Parallel Algorithm Models

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Parallel Algorithm Models

Adnan Akhtar
Fatima Shahid
Mishal Shafiq
Sidra Nazir
Hafsa Owais
Ume Habiba
The model of a parallel algorithm is
developed by considering a strategy for
dividing the data and processing
method and applying a suitable strategy
to reduce interactions. We will present
the following Parallel Algorithm
1. Data parallel model
2. Task graph model
3. Work pool model
4. Master slave model
5. Producer consumer or pipeline model
6. Hybrid model
Data Parallel Model
The data-parallel model is one of the simplest
algorithm models.

Tasks are assigned to processes and each task

performs similar types of operations on different

Data Parallel This type of parallelism that is a result of identical

operations being applied concurrently on different
Model data items is called data parallelism.
Data parallelism is a consequence of single
operations that is being applied on multiple data
The work may be done in phases and the data
operated upon in different phases may be different
Data Parallel Model

• Data-parallel model can be

applied on shared-address
spaces and message-passing
• A key characteristic of data-
parallel problems is that the
degree of data parallelism
increases with the size of
the problem.
• Making it possible to use
more processes to
effectively solve larger
• Example
The Task Graph Model
In the task graph model, parallelism is expressed
by a task graph.

The correlation among the tasks are utilized to

promote minimum interaction costs.

The Task
Graph Model This model is enforced to solve problems in which
the quantity of data associated with the tasks is
huge compared to the number of computation
associated with them.

The tasks are assigned to help improve the cost of

data movement among the tasks.
The Task Graph Model
• Each task is an independent unit of job that has
dependencies on one or more antecedent task.

• After the completion of a task, the output of an

antecedent task is passed to the dependent task.

• A task with antecedent task starts execution only

when its entire antecedent task is completed.

• The final output of the graph is received when

the last dependent task is completed (Task 6 in
the figure).

• Example: parallel quicksort

Work Pool Model
• The work pool or the task pool model.
• Dynamic mapping of tasks onto processes for load balancing.
• No desired Pre mapping
• Mapping may be centralized or decentralized
• The work may be statically available in the beginning, or could be
dynamically generated; i.e., the processes may generate work and
add it to the global (possibly distributed) work pool.
• If Work is generated dynamically and a decentralized mapping is used,
then a termination detection algorithm would be required.
• In the message-passing
paradigm, the work
pool model is typically
used when the amount
of data associated with
tasks is relatively small
compared to the
computation associated
with the tasks.
• Examples
1) Parallelization of loops
by chunk scheduling in
centralized mapping
2) Parallel tree search
The Master-Slave Model
The Master-Slave Model
In the master-slave model, one or more master processes generate
task and allocate it to slave processes. The tasks may be allocated a
priori if -
 the master can estimate the volume of the tasks, or
 a random assigning can do a satisfactory job of balancing load

In another scenario, workers are assigned smaller pieces of work at

different times.
This model is generally equally suitable to shared-address-
space or message-passing paradigms, since the interaction is naturally
two ways.
The master-slave
model can be
to hierarchical or m
ulti-level master-
slave model in
which the top level
master feeds the
large portion of
tasks to the second-
level master.
Care should be taken to assure that the master does not become a congestion point. It
may happen if the tasks are too small or the workers are comparatively fast.

The granularity of tasks should be chosen such that the cost of doing work dominates
the cost of transferring work and the cost of synchronization.

Asynchronous interaction may help overlap interaction and the computation

associated with work generation by the master.
The Pipeline Model
• It is also known as the producer-consumer
• In this model, a stream of data is passed on
through a series of processes, each of which
performs some task on it
• This simultaneous execution of different programs on a
data stream is called stream parallelism.
• The processes could form such pipelines in the
form of arrays, trees, or general graphs etc
Example −
Parallel LU
Hybrid Models
Hybrid Models

• A hybrid algorithm model is required when more than one

model may be needed to solve a problem.
• Possible to use multiple models
• Hierarchical
• Different models at different levels
• Sequentially
• Different models in different phases
• An algorithm formulation may have characteristics more
than one algorithm model
• Major computations
use task graph
• Each node of graph
may use a data
parallelism or
pipelined model
• Example : parallel
quick short

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