Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Risk Factors & Pathogenesis: Eeshah Maryium (Roll # 37) Kinza Ansari (Roll # 81)
Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Risk Factors & Pathogenesis: Eeshah Maryium (Roll # 37) Kinza Ansari (Roll # 81)
Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Risk Factors & Pathogenesis: Eeshah Maryium (Roll # 37) Kinza Ansari (Roll # 81)
• Multifactorial
• No single causative agent or factor (carcinogen) has been clearly defined or
• More than single factor is needed to produce such a malignancy
• Combination of natural substances (i.e., areca palm nuts, betel leaf, slaked lime and
perhaps Tobacco leaf) are chewed foe their psychostulatory effects.
• The carcinogenicity of betel quid has been attributed to tobacco although Areca nut
alone also appears to be carcinogenic.
• It is also asdociated with the development of precancers such as leukoplakias.
• Chronic placement of pan in the mouth usually leads to OSF which is a premalignant
• The evidence for a direct topical effect by orally ingested alcohol is lacking,
because most chronic alcohol drinkers are also smokers.
• Most investigators believe, it is related to liver damage (cirrhosis).
• The association between cirrhosis of liver and scc of the floor of the mouth and
tongue is especially high.
• Radiotherapy of head and
neck increases the risk
• Dose depemdent
realtionship exists.
• High intake of fruits and vegetables decreases the risk of numerous cancer
tyes including the oral cancer.
• May be related to the protective effects of vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E,
fibers and folate present within plant food.
• Animal fats and processed or salted meats may increase the risk for oral
• Patients with chronic iron deficiency anemia (Plummer Vinson Syndrome)
develop epithelial atrophy of GIT, including that or oral cavity, and have
increased susceptibility to esophageal and oral cacinomas.
• HPV has 4 genes E1 E2 E6 and E7.
• In early stages when HPV virus infect the cells,E1 and E2 genes become dormant.
• E6 genes bind with p53 and leads to its ubiquitin mediated lysis.
• E7 binds with Rb gene which leads to the removal of E2F factor ,thus promoting the
cell cycling as there is no p53 that prevents the phosphorylation of Rb genes.