Engineering Professional Practice
Engineering Professional Practice
Engineering Professional Practice
Engineering Professional Practice
Ch1:Hisotry of Engineering Practices( 3hrs)
Ch2: Profession and ethics(6 hrs)
Ch3: Professional Practices in Nepal( 3 hrs.)
Ch4: Sector contract Management (6hrs)
Ch5: Regulatory Environment (5hrs)
Ch6: Contemporary Issues in Engineering (3hrs)
Ch7: Case studies based on Engineering
Practices(4 hrs)
History of Engineering Practices
Man and Society
Technology and Society
History of Engineering Practice in Eastern
History of Engineering Practice in Western
Engineering Practices in Nepal
Definitions of Society
A.W. Green:
the largest group to which any individual belongs
Schaefer and Lamm:
the largest form of human group, which consists of people
who share common heritage and culture.
Ian Robertson:
society gives content, direction and meaning to our lives,
and we, in turn, in countless ways, reshape the society that
we leave to the next generation. Society is a population that
occupies the same territory, is subject to the same political
authority and participates in a common culture.
John F. Cuber:
a group of people who have lived long enough to become
organized and to consider themselves and considered as a
unit more or less distinct from other human units.
Definitions of Society
collection of individuals united by certain relation or modes
of behavior, which mark them off from others who do not
enter into these relations or who differ from them in
P. Gisbert:
complicated network of social relationships by which every
human being is interconnected with his fellowmen.
MacIver and Page:
system of usages and procedures, authority and mutual aid,
of many groupings and divisions, of controls of human
behavior and of liberties.
A society is a group of persons bound together organically by
a principle of unity that goes beyond each one of them.
Main Elements of Society
1.People and plurality:
Society consists of people of both sexes, of all ages, of
different ideas, race, color.
Likeness of members in a social group is the primary basis
of their mutuality.
May be in the beginning assumed or real common lineage,
tribal affinity, family benefit or the compactness due to a
common to time inculcated between and among the
members in the group the feeling of likeness.
Likeness means mutuality, and that means Society.
Likeness is the one element which must have strongly
stimulated the group feelings in bringing men, women and
children together. Likeness is the link-up for mutuality.
Main Elements of Society......
3. Differences:
Sense of likeness in not always sufficient. It alone is not
adequate for social organization. The social structure of
humanity is based on the family which rests upon the biological
differences between the sexes, viz, men and women.
The economic structure of society is based upon division of
labor in which the professions and economic activities of
people are different or dissimilar.
They differ from each other in respect of their interests,
capacities, abilities and tendencies etc.
Life would be boring, monotonous, prosaic and uninteresting if
differences are not present.
We cannot imagine a society in which all people are adults or
all old or all young.
Main Elements of Society......
4. Interdependence:
Society implies interdependence. It is another essential
element to constitute society. It is not possible for
human being to satisfy his desire in isolation.
He cannot live alone. He needs the help of others for his
One depends upon the other for the satisfaction of
one's needs.
Today not only countries but also continents depend
upon one another.
Likewise, communities, social groups and nations are
also interdependent.
Main Elements of Society......
5.Co-Operation :
Society is based on co-operation. It is the very basis of
social life.
Unless people cooperate with each other they cannot
lead a happy and comfortable life.
No society can be healthy and prosperous without co-
operation. Family rests on co-operation with one
another to live happily.
In the words of P.Gisbert “co-operation is the most
elementary process of social life without which society is
Co-operation avoids mutual destructiveness and results
in economy 9
Main Elements of Society......
6. Conflict:
Conflict is an ever present phenomenon present in
every human society.
Not only cooperation but also conflict in necessary for
the formation of society. Conflict is a process of struggle
through which all things have come into existence.
George Simmel maintained that a conflict free
harmonious society is practically an impossibility.
There is no denying the fact that society requires for its
formation and growth both harmony and disharmony,
cooperation and conflict.
Maclver states that "Society is co-operation crossed by
conflict". 10
Main Elements of Society......
7.Stable and dynamic:
Society is relatively stable; the norms, values, and
culture are normally stable.
Yet, society is dynamic.
Some elements of a society change slowly, and some
change rapidly, depending on external and internal
Types of Society
Sociologists have classified the different types of societies into
six categories:
Tribal: hunting and gathering society: hunts for meat, gathers
natural products, do not produce food
Pastoral: domesticate animals, mostly sheep, goat, chicken,
for meat
Horticultural: domesticate plants, awareness of plant from
seed, slash and burn
Agricultural: cultivation of crops, animal energy,
irrigation, saving of seed, feudal, beginning of town and cities
Industrial: mechanized production, mass production, large
cities and slums
Post-industrial: information, communication and service,
generation of knowledge 12
Hunting and gathering society
Earliest form of society.
