PHE District Shopian PPT (Gen.)

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District Development Board Review Meeting

(District Shopian)
Under Chairmanship
Jenab Abdul Rehman Veeri
(Hon’ble Minister for Revenue, Relief & Rehabilitation)
On 16.10.2017
S. Particulars No. Population
1. Total No. of Habitation of the District Looked after by 232(CSV)/458Hab. 306147 Souls
PHE Division, Shopian.
2. Total No. Of Fully covered habitations upto 03/2017 309 151699
3. Total No. Of partially habitations covered upto 03/2017 149 154448
Villages/Habitations Population in Souls
1. Total No. Of Water Supply Scheme 106 458 306147
2. No. Of Water Supply Schemes completed upto 03/2017 (Lift:14, Gravity:54)68 309 151699
a) District Sector 09 46 20717
b) NRDWP 59 263 130982
3. Schemes completed during 2016-17 03 33 31596
a) District Sector - - -
b) NRDWP 03 33 31596
Estt. Cost Exp. End. Release
(`Lacs) 3/2017 2017-18
(`.Lacs.) (`Lacs.)
4. No. Of ongoing schemes as on 01.04.2017 38 149 154448
a) District Sector 05 4685.35 568.76 27.20 20 31449+136000
b) NRDWP 33 10887.08 6363.83 243.08 129 122999
5. Schemes targeted for completion during 2017- 07 27 42433
a) District Sector 02 593.00 463.03 27.20 05 18015
b) NRDWP 05 1581.32 1128.20 0.00 22 24418
Revised Capex Budget 2016-17
Scheme Approved outlay 2016-17 Availability Expdt. Ending
Regular 54.45 54.45 54.45
NABARD/LIC 157.54 110.21 110.21
State Share 70.67 70.67 70.67
Total 282.66 235.33 235.33

Proposed Allocation 2017-18

Scheme Allocation 2017-18 Availability Expdt. Ending
Regular 54.45 27.20 27.20
NABARD/LIC 157.54 - -
State Share 4.08 - -
Total 216.07 27.20 27.20
Scheme No. of Estt. Cost Expdt. Outlay Availability
Schemes Ending 2017-18 till date
Distt. 07 4980.90 809.31 216.07 27.20
Targets under Distt. Sector 2017-18
No. of Estt. Cost Expdt. Balance Cost Scope
Schemes Ending
03/2017 Habitations Population

02 593.00 463.03 129.97 05 18015

S. Name of Water Estt. Expdt. Outlay Availabi Expdt. Cum. Physical Component wise Physical
No Supply Scheme Cost Ending 2017-18 lity till Ending Expdt. Progress
. 03/2017 date 09/2017 Ending (%age)

01 Aug. 433.00 335.29 34.45 17.20 17.20 352.49 90%

. Shopian i)Const. of 2.30 Lac Gln SR= 100%
Town ii) Increasing Capacity of IR =100%
iii) L/F of supply mains/submains etc. = 80%
iv) Allied works = 70%
02 Impounding 160.00 127.70 20.00 10.00 10.00 137.70 75%
. Reservoir
i)Const. of 3.00 Lac Gln IR= 100%
ii) L/F of Additional RWM =Pipe to be Procured
03 WSS 248.00 5.00 10.00 - - 5.00 0% Awaiting Approval under NABARD
. Narpora

04 WSS 378.90 4.41 10.00 - - 4.41 0% Awaiting Approval under NABARD

. Wadipora
05 Tapping of 3152.0 0.00 102.04 - - 0.00 0% Awaiting Approval under NABARD
. New Source 0
at Dubjan
06 WSS 359.00 96.32 39.58 - - 96.32 10% i)Procurement of stores
. Sofipora (Pipe/cement/Steel)= 100%
Hydergund ii) 0.25 Lac Gln OHT = Tendered

07 WSS 250.00 240.59 - - - 240.59 100% Completed/Commissioned

. Arhama

Total 4980.90 809.31 216.07 27.20 27.20


No. of schemes

Estd. Cost

Cumm. Expdt.

Bal. Cost as on

( District Shopian)

outlay 2017-18

during 2017-18
NRDWP 33 10887.07 6363.83 4523.24 850.00 243.08

Status of Centrally Sponsored Schemes


NRDWP 2017-18 Amount In
Scheme No. of Estt. Cost Expdt. Outlay Lacs
Schemes Ending 2017-18 till date (in
03/2017 Lacs)
NRDWP 33 10887.08 6363.83 850.00 243.08

Targets under NRDWP 2017-18

Shopian Constituency
No. of Estt. Cost Expdt. Balance Cost Scope
Schemes Ending
03/2017 Habitations Population
03 869.59 495.84 373.75 09 8720

Watchi Constituency
No. of Estt. Cost Expdt. Balance Cost Scope
Schemes Ending
03/2017 Habitations Population
02 749.73 632.27 117.46 13 15698
Target Schemes of NRDWP 2017-18
S.No. Name of Water Estt. Expdt. Cum. Physical Remarks
Supply Scheme Cost Ending Expdt. Progress
03/2017 as on (%age)

01. WSS Karewa 250.00 250.00 250.00 90% i) Intake Works /Pump House=100%
ii) 0.08 MGD RSFP =80%
iii) 0.50 Lac Gln OHT = 100%
iv) L/F of Pipes =50%
02. WSS Kral Mohalla 434.87 337.24 368.51 80% i) Const. of 1.20 Lac Gln SSFP=100%
Vishroo ii) Const. of 0.60 Lac Gln SRs(2 no’S)= 100%
iii) L/F of RWM at H/works= 90%

