Leadership, Management & Analytical Thinking
Leadership, Management & Analytical Thinking
Leadership, Management & Analytical Thinking
& Analytical
What is a Leader and Leadership
What is a Manager & Management
Principles of Leadership and Mgt
Difference between a Boss &Leader
Four (4) functions of Management
Exemplary Leadership Practices
What is a Leader?
Leader is "a person who influences a
group of people towards the achievement of
a goal". A mnemonic for this definition
would be 3P's - Person, People and Purpose
as illustrated later.
What is Leadership?
A leader by its
meaning is one who How do you win their To be a leader, one must
goes first and leads by trust? Why would others have followers. To have
example, so that trust you? Most followers, one must have
others are motivated important, are you worthy their trust.
to follow him of their trust?
“ People who become Leaders
don’t always seek the challenges
they face. CHALLENGES also
seek LEADERS…”
Inspire a
the Heart
others to
the process
Model the Way
o Brief
o Clear and Concise
o Abstract, Yet Challenging
o State Organization’s purpose
o Future-Focused
o Sets a desired goal
o Matches organization’s success measures
Managing Multi-Generations
Traditionalist – Born before 1946
Baby Boomers – Born between 1946 and 1964
Generation X – Born between 1965 and 1980
Generation Y – Born between 1981 and 2000
Motivating Achievements
Give Praise to reinforce desired behavior
Provide Opportunities to achieve results
Recognize and Appreciate
Communicate high expectations
Types of Leadership Behaviors
Chart 21
Effective Leadership Practices:
Supportive Behavior
Listen to the problems of the follower (job or non-job related)
Praises the follower for task accomplishment
Asks for suggestions or inputs for task accomplishment
Encourages or reassures the follower that he/she can do he
Communicates information about the total organization’s
Discloses information about self (job or non-job related)
Facilitates follower problem-solving in task accomplishment
Communicates and demonstrates appreciation for task
well done.
Chart 22
Principles of Leadership:
Know yourself and seek self-improvement.
In order to know yourself, you have to understand your "be", "know",
and "do" attributes. This is possible by continually strengthening your
attributes by reading and self-study.
Be technically proficient.
As- awhat
Be leader, youismust
he/she know
(beliefs your job and have a solid familiarity with
and values),
your -employees'
Know what he/shejobs.
knows (job, tasks, human nature),
Seek responsibility
Do - what and take
he/she does (implement, responsibility
motivate, for your actions.
and provide direction)
Search for ways to guide your organization to new heights. And when
things go wrong, do not blame others.
Make sound and timely decisions.
Use good problem solving, decision-making, and planning tools.
Set the example.
Be a good role model for you employees. They will believe what they
see - not what they hear.
Principles of Leadership:
What is Management?
3. Discipline
This third principle is about obedience. It is often a part of the
core values of a mission and vision in the form of good conduct
and respectful interactions.
4. Unity of Command
The management principle ‘Unity of command’ means that an
individual employee should receive orders from one manager
and that the employee is answerable to that manager
5. Unity of Direction
This management principle is all about focus and unity. All
employees deliver the same activities that can be linked to the
same objectives
6. Subordination of Individual Interest
Indicates that personal interests are subordinate to the
interests of the organization (ethics).
7. Remuneration
This management principle argues that the remuneration should
be sufficient to keep employees motivated and productive
10. Order
Employees in an organization must have the right resources at
their disposal so that they can function properly in an
11. Equity
The management principle of equity often occurs in the core
values of an organization. Employees must be treated kindly and
12. Stability of Tenure of Personnel
This management principle represents deployment and managing
of personnel and this should be in balance with the service that
is provided from the organization.
13. Initiative
Employees should be allowed to express new ideas. This
encourages interest and involvement and creates added value
for the organization
Creating Strategies
Creating Objectives
Developing Procedures and Policies
Defining Work
Grouping Work
Assigning Work
Integrating Work
Decision Making
Selecting People
Developing People
Developing standards
Measuring performance
Evaluating Performance
Correcting Performance
Analytical thinking
- is a critical component of
visual thinking that gives one the
ability to solve problems quickly and
For example: