BHATIA Battery of Performance Test of Intelligence
BHATIA Battery of Performance Test of Intelligence
BHATIA Battery of Performance Test of Intelligence
Test of Intelligence
• C.M. Bhatia’s Battery of performance tests of intelligence
has five subtests (Bhatia, 1953):
1. Koh’s block design test;
2. pass along test;
3. pattern drawing test;
4. test for immediate memory for sounds; and
5. picture construction test.
1. Four cubes are placed before the subject; all are alike and colored
in different ways.
6. Mix up the blocks and ask him to prepare design No.1 already shown him
9. At the start of design no.6, five more blocks are given to the subject,
bringing the total up to 9; at design no.8, the remaining 7 are given,
making the total 16.
10. The test stops when the subject fails twice in succession.
11. The time limit for designs nos. 1 to 5 is 2 minutes each and for designs
nos. 6 to 10 is 3 minutes each.
Maximum Score:25
1. The subject takes the first, smallest box together with card no.1.
2. It is pointed out to him that the red block has been placed near the blue
end of the box, and the blue block near the red end.
3. The subject is told that the red block must be moved to the red end and
the blue block to the blue end, as shown on the card.
4. It is emphasized that the blocks must not be lifted, but may only be
moved horizontally. The solution of the first box is demonstrated to the
5. Card No. 1 and the first box are again placed before the subject who is
asked to do the same as before.
8. The initial positions are obtained simply by reversing the colored ends of
the box.
9. The box is placed before the subject with cubes arranged as on the design
card, which is presented to the subject with its number facing up.
10. The test stops when the subject fails twice in succession.
11. The time limit of designs 1 to 4 is 2 minutes each, and for designs 5 to 8 is
3 minutes each.
Maximum Score: 20
1. This consists of eight figures of increasing difficulty from
the 1st to the 8th.
3. The sequence should be read out distinctly and with even intonation.
4. To give the subject practice, the test starts with two letters.
7. If the subject fails on the first set, the second and then the third
alternatives can be given, if the subject fails all three the test stops.
• Reversed:
1. The pieces of a picture puzzle are placed in front of the subject.
1. First, obtain weighted scores from raw scores for each of the
performance tests i.e. koh’s block, pass along, pattern drawing
and picture construction, using Table 17.
2. Add the four weighted scores and using Table 18 (literate &
illiterate) obtain the PQ
• Maximum Possible Score for the whole
battery : 95