The members survive primarily by hunting, trapping, fishing,
and gathering edible plants.
A majority of the members' time is spent looking for and
gathering food.
Family is the society's primary institution. Family determines
the distribution of food and how to socialize children.
Hunting and gathering societies are nomadic, which means
that they move constantly in order to find food and water.
Members of hunting and gathering societies are mutually
dependent upon each other.
Although there is equal division of labor among the
members of hunting and gathering societies, there is division
of labor based on sex.
Men are typically responsible for hunting, and women are
typically gatherers.
Pastoral society
began around 12,000 years ago.
These societies rely on products obtained through the
domestication and breeding of animals for
transportation and food.
Domesticating animals allows for a more manageable
food supply than do hunting and gathering.
Pastoral societies are common in areas where crops
cannot be supported, for example in North Africa.
Unlike hunting and gathering societies, pastoral
societies only have to move when the land in which the
animals graze is no longer usable.
Pastoral societies also allow for job specialization, since
not everyone is needed to gather or hunt for food. For
example, while some people breed animals, others are
able to produce tools or clothing, which allows for
specialization in these areas. 14
Horticultural society
Pastoral societies rely on domesticating animals,
horticultural societies rely on cultivating fruits,
vegetables, and plants.
These societies first appeared in different parts of
the planet about the same time as pastoral
Like hunting and gathering societies, horticultural
societies had to be mobile.
Horticultural societies occasionally produced a
surplus, which permitted storage as well as the
emergence of other professions not related to the
survival of the society.
Agricultural society
People rely on cultivate crops (especially grains like wheat,
rice, corn) over a large area for their subsistence.
Use the phrase Agricultural Revolution . Began around 8500
years ago
Increases in food supplies then led to larger populations
than in earlier communities.
Greater degrees of social stratification appeared in
agricultural societies.
As villages and towns expanded into neighboring areas,
conflicts with other communities inevitably occurred.
Farmers provided warriors with food in exchange for
protection against invasion by enemies.
nobility organized warriors to protect the society from
nobility managed to extract goods from the “lesser” persons
of society.
Industrial society
Industrial societies are based on using machines to produce
Industrial revolution brought significant changes in almost
every aspect of society.
The Industrial Revolution appeared first in Britain, and then
quickly spread to the rest of the world.
As productivity increased, means of transportation
improved to better facilitate the transfer of products from
place to place.
Great wealth was attained by the few who owned factories,
and the “masses” found jobs working in the factories.
The Industrial Revolution also saw to the development of
bureaucratic forms of organization, complete with written
rules, job descriptions, impersonal positions, and
hierarchical methods of management.
Postindustrial society
• With the advent of the computer microchip, the
world is witnessing a technological revolution.
• This revolution is creating a postindustrial society
based on information, knowledge, and the selling
of services.
• That is, rather than being driven by the factory
production of goods, society is being shaped by
the human mind, aided by computer technology.
• Although factories will always exist, the key to
wealth and power seems to lie in the ability to
generate, store, manipulate, and sell information.
Types of Society
• Ancient communism • Stone age
• Copper age
• Slave age societies
• Iron age
• Feudal societies
• Silicon age
• Capitalism
• Socialism
• Communism
Factors of Social Change
Physical environment:
Physically easily accessible society changes rapidly than
those located in remote (difficult to access) areas
Information, knowledge and skills:
Rate of social change depends on access to information,
ability to put together the information into knowledge,
ability to convert the knowledge into skills
Natural causes:
Earthquake, landslide, flood, desertification, and
tsunami disintegrate social fabric and changes society.
Human activities:
International War, Civil War, displacement for
“developmental” activities, industrial accidents, mass
Theories of Social Change
Social Change is a natural process and rise ups and
downs, birth and death,
Oswald Spengler: approximate 1000 year cycle.
Critics of this theory cite examples that do not follow
the 1000 year cycle.
Society change from simple to complex
Changing with time, getting complex with time, society
continuously develops through time and change.
Society progresses in each stage.
Theories of Social Change.......
Changes as required to keep the whole society
functioning, when particular part of a society
August Comte, Herbert Spencer, Emile
Durkheim, and Talcott Parsons propagate this
This theory emphasizes on changing role of
different parts of a society to maintain
stability of a society.
of Social Change.........
Based on Karl Marx and Engels (1818-1883/1820-1895)
society consists of classes
Class conflict between haves and have-nots.
Unequal groups usually have conflicting values and agendas,
causing them to compete against one another.
Cycle of thesis , antithesis and synthesis continues in the
Thesis: existing condition of society(contradictions&
Antithesis: contradictions & Antagonism pose threats to
existing society
Synthesis: Conflict between thesis and antithesis needs to
resolved and resolution stage is antithesis
• Technology and human life cannot be separated;
• We use technology; depend on technology in our daily
life and our needs and demands for technology keep
on rising.
• Humans use technology to travel, to communicate, to
learn, to do business and to live in comfort.
• Its poor application has resulted in the pollution of the
environment and it has also caused a serious threat to
our lives and society.
• The biggest challenge facing people is to determine the
type of future we need to have and then create
relevant technologies which will simplify the way we
do things.
• Technology impacts the environment, people and the
society as a whole. 24
Positive Impacts Of Technology On Society
a) Impact on Agriculture
Food Production
• Food production mechanized, food production increasing, Green Revolution
Food Processing
• Food processing getting complex, requiring industrial management
Food Preservation
• Food security increasing, for most, better food preservation
• Mechanization of agriculture/food processing
• From subsistence to cash crop, patented seeds and food processing
Food Variety
• Increasing, year round availability, no more seasonal
• From organic to chemical, pesticide use increasing
Water use
• Increasing due to cash crops & agricultural intensification; reduced by micro-
irrigation 25
b Impact on Communication
Information generation and dissemination
• Increasing access to information
Mass communication(Newspaper, Magazines, FM Radio,
TV, instant/breaking news)
• Enhanced public awareness, timely information to people
Internet and Social Media
• Increased access to information, social media influencing
design of communication techniques
Telephone, mobile phone
• Increased and easier access to telephone
Virtual Meeting, virtual reality, tele-medicines
• Less need of physical presence in meeting, distance
medicine services and remote controller operation possible
C. Impact on Construction Methods
Construction Technology
• Labor based technology gradually replaced by capital based
Construction materials
• Better materials, light weight, fire proof, glass as structural
elements, increased use of aluminum, prefabricated, pre-stressed
Size of infrastructure
• Increasing
Mechanization, Automation, and Robotics use
• More mechanization, automation and robotics use
Construction Project Management
• From ad hoc and haphazard decisions to scientific and systematic
management tools, like CPM, PERT, and software like MS Project,
Primevera, Project Management
ICT use for construction site control
• Better access control, better safety, better material management
D. Impacts on Family Structure, Culture and Livelihood
• Family relation more complex, IV-fertilization, test-tube baby, cloning,
surrogacy, same sex marriage, family size reducing, micro-family getting
possible, life span increasing, change in status of female and disabled
• Traditions-values challenged and altered or replaced ,heritage preservation
• Traditional dances/music/drama/games giving ways to movies, video games,
theme parks, pay per view
Social Norms and Values
• Social norms and values increasingly challenged and altered or replaced,
social class disintegrating, new economic class emerging
• International language use increasing, language getting standardized, brail
script & sign language use increasing
Livelihood and living standard
• Livelihood diversification & specialization increasing, Living standard & HDI
increasing, poverty decreasing, employment opportunity increasing, price
e) Impact on Transportation
Land transportation
• Road, multi level roads, railways
• Metro/Underground railways
• Naval transportation, river navigation
• Air cargo, air travel, air ambulance
Transportation safety
• Increasing
Effects of Major Technological Developments
a) 2D and 3D Printing:
• written and mass produced record of agreements, laws,
rules, regulations, guidelines, procedure, manuals,
books, newspapers, magazines, journals, easily available
• need to memorize diminished, information available
when needed
• Judgment based on written laws rather than wisdom of
• 3D printing: can change production mode; from micro-
components to 3D maps to house and bridges
Effects of Major Technological Developments ....
b) Dynamite:
• Explosives, Dynamite, Warfare, Colonization,
Endangered species, Crime, Terrorism
warfare getting increasingly violent and costly,
species getting
extinct, increasing use of gunpowder in crimes
and terrorist activities
Effects of Major Technological Developments ......
c) Automation/Mechanization:
• Industrial production, agricultural mechanization,
robotics, automation,
• Lower cost of goods and food
• Easier movement over long distances
• Standardization and interchangeability of design, size,
• Safer working environment for dangerous jobs
• Higher living standard, material comfort
Effects of Major Technological Developments .....
d) Organic Chemistry
• Plastic, Polymer, plastic, Construction glues, fossil
fuel, construction
New materials: including construction materials,
PPR pipes,
PVC pipes, synthetic glues, synthetic clothes, bio-
degradable plastic,
light weight and stronger materials, water proofing,
Effects of Major Technological Developments ........
