Giving Instructions & Summarizing: Mr. Valanzano Business Communications
Giving Instructions & Summarizing: Mr. Valanzano Business Communications
Giving Instructions & Summarizing: Mr. Valanzano Business Communications
Mr. Valanzano
Business Communications
Important Things to Remember When
Giving Instructions
Length – keep instructions brief and to the point; overly long
instructions are less likely to be read thoroughly
Design – Make sure the page is easy to read and information is easy to
locate; use visuals when necessary
Definitions (define any terms your audience may not understand; use a
glossary or define the term after the first time it is used)
Besides the fact that one is a bird and the other is royal headgear,
in writing the difference is only 1 letter.
At work, almost the right word, is the wrong word.
Use Concise Language
Extra words, sentences, and information can clutter writing
and make it unnecessarily long and confusing.
If any words or sentences can be removed without changing
the meaning of your message, remove it.
Revolutionary new can be changed to new
Terminate can be changed to end
In the year of 2011 can be changed to In 2011
Completely finished can be changed to finished
During the time that can be changed to while
Chronological Order & Command Forms
Instructions should be carried out in the order that they are
Instead of saying “before you open the lid, turn the machine
off ” you should say “turn the machine off before opening the
Steps in instructions are always written in the second person
as a command.
Using the second person (“you”) allows direct addressing of
whoever is being instructed.
Clamp the board to the bench.
Please fill out an insurance form.
Parallel Structure
Steps in instructions should have the same sentence
3) Organize
4) Make notes
6) Practice
7) Presentation
Designing an Effective Page
Layout – spread material evenly over the whole page, place
visuals where they are easy to find, make important
information stand out, be organized
Example: a 90 page report will take more time and more words
to summarize than a 1 page article
2) Read/Listen to original