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Rafale-Who I am?

 The Dassault Rafale literally meaning "gust of wind", and
"burst of fire"
 In a more military sense is a French twin-
engine, canard delta wing, multirole fighter
aircraft designed
 It is built by Dassault Aviation.
 It is equipped with a wide range of weapons, the Rafale is
intended to perform air supremacy, interdiction, ground
support in-depth strike, anti-ship strike and nuclear
deterrence missions.

 In France, the government proceeded with its own
programme. The French Ministry of defence
required an aircraft capable of air-to-air and air-to-
ground, all-day and adverse weather operations.
 The Rafale would perform roles previously filled by
an assortment of specialised platforms, including
the Jaguar, Mirage F1C/CR/CT, Mirage 2000C/-
5/N in the Armée de l'air, and the F-8
Crusader, Étendard IVP/M and Super Étendard in
the Aéronavale.

 The Rafale was developed as
a modern jet fighter with a
very high level of agility.
 Dassault chose to combine a
delta wing with active close-
coupled canard to maximize
 Radar signature-Rafale was
designed for a reduced radar
cross-section (RCS)
and infrared signature.
 Seventy percent of the
Rafale's surface area is
composite. S-duct air intake conceals jet engine
blades from radar waves, and serrated
patterns reduce frontal

 Cockpit- The Rafale's glass cockpit was designed around the
principle of data fusion- a central computer intelligently selects
and prioritises information to display to pilots for simpler
command and control.
 Avionics and equipment- The Rafale core avionics systems
employ an integrated modular avionics (IMA), called MDPU
(modular data processing unit). This architecture hosts all the
main aircraft functions such as the flight management system,
data fusion, fire control, and the man-machine interface. The
total value of the radar, electronic communications and self-
protection equipment is about 30 percent of the cost of the
entire aircraft.
Radar and sensors

 To enable the Rafale to  The RBE2 AA active
perform in the air electronically scanned
supremacy role, it array(AESA) radar now
includes several passive replaces the previous
sensor systems. passively scanned
 The Rafale was first RBE2.
outfitted with  The RBE2 AA is
the Thales RBE2 passive reported to deliver a
electronically scanned greater detection range
multi-mode radar. of 200 km.
Armaments and

 For compatibility with armaments of varying types and origins, the
Rafale's onboard store management system is compliant with MIL-
STD-1760, an electrical interface between an aircraft and its carriage
stores, thereby simplifying the incorporation of many of their existing
weapons and equipment.
 The Rafale is typically outfitted with 14 hardpoints.
 According to Dassault, the Rafale's onboard mission systems enable
ground attack and air-to-air combat operations to be carried out within
a single sortie, with many functions capable of simultaneous execution
in conjunction with another, increasing survivability and versatility.[66]

 The Rafale is fitted with two Snecma M88 engines, each capable of
providing up to 50 kilonewtons of dry thrust and 75 kN with
 The engines feature several advances, including a non-polluting
combustion chamber, single-crystal turbine blades, powder
metallurgy disks, and technology to reduce radar and infrared
 The M88 enables the Rafale to supercruise while carrying four
missiles and one drop tank.
Dassault Rafale vs mirage

Name: Dassault Rafale Dassault Mirage 2000
Range: 3,700 km 1,550 km
Mach 2.2 (2,400 km/h, 1,490
Max speed: Mach 1.8 (1,912 km/h)
15,235 m 17,060 m
10.3 t 7.5 t
24.5 t 13.8 t
Dassault Rafale vs F-16

General Dynamics F-16
Name: Dassault Rafale
Fighting Falcon

Range: 3,700 km 4,220 km

Mach 1.2 (915 mph, 1,470
Max speed: Mach 1.8 (1,912 km/h)
15,235 m 15,240 m
10.3 t 8.57 t

Weight max: 24.5 t 19.2 t


1. https://www.dassault-aviation.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/2/files/2019/01/DASSAULT-
2. Jump up to:a b https://www.dassault-aviation.com/wp-
3. https://www.dassault-aviation.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/2/files/2018/01/DASSAULT-
4. "Dassault reveals orders, deliveries for 2017 - Jane's 360". janes.com.
5. https://www.dassault-aviation.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/2/files/2017/07/Dassault-
6. http://www.dassault-aviation.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/2/files/2017/03/conf-de-
7. Jump up to:a b "Egypt receives third batch of Rafale fighter jets from
France“.ahram.org.eg. 5 April 2017.
8. http://www.dassault-aviation.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/2/files/2017/03/2016-

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