Counselling, Mentoring and Coaching

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Submitted To: Submitted By:

Prof. Shyam Lal Kaushal Ankush Kumar

Roll No - 3696
 Direct face-to-face conversation between two people
 It is between 2 people where one person attempt to
assists the other to organize himself better to attain the
 Generally more formal than feedback and coaching and
is required of a small percentage of employees
 Communicate concerns to the employee
 Determine the cause of the employee’s activities
 Identify avenues for improvement and/or development
 Improve employee performance
 When an employee violates your standards
 When an employee is consistently late or absent
 When an employee’s productivity is down
 When one employee behaves in such a way that
productivity of others is negatively affected
 When two employees have a conflict that is becoming
public and it is affecting the work
 Identify the purpose and establish a constructive and
subordinate-centered tone


 Help the subordinate develop an understanding of the
issues and viable goals to effectively deal with them.
 Develop an action plan with subordinate. The plan that
evolves from the counseling process must be action-
focused and facilitate both leader and subordinate
attention toward resolving the identified developmental

 Discuss the implementation, including the leader’s role

in supporting the subordinate’s effort. Gain the
subordinate’s commitment to the plan. Ensure plan is
specific enough to drive behaviors needed to affect the
developmental needs
 Directive Counseling

Directive counseling is the process of listening

to a member’s problem, deciding with the member what
should be done, and then encouraging and
motivating the person to do it
Accomplishes the function of advice; but it may also
reassure; give emotional release;
and, to a minor extent, clarify thinking
 Nondirective Counselling :

 Nondirective, or client-centered, counselling is

the process of skilfully listening to a counselee,
encouraging the person to explain bothersome
problems, and helping them to understand
those problems and determine courses of action

 This type of counselling focuses on the member,

rather than on the counsellor as a judge and
advisor; hence, it is “client-centered.

 All personal problems should not be referred to a

specialist. Examples - drug and alcohol abuse,
psychological problems or
behavioral disorders, medical problems, limitations,
personality conflict
 Helps the person being counseled to understand himself
 Allows the individual to help himself
 Assists in understand the situations more objectively
 Facilitates to look at the situations with a new
 Motivates to search for alternate solutions to problems
 Interactive processthrough which managers and supervisors
aim to solve performance problems or developemployee
 Process relies on 3components
 Example:TigerWoods and Butch Harmon
 “…someone who helps someone else learn
something that he or she would have learned less
well, more slowly, or not at all if left alone.”
• Mentoring helps develop tacit, or “sticky,” knowledge
• Thescopeof mentoring is vastly greater than coaching –coaching is
asubsetof mentoring
• Mentoring addressesthe whole personand his or her career
Myth: Coaching is for losers, a last-grasp effort before being
shown thedoor.
 Reality: Coaching is for winners who seek to go to the next

Myth: Coaching is about filling leadership behavior gaps.

Reality:Coaching is about an Impossible Future and
changing yourlife.

Myth: Coaching is a separate leadership development

 Reality: Coaching integratesleadership development and
Myth:The coach is a process consultant who asks
questions from adistant.
 Reality: The coach is like a sports coach on the playing
field, doing whatever it takes to win.

Myth: Coaching is an activity that happens in annual

 Reality: Coaching requires continuous, but not
continual communication.
 Step 1 : Preparation
• effective coaching requires observation; goal is
to identify strengths and weaknesses and their
impact on behaviors andresults
 Step 2 : Discussion
• coaching happens in conversations
 Step 3 : Active Coaching
• effective coaches offer ideas and advice in away that
subordinates can hear them, respond to them, and
appreciate their value

 Step 4 : Follow-Up
• follow-up is critical to closing the loop
o Developing employeesKSAs
o Overcoming performanceproblems
o Increasingproductivity
o Creating promotablesubordinates
o Improving retention
o Fostering a positive workculture
 Develops human assets for the organization
• “Human assets/intellectual capital is ascritical as financial
capital for success.” –Kraiger, 2002
• Providesourceof innovation and value creation
• Only remaining competitive advantage that can not be

 Helps transfer tacitknowledge

 Aids in the retention of valued employees
• Executives with a mentor (in a study) moved quicker, were
better educated, and were happier with theircareer.
 Time andeffort
 Is this an effective tradeoff?
 Time and effort planning, oversight, budget control,
customer interaction,etc.VS
 Thelisted benefits of mentoring
 Individualsthat are new to the organization
 Individualsin new unit or new role
 Individualswho havemoved up levels
 Is“mentor-ready”
 More career-oriented thanjob-oriented
 Self-aware and canappreciate the need to learn
 Eager to learn
 Ambitious

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