Annotated Bibliografi of Ict Articles

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Annotated Bibliography on EFL Teacher Practices of Integrating ICT into Teacher

Professional Development: Teachers’ Voice

Muhammad Rafiq Tanjung – 2208476
1 Aprianti, F. (2017). EFL teachers’ perceptions on ICT use for continuing professional
development. ELT-Tech Journal, 1(1), 12-21.

The paper investigated how EFL teachers’ perceive ICT for continuing
professional development, which domain competency that the teachers typically
develop through the use of ICT and which ICT tools that teachers mostly used during
continuing their professional development. The result showed that teachers do use ICT
as a media to continue professional development. The study also revealed that teachers
mainly use ITC tools to improve their understanding about the subject matter and also
pedagogical knowledge of the subject. This study employed qualitative approach with
a case study design. The participant involved were 16 EFL teachers from five different
schools in West Java. The data were collected by using questionnaires and interviews.
The research study gives me a portrayal about how English teachers perceive
and utilize ICT in their professional development. The paper also inspires me to research
further about it since study about how ICT is integrated in TDP is still rarely found.
What I can extend from the study is that I could investigate the English teachers’
challenges or difficulties when they integrate ICT to improve their competence since
the research only investigated the teachers’ perception, what tools the teachers use, and
what competence the teachers benefit the most from ICT integration.

2 Arigusman, A., Purnawarman, P., & Suherdi, D. (2018). EFL students’ use of
technology in english lesson in the digital era. IJCETS, 6(2), 77-86.

The paper investigated the kinds of technology tools used by high school
students and their beliefs toward the use of technology in English lesson. Mix method
approach is used in this research to gain more comprehen sive and representative data.
The results show that there are eight activities that involve five kinds of technology that
the students frequently used. Those tools are MP3 player, internet browser, cellphone,
social networking site, and television. All respondents agree that the use of technology
in English lesson is effective. However, some barriers or problems were also found. The
most disturbing barrier faced by the students is the access to internet. They also lack
information of useful technology tools which are possible to be used in English lesson.
This study shows me how closely related ICT utilization with ELT is. The result
shows that ICT brings a lot advantages for the students to learn English. The study,
however, did not explore the ICT integration with English teachers as the users.
Therefore, my future research can still investigate the ICT integration in ELT from
teachers’ point of view. I could conduct the research about how ICT could help teachers
to improve their competence as English teachers.

3 Dewi, F., Lengkanawati, N. S., & Purnawarman, P. (2019). Teachers’ consideration in

technology-integrated lesson design: A case of indonesian EFL teachers. iJET,
14(18), 92-107.
The paper aims at exploring teachers’ consideration in choosing certain
technology tools in the context of technology-integrated lesson design activities. Data
were obtained through a focus group discussion during the lesson design which was
followed by a semi structured interview. The findings showed some aspects that
teachers put into consideration while designing technology-integrated lessons;
identifying goals, analyzing learners, planning instructional activities, and choosing the
technology tools. In addition, the findings of this study also postulate that during the
lesson design activities, teachers need to be triggered by some cognitive prompts in
order to support them making some decision on the learning objectives, the stages of
activities, and the technology tools they need to integrate.
The paper provides me some ideas especially about the teachers’ consideration
in selecting ICT tools into lesson design activities. From that concept, I could also
investigate the English teachers’ consideration from another activity, which is teacher
professional development activities. Additionally, the paper also potrays a new way of
collecting the data through focus group discussion that could be a reference for my
future research as well.

4 Hafifah, G. N. (2020) Teachers perspectives of ICT integration in English language

teaching: A review of literature. J. Eng. Educ. Society, 5(1), 9-15. doi:

The paper reviews some research articles on the teachers’ perspective of ICT
implementation in education, particularly in English language teaching. The review
shows that more research on teachers’ perspective on ICT implementation in Language
teaching used quantitative approach. Some research used qualitative approach like case
study and ethnography designs to explore findings in depth on the reasons and
background that might stimulate teachers’ perspectives of ICT in ELT. Mixed method
and comparative study are also accounted in this research area. Most of the findings
show positive attitude or perspective of teachers in the integration of ICT for teaching
and learning. Some variables of teachers perspectives such as ; institutional, social,
facility, belief, understanding, and practices of ICT were investigated. Some of the ICT
media like social media, CALL, laptop are explored. Strategies, problems and
challenges of ICT implementation were also discussed in research findings.
The paper enlightens me about various research studies related to ICT-integrated
ELT. It gives me insight about possible research methodologies that I can use in my
future research. In addition to that, the paper shows me some trends that happen in ICT-
integrated ELT. It could lead me into finding the gaps that have not been done before,
for example about teacher perception on ICT intergration in TDP.

5 Hashemi, A. & Kew, S.N. (2021). The barriers to the use of ICT in english language
teaching: a systematic literature review. Journal of Information and
Communication Technologies, 3(1), 77-88.

The paper article discusses some reasons behind the low interest of using ICT in
English language teaching by teachers from 33 literatures. The result found that the
common obstacles towards the use of ICT in English language teaching are (i) lack of
teachers’ confidence in using technology, (ii) lack of effective training, and (iii) lack of
time. There is also a summary of the paper along with the discussion presented. Besides
that, the findings suggest the administrations provide effective training courses along
with sufficient time allocation in allowing teachers to confidently employ ICTs in
teaching the English language. Additionally, an implication including limitations of the
study is also expressed at the final stage of the paper.
This research article is a good source for my future research study for enriching
my literature about the teachers’ difficulty in integrating ICT into their professional
development activities. It is because the research article has reviewed some related
articles from various journals and presented the finding from the reviewed articles. So
that it would add more information and comparison to my future research study.

6 Kohnke, L. (2021). Professional development and ICT: English language teachers’

voices. Online Learning, 25(2), 36-53.

