(Choose only those accommodations and interventions that are the most needed. Attempt to select low-level accommodations and
interventions before moving to more supportive or high-level accommodations and interventions. If high-level accommodations are necessary,
choose them with the goal of slowly removing them whenever possible. The objective should always be to provide support while encouraging
growth with these strategies to foster independence and self-advocacy).
Provide this student with a quiet, distraction free area for quiet study time and
test-taking. It is the responsibility of the teacher to take the initiative to privately and
discretely (do not draw peer attention to the student) "send" this student to a quiet,
distraction-free room/area for each testing session. It is important to assure that once
the student begins a task requiring a quiet, distraction-free environment that no
interruptions be permitted until the student is finished.
Always seat this student near the source of instruction and/or stand near student when
giving instructions in order to help the student by reducing barriers and distractions
between him and the lesson. For this reason it is important to encourage the student to
sit near positive role models to ease the distractions from other students with
challenging or diverting behaviors.
In order to reduce distractions, computers and other equipment with audio functions
operated in this students classroom or designated work areas must be used with
earphones to eliminate the sound being broadcast into the classroom or designated
work area.
Prepare the student in advance for upcoming changes to routine - field trips, transitions
from one activity to another, etc.
Prepare the student in preparing for the end of the day and going home, supervise the
students book bag for necessary items needed for homework.
Allow the student to move around. Provide opportunities for physical action pace in
the rear of the classroom, do an errand, wash the blackboard, get a drink of water, go to
the bathroom, etc.
Make sure the student is always provided opportunities for physical activities. Do not
use daily recess as a time to make-up missed schoolwork. Do not remove daily recess
as punishment.
Permit the student to play with small objects kept in their desks that can be
manipulated quietly, such as a soft squeeze ball, if it isnt too distracting.
Make sure all homework instruction and assignments be clear and provided in writing
(not simply aloud).
Provide a consistent, predictable schedule. Post the schedule in the classroom and/or
tape it to the inside of the desk or student assignment book.
Write down key words on the board to aid in note-taking during sections that are
Provide the student with a legible outline before a lesson/lecture and with legible
teachers notes of lesson/lecture.
Provide this student with a note-taker at all times to record classroom discussions and
Break instructions into short, sequential steps; dividing work into smaller short
"mini-assignments," building reinforcement and opportunities for feedback at the end
of each segment; handing out longer assignments in segments; and, consider
scheduling shorter work periods.
One of the most common things for children with ADD to do is to procrastinate, to
miscalculate, and to avoid (unpleasant) tasks until the last minute. This is why close
guidance in planning long term projects is so important. A part of the ADD spectrum
of symptoms is a sort of a temporal disability where the gauging of time, and how long
tasks will take are distorted.
By modeling examples of how to plan, being coached through the planning process,
and through consistent practice children with ADD will gain a better sense of how to
The goal of independence will be achieved when appropriate supports are consistently
provided for and during all longer projects so the student can gradually develop
independence, learn to master time management, learn better to plan ahead, and feel in
control and comfortable; and so fall-out of things remembered at the last moment is
significantly reduced.
Give private, discrete cues to student to stay on task, cue the student in advance before
calling on him, and cue before an important point is about to be made (example: "This
is a major point.").
Allow adequate time for student to answer questions to permit the student time to form
a thoughtful answer.
Provide the amount of support and structure the student needs (not the amount of
support and structure traditional for that grade level or that classroom/subject.
Identify the students strengths altering the format of a presentation to take full
advantage of the strengths (teach "to" the strengths).
As much as possible use high impact visual aids with lively oral presentations to
provide a more interesting and novel presentation of lessons.
At all times avoid the use of sarcasm, continual criticism or bringing attention to
students different needs in front of his peers; and recognize that this student will
respond significantly better when encouraged and when positive achievements are
noticed and mentioned.
Allow the student to begin an assignment and then go to the teacher after the first few
problems are done for confirmation that he/she is doing the assignment properly, and to
receive gentle correction or praise.
Provide the student with published book summaries, synopses or digests of major
reading assignments to review beforehand (example: Cliff Notes for literature studies).
Make a second set of books and materials available for this student to keep a back-up
set at home
Prior to the test, provide the student with specific information, in writing if necessary,
about what will be on the test or quiz.
Provide the student with a practice test or quiz to study the day before the actual test or
quiz. (Pre-review)
Allow the student more time to complete quizzes, tests, exams and other skill
assessments when needed (including standardized tests) to eliminate possible test
anxiety. Information retrieval can be complicated by ADD/LD. When more time is
available to complete an assignment, test, quiz or final exam, should it be needed,
memory retrieval is improved and test pressure interferes less with the ability to
retrieve and express what is known.
The student will inform the teacher of his need for additional time by writing a note on
the test to arrange for more time whenever he/she is unable to finish a test in the
standard amount of time provided to other students.
Provide the student with other opportunities, methods or test formats to demonstrate
what is known.
Allow the student to take tests or quizzes in a quiet place in order to reduce
Consider allowing this student to use a calculator when it is clear the student
understands math calculation concepts.
Tests should always be typed (not handwritten) using large type; and all duplicated
materials must be clear, dark and easy to read. The simpler and less distracting the
page, the better. With that in mind, questions that are not a part of the test and are not
to be answered should be removed from the students view.
Whenever possible the instructions should always been next to the questions to which
they relate, and test questions should visually stand-out from the test answers (on
multiple choice, matching, etc.).