e)Effects of developments in Internet, Communication
Satellite Communication Satellites
• Mass Communication: Radio, TV, Newspaper, Internet,
WWW, social media, virtual meetings, Satellite maps,
GIS, GPS, Map making, Open Source Mapping, Google
Maps, Global Circulation Modeling, Surveying, Wild Fire
detection, Early Warning
• ICT development, TV, GPS, Satellite Maps, Weather
forecasting, Climate Modeling, LiDAR, GIS based
planning (urban, land use etc), Remote Sensing
Industry 1.0 to Industry 4.0
4. Industrial
Based on cyber-physical-
3. Industrial revolution
Through the use of electronics
and IT further progression in
autonomous production
2. Industrial revolution
Level of complexity
Introducing mass production
lines powered by electric
1. Industrial revolution
Introducing mechanical
production machines powered
by water and steam
Industry 1.0 Industry 2.0 Industry 3.0 Industry 4.0
End of the Beginning of the Beginning of the Today
18th century. 20th century 70th
Source: DFKI/Bauer IAO
Cyber Physical Systems
Big data
reality/Virtual Industry 4.0 Inteligence
3D Printing Internet of
Cyber Security
Eastern & Western Society
The human societies in the world have been
broadly divided into two, as following on the
bases of its beginning, compositions and values
and cultures.
1. Western society, and
2. Eastern society.
Eastern Society
• The values accorded by the culture to the
individual and groups in the eastern societies
are to achieve high morality, power of truth,
and achievement in religious activities.
• They, who have achieved those, are regarded
higher than those acquiring materialistic and
physical objects.
• The Saint, Mahatma, Sadhu are examples.
Western Society
In the western societies, the following values are
regarded as the success in lives-
• Achievement & success,
• Activity and work,
• Moral orientation,
• Efficiency and practicability,
• Progress,
• Material comforts,
• Equality,
• Freedom,
• Use of technology,
• Individualistic,
• High concern over time.
Engineering practices in earlier days can only be traced
from dusty manuscripts, and crumbling relics, explains
as well the state of the world today as all the accounts
of kings and philosophers, generals and politicians.
Civilization has arisen only when men discovered how
to raise crops and tame animals about 10,000 years
ago. The revolution seems first taken place in the hills
that curve around to the north of Iraq and Syria. From
Iraq and Syria, agriculture revolution quickly spread to
the valley of the Nile and the Indus, which in turn
became centers of cultural radiations.
Agricultural revolution brought about changes fully. In
3000 to 4000 BC, some of the farming villages of the
Near and Middle East grew into cities. Then with a rush
came metals, writings, large-scale government, science
and other features of civilization, which save times for
other works.
Wealth and experiences piled up. Men undertook projects
too large for a single craftsman, even with the help of his
sons and apprentices.
Those projects called for the work of hundred or even
thousands of men, organized and directed towards a
common goal.
Hence arose a new class of men- the technician and
The technicians and engineers could negotiate with the king
or priesthood for building a public works plans the details
and directing the workmen.
They combined practical experiences with knowledge of
general, theoretical principles.
Sometimes they were inventors, as well as contractors,
designers and foremen, but all were men who could
imagine something new and transfer a mental picture into
physical reality.
The mere fact of having large interconnected populations,
thus, meant that inventions took place at faster rate than
before, those inventions in turn made denser and more
widely interconnected population possible.
Moreover, the inventions on which civilization was
founded tended to spread.
These inventions did not spread out evenly in all
They spread along trade route, and they spread to lands
where these ideas could be profitably applied.
Natural barriers such as deserts, and oceans stopped
the spread; and they died out where conditions made
them useless.
Civilization failed to penetrate the Negro-Africa, being
stopped by the barrier of the Sahara desert, the swamps
of the White Nile, and the mountains of Abyssinia.
Similarly, old world civilization failed to leap the watery
barriers to reach the Pacific Islands, Australia, or the
In another millennium, however the people of Central
and South America began independently to develop
their own civilizations.
• Irrigators, Architects and Military engineers were the
first engineers.
• They were expected to be an expert at all three kinds of
works. The Babylonian Gugallu or irrigation inspector
was such an expert.
• Soon the kings who ruled cities desired houses larger
and more comfortable than the huts of stones, clay and
reeds wherein people had been living. So, they called
upon Architects to build Palaces.
• Next, the priests insisted that the Gods would be
offended, as they were not housed at least as splendid as
the kings. So, the architects put up temples, containing
statues of the gods and other arts of work.
• To protect the wealth of the Gods and the Kings, military
engineers built walls and dug moats around cities.
Where stones were not available, bricks were used.
History of Engineering Practice in
Eastern Society
Engineering practices in eastern societies can be with
significant events as follows.
1. During 5000 BC, civilization developed near Yanshao,
where people roamed seeking new soil for animals and
agriculture. People used earthen pottery and stone tools.