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Rep - Revision Powerpoint - Year 7: How Do We Know Right From Wrong?

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REP – Revision

PowerPoint – Year 7

How do we know right from wrong?

Understand what a person’s morals are.
Know what the three ethical theories are.
Explain what conscience is and the different types
List the 10 Commandments
List the 5 precepts
Understand how religious rules influence a person
Where do our morals come from?
A person’s morals help them to decide what is right
or wrong to do in any given situation.
We share a lot of the same morals but there are
times when there are differences in opinion.
So where do we learn right from
We can learn right from wrong by;
Our family
The Law
Our Culture
Our mistakes
What can stories tell us?
Fables you could
What are fables? look at;
The Hare and the
They are very short stories Tortoise
which teach us a lesson or The Elephant and his
show us a moral. friends
The Cows and the
Fables are stories generally tiger
Any other one you
told to young children to find.
help them learn what is
right and wrong.
What is an ethical dilemma?
An ethical dilemma is when there is no easy option
to a situation, which may mean both options break a
person’s morals.
What is an ethical theory?
An ethical theory is a model to help people
understand what they should do when faced with an
ethical dilemma.

Ethical theories are often put forward by

philosophers and ethicists.
Three Ethical Theories.
Utilitarianism Absolutism
The most happiness must There are some things that
be created for the most are always right or always
amount of people. wrong to do.

Situation Ethics
When looking at the
situation the most loving
thing must be done.
What is conscience?
Conscience is the ability to know what is right or
wrong in any situation.
It is something that we all simply have and know.
Some people see our conscience as a ‘little voice’
inside our heads which ‘tells’ us what is right or
wrong to do.
Christians would say that our conscience comes from
Conscience … from God?
Some Christians would say that our conscience is
God given. This means that the word of God is in our

It is therefore a part of God who is our conscience,

and it is God who is telling us what is right or wrong.
Conscience … from life
When we are children we start to be taught what is
right and wrong. This develops as we go through life.
The older we get the more mature we become, this
develops our conscience more.
As we move through life we gain more experiences
which helps us to understand what we should do in
an ethical dilemma.
Conscience … from role models?
Our conscience can be developed from who we look
up to. This is especially when we are younger, but it
doesn’t mean older people aren’t influenced by the
people around them.
Therefore if someone has a bad role model they may
develop a bad conscious and if they have a good role
model they may develop a good conscious.
The Ten Commandments
The Ten Commandments are a set of Christian
teachings, which influence how Christians should live
their lives.
They mainly tell Christians what they should not do.
Christians believe these rules have come from God.
The Ten Commandments
1. Belief in one God
2. Do not worship statues of God
3. Do not use the Lord’s name in vain
4. Go to Church on Sunday & remember God and Jesus.
5. Respect your father and mother.
6. You must not commit murder.
7. You must not commit adultery.
8. You must not steal.
9. Do not lie about anyone.
10. Do not be jealous of what other people have.
The 5 Moral Precepts
Buddhist’s have guidelines, which they follow to be
The 5 moral precepts, do not tell Buddhists what
they definitely should not do, but they tell them it
would be best if you did not do this.
Most Buddhists do try to follow these guidelines as
by doing so will help them to Nirvana.
The 5 Moral Precepts
1. Do not kill- do not harm any human or animal.
2. Do not steal – do not take anything that isn’t
3. Do not indulge in sexual misconduct – do not
cheat on your partner.
4. Do not lie – also do not gossip.
5. Do not drink alcohol – or take anything that can
cloud your mind.
Islam and the Five Pillars
Much like Christians, Muslims have 5 set rules which
they must follow.
These are called the 5 Pillars of Islam;
• Shahada: Faith.
• Salah: Prayer.
• Zakāt: Charity.
• Sawm: Fasting.
• Hajj: pilgrimage to Mecca.
Humanist Rules
Humanists are a group of people who focus on
humans rather than looking up to a divine.
Their main rule is called the ‘Golden Rule’. This rule
helps them to make ethical decisions;
‘we believe that people should aim to treat each
other as they would like to be treated themselves –
with tolerance, consideration and compassion.’

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