Review the design of the test to assure that the test questions are ordered in a logical,
sequential manner (example: test questions should be arranged to progress logically
through the material be tested, e.g., Section 1 to Section 2 to Section 3 to Section 4,
etc., with no skipping around between one section and another).
Provide Training and Guidance for Study Skills, Test Taking Skills, and for Time and
Organizational Planning
Provide the student with a regular program in study skills, test taking skills,
organizational skills, and time management skills.
Help the student set up a system of organization using color coding by subject area,
especially with materials that need to be stored in a school locker during the day.
Teach the student how to identify key words, phases, operations signs in math, and/or
sentences in instructions and in general reading.
Teach the student how to scan a large text chapter for key information, and how to
highlight important selections.
Across all subject areas, display and support the use of mnemonic strategies to aid
memory formation and retrieval.
Permit the student to check-in with this advisor first thing each week (Monday
mornings) to plan/organize the week and last thing each week (Friday afternoons) to
review the week and to plan/organize homework for the weekend.
Support the formation of study groups, and the student seeking assistance from peers,
encourage collaboration among students.
Match students needs and learning style with teachers who have the appropriate
attributes to provide the student with the best education and support possible and who
know how to create ("engineer") opportunities for academic and social success, can
increase the frequency of positive, constructive, supportive feedback, and can identify,
recognize, reinforce and build upon the students strengths and interests.
Recognize EFFORTS the student employs toward attaining a goal and recognize the
problems resulting from skill deficits vs. non-compliance.
Look for positives. Provide immediate feedback to the student each time and every the
student accomplishes desired behavior and/or achievement - no matter how small the
Provide clearly stated rules and consequences and expectations that are consistently
carried out for all students.
Parental Involvement
Teachers must report to the parent any time one of theses interventions and/or
accommodations seems to be ineffective so the committee can re-convene and modify
the plan as needed.
Use the student's planner for daily communication with the parent.
Each teacher is to send home the weekly communication sheet at the end of each
school week.
Using the weekly communication sheet, inform the parent and/or advisor, in advance,
when special or long-term projects are assigned.
respond significantly better when they are encouraged and feel safe to make mistakes.
Instruct the teachers about how stimulant medication works, and avoid any derogatory
comments about the students use of medicine or of the medicine itself.
Recognize that medication is only a part of the answer and does not address a students
comprehensive needs all by itself.
Recognize that no two students with ADD/LD are alike and that there are multiple
approaches to working with each ADD/LD student that can and will be different from
student to student.
Do not and/or stop attributing students poor performance to laziness, poor motivation,
or other internal traits.
Recognize that ADD/LD is neurological and beyond the control of the student.
Accommodation References:
"Clarification of Policy to Address the Needs of Children with Attention Deficit Disorders within General and/or
Special Education," Memorandum to Chief State School Offices from the U. S. Department of Education, Office of
Special Education and Rehabilitation Services and the U. S. Department of Justice, Office of Civil Rights, 1991.
Teaching Strategies: Education of Children with Attention Deficit Disorder, Ellen Schiller, Chief of Directed
Research Branch and Jane Hauser, Dissemination Specialist, Division of Innovation and Development, Office of
Special Education Programs, U. S. Department of Education with the Chesapeake Institute and Warger, Eavy and
Associates, 1994.
Education/504 Information Packet from the Michigan Protection and Advocacy Services, Childrens Advocacy
Service, Lansing, Michigan
"The Rights of Individuals with Handicaps Under Federal Law," U. S. Department of Education and the Office for
Civil Rights
ADHD In the Schools: Assessment and Intervention Strategies by George J. DuPaul and Gary Stoner (Forward by
Russell Barkley), The Guilford School Practitioner Series, The Guildford Press, 1994.
CH.A.D.D. Educators Manual: An In-Depth Look at Attention Deficit Disorders from an Educational Perspective, by
Mary Fowler in collaboration with Russell Barkley, Ph.D., Ron Reeve, Ph.D. and Sydney Zentall. Ph.D., 1992.
Education of Children with Attention Deficit Disorder: Facing the Challenges of ADD. A Kit for Parents and
Teachers. A Product of the Division of Innovation and Development, Office of Special Education Programs, Office
of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, U. S. Department of Education. Distributed by CH.A.D.D. and the
Council for Exceptional Children
Matrix of Recommended School Interventions for ADHD Students, Childrens Hospital of Michigan, 1994.
Teenagers with ADD: A Parents Guide, by Chris A Zeiger Dendy, M.S., Woodbine House, 1995
Taming the Dragons: Real Help for Real School Problems, by Susan Setley, M. Sp. E., Starfish Publishing, 1995
ADHD: A Guide to Understanding and Helping Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in School
Settings, by Lauren Braswell, Ph.D., Michael Bloomquist, Ph.D., Sheila Pederson, Ma., Ed.S., University of
Minnesota, 1991.
The Attention Deficit Disorders Intervention Manual, Hawthorne Educational Services, Inc., 1994
The Gifted Learning Disabled Student, CTY Publications and Resources, Center for Talented Youth, Johns Hopkins
Attention Deficit Disorders Intervention Manual, Stephen B. McCarney, Ed.D., Hawthorne Educational Services,
Inc., 1994.
Study Skills for Students in Our Schools: Study skills and instructional intervention strategies for elementary and
secondary students, Stephen B. McCarney, Ed.D. and Janet K. Tucci, M. Ed., Hawthorne Education Services, Inc.,
(c) 1998, Rebecca Chapman Booth