1 HO How To Run A Meeting
1 HO How To Run A Meeting
1 HO How To Run A Meeting
a Meeting
First and Foremost
Is this meeting necessary?
Does it have a purpose or goal? -> if not, skip it
Is there an agenda? -> if not, productivity is unlikely
Will the appropriate people be present?
If not, decisions may be deferred, and it will take
time to update key individuals on what they
Could this be covered by memo or e-mail?
Always ask:
Is a meeting the best way to handle this?
Problem Solutions
Prepare and distribute agenda
well in advance
Participants don’t
show up, or Distribute background data
and information before the
Participants show up meeting
cold and unprepared Make “assignments” to do
to address the issues/ research and compile data, or
topics… it bogs down even just think about an issue
the meeting. This creates “active worriers”
ready to participate
Meeting Room Arrangements
Shoop BL, IEEE.
• Theater Style
– Leader has great power by position.
– Participation and interruption by
audience is limited.
• U-Shaped Style
– Equality of membership.
– No doubt of who the leader is.
– Good visibility for visual aids.
• Circle Style
– Democratic: equality is stressed.
– Great visibility by participants.
– Obvious body language.
– Excellent participation.
Managing the Meeting
START ON TIME, consistently.
Sends the message that time is valuable
Problem Solutions
Promptly prepare and distribute the
Nothing that we Meeting Report (minutes) with
highlighted action items
agreed to do in the
Be sure each action item is clearly
meeting ever “gets