Task 3 - LP

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Lesson Plan

Prepared by: Tan Sze Yee (G4.6)

About the lesson… Theme:
World of Self,
Family and
Year: Main Skill:
Year 2 Maju Speaking
Unit 5:

Level of Free Time

Proficiency: Complementary
Intermediate Skill:
Your Daily Activities
Enrolment: Listening
32 pupils
1.2.2 Understand
2.1 By the end of the
2.1.1 Give simple with support
6-year primary 1.2 Understand
personal specific
schooling, pupils will meaning in a variety
information using information and
be able to of familiar contexts
basic questions details of simple
communicate simple
information intelligibly.

Main Skill Complementary Skill Main Skill Complementary Skill

Learning Objectives

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be

able to:
1.Share verbally their daily activities
with friends
2.Ask a few simple “When” and “What”

Pupils had learnt about words that show actions and

days of the week.
Educational Emphases
Different teaching materials
Pupils will construct their
(music box, pictures) and
own new knowledge and
strategy of getting pupils to
understanding based on
work with their classmates are
their prior knowledge
used in order to meet pupils’
different learning styles, such
Contextual Learning
as visual-spatial intelligence,
musical intelligence and HOTS
interpersonal intelligence

The context (daily

activities) and Pupils have to apply
Multiple Intelligence
materials used are their knowledge on the
familiar to pupils’ teaching and learning
daily lives activity
(b) Be more open-

(a) Learn to plan minded about

schedule and activities that can

manage time be done on

different days of
the week
Word Cards

Picture Cards

Set Induction
(3 minutes)
(8 minutes)
(8 minutes)
(8 minutes)
Role of the LP in the achievement of HOTS as
stated in Shift 4: Transform Teaching into the
Profession of Choice

Shift 4:
• aims to produce wholesome, knowledgeable
pupils- thinking, communicative and collaborative
• to be equipped with 21st Century skills (leadership
skills, bilingualism, ethics and spiritualism, social
identity, knowledge and thinking skills).
Lesson Plan:

• Pupils are required to use both prior and new knowledge

throughout- apply and even to create sentences
• Questioning method- encourage pupils to think

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