An Arch Is A Structure Constructed of Wedge-Shaped Unit
An Arch Is A Structure Constructed of Wedge-Shaped Unit
An Arch Is A Structure Constructed of Wedge-Shaped Unit
What is an Arch?
1. Shape
2. Number of Centers
Pointed Arch
Venetian Arch
Semi-Elliptical Arch
Stilted Arch
Flat Arch
Forms an equilateral triangle with intrados as base( at an angle of 60°)
Weakest Arch
Segmental Arch
Reference- B.C.Punmia
Stilted Arch
An arch whose curve begins above the impost line.
It consists a semi circular arch with two vertical portions at springings.
The centre of the arch lies on the horizontal line.
Reference- B.C.Punmia
Semi-Elliptical Arch
It has shape of semi-ellipse.
It has either three centre or five centre.
Also called a basket-handle arch.
Reference- B.C.Punmia
Classification According to Number Of
One-Centered Arch
Two-Centered Arch
Three-Centered Arch
Four-Centered Arch
Five-Centered Arch
One-Centered Arch
It has only one center.
Segmental Arches, Semicircular Arches, Flat Arches, HorseShoe
Arches and Stilted Arches come under this Category.
Sometimes full circular arch (Bulleye Arch ) provided for circular
Two-Centered Arch
It has two centers.
Pointed Arches comes under this category.
Semi-elliptical arch and Florentine arch also comes under this category.
Three-Centered Arch
It has three centers.
Elliptical Arches comes under this category.
Equilateral Arches also comes under this category.
Four-Centered Arch
It has fourcenters.
Venetian arch comes under this category.
Another example is Tudor arch.
Five-Centered Arch
It has fivecenters
Fives centers help in getting a good semi- elliptical shape
Classification Based On Material And
2. Ashlars Arches
Made by stones which are fully dressed and
in proper shape of voussoir.
Lime or cement mortar is use as binding
Use for making Flatarches
Brick Arches
1. Rough Arch
Made with ordinary bricks
Joints are wedge-shaped with
greater thickness at extrados and
smaller thickness at intrados.
Not used for exposed brick work.
2. Monolithic Arch
Made with cast-in- situ concrete, either
plain or reinforced.
Suitable for largespan.
The thickness is 15cm for arches upto
3m span.