This research article investigated Hong Kong tertiary teachers’ beliefs on

continuing professional development activities to enhance their teaching. The study had
a two-phase research design, with an initial questionnaire (N = 58) followed by semi-
structured interviews (N = 12) to unpack the participants’ hidden voices. The findings
illustrated that most teachers are enthusiastic about professional development activities,
though there is a misalignment between what universities value and reward and what
teachers see as most beneficial for enhancing their teaching practices.
The research article gives me strong understanding about English teacher
attitude and belief toward continuing professional development modes in technology
skills. It could be good information for me to see English teachers’ attitudes and beliefs
towards various modes of professional development in ICT skills to enhance their
teaching. Therefore, I could conduct another research about English teachers’
perception too from the area of how ICT could help teachers’ professional development
activities. It could extend the area from the previous research that just investigated the
teachers’ belief on ICT training to improve their teaching ability. My future research
will investigate the role of ICT not only in enhancing the teaching ability but also
English teachers’ ability as a whole, such as the content ability, pedagogical ability, and
evaluating ability.

7 Lubis, A. H. (2020). ICT integration in 21st-century indonesian english language

teaching: Myths & realities. Cakrawala Pendidikan, (1), 11-21.

This research was aimed at seeking English teachers’ attitude and perception on
the implementation of ICT integration in 2013 Curriculum. It covered: types of ICT
used; benefits of using it; contributing factors upon its use; and perception on the
implementation of ICT integration in English language teaching (ELT). Descriptive
qualitative design was used in which a questionnaire consisting of 12 close- and open-
ended questions was employed. The findings indicated that even though such
framework triggers positive perception, the benefits of the integration were still focused
more on the technical levels, not the communicative and functional ones in students’
learning process. Second, time allocation and technical problems became the major
constraints to realize such integration.
The reseach study gives me description on teachers’ perception on ICT
integration in the ELT practice. However, the practice observed by the research was
limited to classroom practices between teachers and students. Therefore, I still could
conduct a related study that investigate ICT-integrated ELT practices from different
context, such as the context of teacher development program.
8 Ngao, A. I., Sang, G., & Kihwele, J. E. (2022). Understanding teacher educators’
perceptions and practices about ict integration in teacher education program.
Educ. Sci, 12(8), 1-18. educsci12080549

This study explored the perceptions and practices of teacher educators in

integrating information and communication Technology (ICT) in teacher education
programs. The study adopted a phenomenological design under the qualitative research
approach that included eighteen selected participants from a teacher education
university college. Data collection employed semi-structured interviews, observations,
and documentary reviews. The findings showed that while young and inexperienced
teachers showed readiness to use ICT, some teacher educators do not understand the
logic behind using technology and hence question the rationale for applying it to their
teaching. At the same time, equipment challenges, large teaching burdens, and time
limits were the critical barriers to integration. Again, the findings revealed that teacher
educators use different software and learning platforms, use social media, gather online
information, and access learning materials through journal subscriptions to enhance
preservice teachers’ learning.
The study gives me inspiration to conduct a study about how English teachers
perceive the role of technology on the professional development activities. It is because
the research investigated the perception of teacher educator in teacher education
program. In future study, I will see the perception of English teachers as in-service
teachers on the ICT integration into their professional development activities.

9 Nguyen, B. (2022). Technology and the private sector: Language teachers’ perspectives
toward technology and the role of CALL training in professional development.
JALT CALL, 18(3), 382-411.

The research study provides evidence to understand Vietnamese teachers’

perspectives toward technology in more detail and shed light on how to support them
with technology training so that the training not only improves their teaching skills but
also helps facilitate their professional development. The study employed a mixed-
methods approach with classroom observations, semi-structured interviews, and a
questionnaire survey. The results have shown that the language teachers in this study
expressed enthusiasm toward technology regardless of the insufficient training and the
challenges of technology self-education. Interview data also revealed the importance of
a community of practice to the participants as it encouraged them to learn and overcome
technology-related difficulties.
The research shows me how English teachers in Vietnam particularly private
school perceive the role of technology training on their professional development. It
inspires me to conduct related research study too about ICT integration on English
teacher professional development activities. It could extend the gap of the research
because the research only investigated the teachers’ perception from the role of
technology training on their professional development. Besides, this research was
conducted in foreign county context and private sector. Hence, I could see how it applies
in Indonesian public school context.

10 Rodliyah, R. S. (2018). Vocational school EFL teachers’ practices of integrating ICT

into English lessons: Teachers’ voices. Indonesian Journal of Applied
Linguistics, 8(2), 418-428. doi: 10.17509/ijal.v8i2.13309
The article presents about how vocational English teachers integrate ICT into
their English teaching practices in vocational high school settings, mainly focusing on
teachers’ reasons for using ICT, the ways the English teachers integrate ICT into their
English lessons, and their perceptions of benefits and challenges of incorporating ICT.
Empirical data were collected through interviews and classroom observations in a case
study design. The result shows that the types of ICT tools used in the class vary, such
as hardware and software. The teachers’ reasons of using the ICT tools are interests in
ICT, demand of the new world, beliefs in the benefits of ICT, and confidence in using
ICT. Furthermore, the method of integration among the teachers are evaluative function,
communicative function, and expressive and creative functions.
This study inspires me to investigate ICT integration in ELT but from other
perspectives. Additionally, the research study has provided clear methodology in
collecting the data, such as questionnaire, semi-structured interview, and classroom
observation. I could still use the concept of investigating the ICT integration in ELT
from the teacher professional development activities done by English teachers because
the study only explored the ICT integration in teaching & learning process. If the study
reveals the utilization of ICT in English teaching in the class, my future research could
reveal the utilization of ICT in TDP.

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