Hazard Assesment
Hazard Assesment
Hazard Assesment
• A hazard assessment is an evaluation of a work place, or work
situation, as to the potential for hazards that an employee may
encounter while performing the job.
• Requirements - Employers are required (by OSHA) to certify in
writing that they have assessed the work place to determine if
hazards are present or likely that would require personal protective
equipment (PPE)and/or medical monitoring, or other requirements
such as fit testing for respirator use, and vaccines.
• Supervisors- Each department Supervisor is required to perform a
job hazard assessment and oversee that personal protective
equipment is appropriate for the hazard and is being used
Where do you begin in hazard
• It may be difficult to begin assessing every location, job title, or
job task. The most logical place to begin is to review your
accident and illness reports.
–Is there a work area that seems to have more accidents and
injuries than others?
–Is there a type of injury that seems to occur more frequently
than others
Where do you begin in hazard
• If injury and illness reports do not point you towards a place to
begin, consider beginning with:
– Close calls or near misses
– New tasks or positions
– Tasks that have changed
– Non-routine jobs
– Routine jobs
Work Area Hazard Assessment
• After you have chosen a place to start, perform a walk-through
of the work area, looking for hazards as indicated in this
training. Tips: Involve employees in this process to gain
valuable input
Step 3 - Evaluate the level of risk for each hazard to help determine what
type of control should be implemented to reduce exposure
• Minimal exposure
• Serious exposure