Mobile Phone Textula
Mobile Phone Textula
Mobile Phone Textula
a fixed verse Filipino poetry which is composed
of four lines using the mobile phone. Mobile
phone textual is also called the modern tanaga,
which is a type of Filipino poem, consisting of four
lines with seven syllables each with the same
rhyme at the end of each line - that is to say a 7-7-
7-7 syllabic verse, with an AABB rhyme scheme.
•The modern tanaga still uses the 7777
syllable count, but rhymes range from dual
rhyme forms: AABB, ABAB, ABBA; to
freestyle forms such as AAAB, BAAA, or
ABCD. Tanagas do not have titles
traditionally because the tanaga should
speak for itself. However, moderns can opt
to give them titles.
Atilla Roma
Ay! Walang kapagurang
Pagngasab at pagdaldal
Labis pang tumatakaw
Ang baboy sa labangan