ARDUINO Presentation by Ravishankar Pati

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By Ravishankar Patil M J
 Microcontrollers are small computers integrated into a single chip

 They contain
1. Processing core
2. Flash Memory for program
3. I/O peripherals
4. RAM
5. Peripherals such as clocks,timers,PWM etc

 Microprocessors are used for general purpose applications,while

microcontrollers are self sufficient and are used for specific tasks.

 Microcontrollers are an example of embedded systems.

 Arduino is an open-source physical computing platform.

 It is a small microcontroller board with a USB plug.

 Based on a simple i/o board and a development environment that implements

the Processing/writing language.

 Arduino can be used to develop stand-alone interactive objects or can be

connected to software on your computer.

 Easy-to-use hardware and software.

 It’s intended for students,artists,designers,hobbyists and anyone who tinker with


 It is programmed in Arduino Programming language(APL) similar to C/C++.

 Way more easy to program compared to other microcontroller packages.

 The Arduino is a microcontroller development platform(not a microcontroller….)

 It is the winner of “worlds best interaction award 2012” sponsered by google
 There are many versions of Arduino board.versions differ by
 Printed circuit boards that sit atop an arduino
 Plug into the normally supplied pin-headers of arduino.
 These are expansions to the base Arduino.
 For example:Arduino Ethernet shield,Xbee Shield,Touch Shield etc
 Should be between 9V and 12V DC.

 Must be rated for a minimum of 250mA current output.

 Must have a 2.1mm power plug on the Arduino end.

 The plug must be “centre positive”,that is,the middle pin of the plug
has to be the + connection
 Arduino boards can be controlled
Using an implementation of Wiring,
Which is a version of Processing
developed specifically for electronic
 Arduino looks like Processing,but
is actually built in C,so there are a
few differences to look out for.
 Arduino.IDE can be downloaded from
 Currently used version is 004.
 The arduino is programmed in C language.

 The language is very simple and provides many abstraction

for simplicity of reading and writing powerfull applications.

 It provides a serial monitor to see the serial data from the USB
virtual COM port.

 Allows one click compiling,verification and burning of code

onto the arduino.
 Arduino has two reserved functions:
1. void setup()
2. void loop()
 There is no pop-up display window,hence void draw() is not special.
Loop() can be considered to do the same thing as draw() for the arduino.
 There are three types of variable in Arduino:
i. char
ii. int
iii. long
 Arduino has a few reserved constants,which donot need to be defined:
1. HIGH//5 volts
2. LOW//0 volts
3. INPUT//pin is input
4. OUTPUT//pin is output
 Conditional statements are the same as in Processing.
 Functions can be defined the same as in Processing
 Open the IDE

 Write code and logic

 Click the verify/compile button to check your program for errors

 Attach the arduino via USB to the PC

 Install drivers if first time

 Setup serial port being used.

 Setup board which we need to program.

 Click upload code to send code to arduino.

 “simulator for Arduino v0.95” is the simulator software to make
virtual implementation of the Arduino.

 The benefits and features are:

1. The ability to teach and demonstrate the inner workings of an
Arduino sketch
2. Test out a sketch without the hardware,or prior to purchasing
3. Debug a sketch
4. Demonstrate a project to a potential customer
5. Develop a complicated sketch faster than using the hardware
 It is Open Source,both in terms of Hardware and Software.

 It is cheap,(about $20,the cost of going out for pizza)

 USB connectivity(MacBooks don’t have serial ports)

 More powerful than a BASIC stamp(it costs around $180)

 Simple and easy to use by someone without formal electronics

training.Editing and rewriting is often easier than writing from
scratch.That’s where the BeagleBoard falls short.”It has virtually no
example application that you can just copy and hack to learn from”.

 We know simple is attractive.

 By the Numbers
Year Units sold
2005 200
2006 10,000
2010 120,000
2011 300,000(As of May 2011)
 Google trends data comparing Arduino with its biggest competitors
 Interactive real-time auditory feedback system
 GPS receiver module
 Ultrasonic sensor
 Infrared detectors
 Sensor tube for heart monitor
 Pulse rate monitor
 Seven segment LED dice
 Simple room temperature readout
 Lie detector
 Lilypad binary clock
 In google annual conference “GOOGLE IO 2011”,android executive
announced its most ambitious venture “ANDROID OPEN ACCESSORY”
 They want to bring ANROID out of mobile phone/devices to real
 ANDROID sees the true potential of ARDUINO!!!
 They are going to use arduino to interface with the real world
objects. Along with other sensors companies like LEADing science.
 To create a Computer made out of ARDUINO
 Calling it “ARDUINO COMPUTER!!!”
 There are lots of applications,devices
today…doing crazy things…most of us
wouldn’t have thought possible even 2 years
ago…with ARDUINO…instead of “FUTURE”,we
can dream “tomorrow”!!!...
 And is worth including in academic studies!!
 By Ravishankar Patil M J
 Email
 # no: 8722557629

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