03. WSS Tulren Tachloo 107.00 88.91 94.91 85% i) Const. of new PST =100%
ii) Jacketing of Old PST=40%
iii) L/F of RWM at H/works= 100%
iv) L/F of Supply main/distb. pipes =40%
i) Const. of PST = 90%
04. WSS Trenz 461.73 382.27 416.66 70% ii) Const of 2.0 Lac Gln SSFP=100%
Khurampora iii) Const. of 0.75 Lac Gln SR= 95%
iv) L/F of RWM =90%
v) L/F of Supply main /submain etc. = 40%

05. WSS Mujpathri 327.72 69.69 77.69 80% i) Sinking of Well =100%
ii) Const. of 0.45 Lac Gln. SR=100%
iii) Const. of Pump House/ Chowkidar Qtr =
Total 1581.32 1128.20 1207.77
List of Ongoing NRDW P Schemes
S. Cumm. Exp. Upto Balance
Constituency Name of WSS. Year of Start AAA Cost
No 3/017 Funds

1 Shopian Aug. Nowpora 2013-14 189.84 31.78 158.06

2 Shopian Extension of Sources 2013-14 248.60 22.40 226.20
3 W achi Mughalpora Turkw angam 2013-14 175.60 35.84 139.76
4 Shopian Trenz Khurampora 2007-08 461.73 382.27 79.46
5 Shopian Karewa Safnagri 2007-08 250.00 250.01 -0.01
6 Shopian Nowgam Rangmarg 2007-08 437.00 297.50 139.50
7 Shopian Checki Sehpora 2007-08 478.00 454.03 23.97
8 Shopian Vishroo kral Mohalla 2007-08 434.87 337.24 97.63
9 Shopian Gatipora Dachnoo 2007-08 480.00 476.27 3.73
10 Shopian Shirmal Sherpathri 2007-08 774.00 728.00 46.00
11 Shopian Gundi Hadow 2007-08 462.00 308.30 153.70
12 Shopian Padpawan 2008-09 323.00 309.24 13.76
13 Shopian Tachlo Tulren 2012-13 107.00 88.91 18.09
14 Shopian A mshipora Shamshipora 2012-13 144.00 50.30 93.70
15 Shopian Mujpathri 2012-13 327.72 69.69 258.03
16 Shopian Manihal Batapora 2012-13 178.30 44.97 133.33
17 Shopian W angipora 2006-07 449.66 449.86 -0.20
18 Shopian Toolihallan 2012-13 397.71 42.24 355.47
19 Shopian Nasserpora 2012-13 286.00 49.70 236.30
20 Bal pora Ganowpora P-2 d 2013-14 262.30
Shopian 262.18 0.12
21 Shopian Dunaroo 2012-13 250.00 48.94 201.06
22 Shopian Zampathri 2012-13 465.00 57.08 407.92
23 Shopian Zraken 2012-13 334.58 44.01 290.57
24 Shopian Nolie Kansoo 2012-13 300.00 45.28 254.72
25 Shopian Chotipora 2006-07 319.00 307.19 11.81
26 Shopian N.C. Hermain 2012-13 455.00 65.63 389.37
27 Shopian kangnoo chitraga 2012-13 298.00 23.97 274.03
28 W atchi Manzimpora 2012-13 104.00 103.51 0.49
29 W atchi Kumar Mohalla Wachi 2012-13 171.17 151.29 19.88
30 W atchi Chitripora Nowgam 2007-08 495.00 371.91 123.09
31 W atchi Lose Danew 2014-15 217.00 57.22 159.78
32 W atchi Dachipora Arsh 2013-14 296.00 35.49 260.51
33 W atchi Aglar Lowerbelt 2008-09 315.00 315.81 0.00
TOTAL 10887.08 6363.83 4523.25
Board Decisions in respect of PHE Sector
S.No. Board Decision Action taken
01. Creation of PHE Sub-division at Watchi :The Hon’ble MLA Watchi A detailed proposal was submitted
demanded that PHE Sub-Division be established in Watchi constituency to C.E PHE Kashmir for taking up
as people of the area have to go to Tahab Pulwama for redressal of their the matter with Govt. which is
grievances under active consideration.

02. PHE Scheme for D.K.Pora :As the population of DK Pora is due to All surveys have been completed,
scarcity of piped water supply, the Hon’ble MLA raised the demand for DPR is under finalisation & shall
framing DPR for new WSS be submitted shortly to Govt.

03. Various non-functional schemes to be activated by PHE Maintenance & Operation closed
Deptt.:Hon’ble MLC Zaffar Manhas raised issue pertaining to non- schemes is being monitored on
functional schemes creating inconvenience to public priority to ensure uninterrupted
supplies to Public & as per
availability/flow of funds.

04. WSS Nowgam Rangmarg: Hon’ble MLC Zaffar Manhas raised issue The scheme is ongoing with
that the said scheme has not been completed till date. balance cost of 139.50 Lacs . The
scheme requires 7Kms of 150mm
dia RWM to be commissioned.
The piece meal funding pattern is
halting the commissioning.
Construction of 2.30 Lac gallon Service Reservoir at Chowgam ,
WSS Aug, Shopian town
Construction of 3.00 Lac gallon Impounding Reservoir at
Padpawan ,
Commissioning of 3.00 Lac gallon Impounding Reservoir at Padpawan ,
Under LIC 13
Panoramic View of Filtration Plant & Service Reservoir ,
WSS Arhama Aglar

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