D13A. Presentation. en
D13A. Presentation. en
D13A. Presentation. en
D13 EURO 3-4-5 520
200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550
Power (Hp) 1
Volvo Powertrain
New 12.8 L engine replacing D12.
EURO 3, 4 and 5 emission
520 hp / 2500 Nm
480 hp / 2400 Nm
440 hp / 2200 Nm
400 hp / 2000 Nm
Engine brake 300 kW
Very good driveability
D13 EURO3-4-5
Very good fuel consumption
RE-PTO 1000 Nm (optional).
Dry weight fully dressed 1115 kg.
Oil drain 100.000 km/ 12 months with
Volvo Powertrain
WG turbo EURO4-5
480-520 hp
Volvo Engine Brake
(optional) HD exhaust system
EURO3 (optional)
pistons REPTO
Pump: DIN 5462
Shaft: SAE 1300/1400
80,110 or 120 Amp Fuel pump
Power steering pump
Closed crankcase
ventilation (optional) HD fuel filtration
Engine Control Oil pan: Plastic
System EMS2 or steel plate
Volvo Powertrain
Cruising speed
1200-1350 rpm
Volvo Powertrain
D13A Technical Information
Base engine
Higher peak pressure, 200 bars (185)
Good cylinder head, reinforced with an intermediate deck
Increased wept volume 12,8 L (12,1)
By increased stroke 158 mm (150)
D13 should be run at lower RPMs than D12
Volvo Powertrain
D13A Technical Information
Base engine
Oil pump with pressure control valve=> lower BSFC
Angled gears, sinter cast gears
Oil thermostat to for higher mean oil temp. => lower BSFC
Engine brake, VEB is more power full due to the increased swept
volume. 180/300 kW, 1500/2300 rpms (170/285)
Volvo Powertrain
D13A Technical Information
Base engine
Oil pan – standard is plastic
option is steel
steel is also used for on/off road
Fuel filters Eu3 and Eu4 is standard same as D12
Eu4/5 for dirty markets will have a Racor 120 as pre-filter
and a new finer mesh filter as main filter
Small tank breather filter will be introduced with Eu4 as std
Eu4/5 480-520 hp and have a turbo waste gate, Air controlled by the
Volvo Powertrain
D13A Technical Information
PTO – standard 650 Nm (both stand still and driving)
option 1000 Nm stand still and 650 Nm driving
Branding, VPT base color is now Sea Wolf grey, final paint is Volvo
green for Volvo. Branding marks are less, but selected parts branded
Volvo Powertrain
SCR customer values
Volvo Powertrain
Summary SCR
Benefits with SCR technology:
have potential for very good fuel economy.
provides high power.
provides EURO5 emission levels.
operates on standard fuels and is not sensitive to fuel sulphur.
maintains long engine service intervals with standard lubricating oil.
SCR technology require AdBlue to function. AdBlue is non-
hazardous, non-explosive, non-toxic and freezes at –11.5 C
AdBlue distribution is rapidly built up through Europe.
Volvo Powertrain