Parallel Algorithm Models
Parallel Algorithm Models
Parallel Algorithm Models
Adnan Akhtar
Fatima Shahid
Mishal Shafiq
Sidra Nazir
Hafsa Owais
Ume Habiba
The model of a parallel algorithm is
developed by considering a strategy for
dividing the data and processing
method and applying a suitable strategy
to reduce interactions. We will present
the following Parallel Algorithm
1. Data parallel model
2. Task graph model
3. Work pool model
4. Master slave model
5. Producer consumer or pipeline model
6. Hybrid model
Data Parallel Model
The data-parallel model is one of the simplest
algorithm models.
The Task
Graph Model This model is enforced to solve problems in which
the quantity of data associated with the tasks is
huge compared to the number of computation
associated with them.
The granularity of tasks should be chosen such that the cost of doing work dominates
the cost of transferring work and the cost of synchronization.