Final Project OT
Final Project OT
Final Project OT
Shiva kumar
Think and Learn Pvt Ltd
( Byjus - the Learning app)
Organization Customers
Investors Value
Functionalities :
Efficiency: Responsiveness:
It is of one time investment and creating value with It has video lectures of 4 to 12 and material for
every reproduction so economically effective competitive exams
Employees have to do makes sales of 8 lakhs with India is having great market and scope for
an salary of 50k for month, this is also most effective services related to education
use of labor
Quality of output or service provided is not up to
The forward and backward integration with the mark with the price they are offering
Lenovo, Samsung, I pad and transport
Byjus is lacking in integrity on organization purpose
Byjus is using animation for better understanding of with its aggressive sales strategy
The only motivation that is monetary benefits, it
Byjus is updating the content to stay ahead of lacks in creating environment to Work
competition, and using aggressive marketing and
sales strategy for sales The employee turn over rate is too high
1. Division of Labour
2. Integration of Mechanisms
3. Decision Making Authority
4. Boundaries/Scope
Hiring and Managing:
Roles like Digital Marketing, Content Creation and tech are based n
Byjus provides industry best monetary benefits to its employees with
moon high incentive structure
Autonomy : Supports employee decision making
Relatedness : Since product is very part of everyone’s job,
relatedness is high
Competence : No Competence as employee isn’t learning
anything new.
Issues the organization is facing
Byjus is not a best place to work for employees due to work stress
and amount of responsibility placed on individual
Byjus product pricing is too high compared to other players
The same need can be fulfilled by growing competitors in market at
lower prices than Byju’s
Attrition rate is 90 % for every 6 months
Since backed by individual investors, they are constantly in rush to
generate profits, leaving behind employee satisfaction
Lot of Sale escalations every year
Tweaks Framework due to External
Size of the company Economy
Agile/ linear methodology Value Alternatives
Long term Strategy Creation Awareness
Organization Customers
Market Situation
Strategy (work load)
Thank You
Download the app now :-p
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