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Linda Yuana (0203518080)
Ahmad Yani(0203518066)
Nur Farida Khotam (0203518057
Ulina Ayu (0203518069)
How does ICT Promote the effectiveness of
ESP instructions?
ICT providing several opportunities and suggesting various
forms of language learning plays a highly significant and
determining role in the field of language teaching and
learning from the cultural, social and value perspective
(Hennesy et al., 2005; Heemskerk et al., 2005)
How does ICT Promote the effectiveness of
ESP instructions?
Technology increase student motivation for studying
languages by letting them to decide on activities, materials
and contents matched to their interests and learning styles.
Mark Warschauer (1996) considers that hypermedia creates
authentic learning environment and allows combining
reading, writing, speaking and listening in a single activity.
ICT contributes in the authenticity of the learning
process through recreation of real-life situations.
How does ICT Promote the effectiveness of
ESP instructions?
• The use of computers are useful tools and also are effective
in promoting foreign language learning through the increase
of input and language use.
• Based on research done in 2003 Jesus Garcia Laborda in a
study “Travel and Tourism Students’ Needs in Valencia
(Spain): Meeting their Professional Requirements in the ESP
How does ICT Promote the effectiveness of
ESP instructions?
Askari Arani in an investigation on medical students, “The
effect of ICT-based teaching method on medical students'
ESP learning”, studied the impact of ICT on ESP teaching
and learning. The result showed students’ performance
on internet-based medical English articles in
comparison to the traditional text based method was
How does ICT Promote the effectiveness of
ESP instructions?
The use of web based materials than text-books can increase
students’ motivation and students’ preference , besides there
was a paradigm shift in students’ idea from teacher
dependence to being independent. Moreover, the accessibility
and flexibility in time and space, motivation, confidence and
disposition in addition to the quality of the web-based
How does ICT Promote the effectiveness of
ESP instructions?
There are Five elements were found significant for a successful transition
to ICT in ESP:
(1) adequate ICT tools,
(2) teachers’ professional development,
(3) technical support,
(4) funding, and
(5) planning
How does ICT Promote the effectiveness of
ESP instructions?
On the basis of the students’ needs appropriate materials
and tools could be suggested considering various
applications of ICT and web 2.0 such as weblogs, wikis,
podcasts, etc.
Vahabi, M, Nina Saleh. An investigation of ICT role in ESP : An implication
for technical education. 2011

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