weeks postpartum

47 subjects

normal mild moderate

thrombocytopeni thrombocytopenia thrombocytopeni
a a

28 17 2
women women women

Repeat platelet count performed at 6 weeks postpartum, revealed that

thrombocytopenia had resolved in 28 subjects (59.6%). 17 women in group
A were found to have mild thrombocytopenia (36.1%) and 2 women had
moderate thrombocytopenia (4.25%).
Table III shows the maternal complications observed in the current
pregnancy.Incision site oozing was observed more in group A (p = 0.04).

In present study, 11 women with severe thrombocytopenia were

ransfused platelet concentrates. The range of platelets in these women
was 32,000/mm3 to 44,000/mm3. Out of these 11 women, 4 patients had
emergency caesarean, 5 patients had PIH with abruptio placentae and rest
2 had HELLP syndrome.
Parameters studied to observe the effect of maternal thrombocytopenia
on fetal well-being included:
Birth weight
Apgar score
Fetal bleeding complications and
Cord blood platelet count
There was no significant difference found in the birth weight and Apgar
score in the two groups.

Although the fetal bleeding complications were not seen in any of the
newborns in either group, but cord blood platelet counts were
significantly different with 8 neonates in group A having platelet count
< 1 lac/mm3 as compared to only one neonate in the group B (p =
One of the mothers of these 8 neonates had anemia, PIH and positive
immunological test
two mothers of these neonates had anemia and PIH
two had PIH only and rest three had no other risk factor.
The prevalence of thrombocytopenia in pregnant women is
approximately 10%. There are very few studies comparing the outcome
of pregnancies with severe thrombocytopenia and moreover, the cut-off
used for platelet count has been < 1 lac/mm3.

Thrombocytopenia was observed in 8.17% of pregnancies and severe

thrombocytopenia in 4.08% in the present study.
This frequency of severe maternal thrombocytopenia in our investigation
is more than that reported in the literature (0.7% vs 1.1%).

Platelet count decreases by an average of 10% during the third trimester

as a result of hemodilution or accelerated destruction leading to younger
and larger platelets which have increased number of platelet granules
that enhance platelet function
The significant association found between presence of
thrombocytopenia and bleeding tendencies in this study indicates that a
detailed history can serve as an important tool to suspect
thrombocytopenia or any bleeding disorder.

Various risk factors that could lead to thrombocytopenia in pregnancy

were evaluated in both study and control groups.

A mix of the following risk factors namely, anaemia (27.65%), PIH

(42.55%), past history of abruptio placentae (19.15%) and past history
of early onset PIH (12.77%), were found to be significantly associated
with presence of thrombocytopenia in the Study population.
Severe thrombocytopenia was not associated with any maternal
complication except for incision site oozing. Similarly, no complications
were observed in neonates, and the birth weight and Apgar score were
also comparable in the two groups.

However, statistically significant number of the neonates had a platelet

count less than 1 lac/mm (p = 0.014). This emphasizes that caution needs
to be exercised while advising or doing Invasive tests in the fetus in
pregnant Women with Severe thrombocytopenia.
This emphasizes that caution needs to be exercised while advising or
doing invasive tests in the fetus in pregnant women with severe
thrombocytopenia. This evidence of moderate neonatal thrombocytopenia
is in contrast to many other reports which state that the severity of
maternal thrombocytopenia is not predictive of fetal thrombocytopenia.

In a study by Parnas et al 7/199 (3.51%) neonates had moderate to severe

thrombocytopenia compared to 8/47 (17.02%) neonates in our work,
possibly due to inclusion criteria of platelet count less than 1 lac/mm
rather than 50,000/mm as in our study.

Adverse perinatal outcome was reported in 23.1% among patients with

severe thrombocytopenia compared to 16.2% among moderate
thrombocytopenia, and 3.5% in controls (p < 0.001). This is in contrast to
our research where no adverse perinatal outcome was observed.
• Prevalence of severe thrombocytopenia in pregnant females in our
study was 4.08%. PIH (42.55%), anaemia (27.65%), past history of
abruptio placentae (19.15%) and past history of early onset PIH
(12.77%) were found to be significantly associated with presence of
thrombocytopenia in the study population.

• The fetomaternal outcome in group A was not adversely affected in

general; however, the incision site oozing was present significantly
more in the group A when the patient has been taken for cesarean
section and statistically significant number of the neonates had
platelet count less than 1 lac/mm(p = 0.014) but without any
bleeding complication in neonates.

• Careful surveillance is required in these high risk patients in order to

ensure early detection and treatment of the complications; so as to
decrease the fetomaternal morbidities.

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