D13A. Presentation. en

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D9 – D13 power range

Engine Torque 3000


D13 EURO 3-4-5 520

D9 EURO 4-5 380

1500 340



200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550
Power (Hp) 1

Volvo Powertrain
 New 12.8 L engine replacing D12.
 EURO 3, 4 and 5 emission
 Ratings:
 520 hp / 2500 Nm
 480 hp / 2400 Nm
 440 hp / 2200 Nm
 400 hp / 2000 Nm
 Engine brake 300 kW
 Very good driveability
D13 EURO3-4-5
 Very good fuel consumption
 RE-PTO 1000 Nm (optional).
 Dry weight fully dressed 1115 kg.
 Oil drain 100.000 km/ 12 months with

Volvo Powertrain
WG turbo EURO4-5
480-520 hp
Volvo Engine Brake
(optional) HD exhaust system
EURO3 (optional)

2 valve/ 2000 bar

Delphi fuel injectors Air compressors
1 cyl 318
Nimonic 2 cyl 636
exhaust valves 2 cyl 704

pistons REPTO
Pump: DIN 5462
Shaft: SAE 1300/1400
80,110 or 120 Amp Fuel pump
Power steering pump
Closed crankcase
ventilation (optional) HD fuel filtration
Engine Control Oil pan: Plastic
System EMS2 or steel plate

Volvo Powertrain
Cruising speed
1200-1350 rpm

Volvo Powertrain
D13A Technical Information

Base engine
 Higher peak pressure, 200 bars (185)
 Good cylinder head, reinforced with an intermediate deck
 Increased wept volume 12,8 L (12,1)
By increased stroke 158 mm (150)
D13 should be run at lower RPMs than D12

 Fe, steel pistons, for all ratings

Monoblock with an oil cooling in the piston
 Engine has ladder frame for sturdy design

Volvo Powertrain
D13A Technical Information

Base engine
 Oil pump with pressure control valve=> lower BSFC
Angled gears, sinter cast gears
 Oil thermostat to for higher mean oil temp. => lower BSFC

 Sealed engine. Improved oil pan/valve cover gaskets. Improved

materials in plastics. Exhaust manifold Mica rings.

 Injectors are improved, E3 same as US02 => features/BSFC

 ECU is new same as US02 => higher capacity

 Engine brake, VEB is more power full due to the increased swept
volume. 180/300 kW, 1500/2300 rpms (170/285)

Volvo Powertrain
D13A Technical Information

Base engine
 Oil pan – standard is plastic
option is steel
steel is also used for on/off road
 Fuel filters Eu3 and Eu4 is standard same as D12
Eu4/5 for dirty markets will have a Racor 120 as pre-filter
and a new finer mesh filter as main filter
Small tank breather filter will be introduced with Eu4 as std

 Eu3 for ID markets will have heavy duty spec.

Turbo, exhaust manifold steel improved, exhaust gas temp measure to
reduce turbo over speed

 Eu4/5 480-520 hp and have a turbo waste gate, Air controlled by the

Volvo Powertrain
D13A Technical Information

 PTO – standard 650 Nm (both stand still and driving)
option 1000 Nm stand still and 650 Nm driving

 CCV – Restricted for Norway, Sweden, Finland, Russia, Balticum.

CCV Ok down to –30 Deg C
CCV will also be sold as an option for installation in the aftermarket

 No upgrade between emission classes possible

 Branding, VPT base color is now Sea Wolf grey, final paint is Volvo
green for Volvo. Branding marks are less, but selected parts branded

Volvo Powertrain
SCR customer values

 SCR technology have potential for very good fuel economy

 SCR technology provides high power.

 SCR technology provides EURO5 emission levels.

 SCR technology operates on standard fuels and is not sensitive

to fuel sulphur.

 SCR technology maintains long engine service intervals with

standard lubricating oil.

Volvo Powertrain
Summary SCR
 Benefits with SCR technology:
 have potential for very good fuel economy.
 provides high power.
 provides EURO5 emission levels.
 operates on standard fuels and is not sensitive to fuel sulphur.
 maintains long engine service intervals with standard lubricating oil.
 SCR technology require AdBlue to function. AdBlue is non-
hazardous, non-explosive, non-toxic and freezes at –11.5 C
 AdBlue distribution is rapidly built up through Europe.


Volvo Powertrain

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